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Mark Hateley: You duds are a disgrace

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Rangers' so-called stars should take a long look into the eyes of Walter Smith and see how much they've hurt him.

For the moment they should forget about what the fans are saying. They should even put to the back of their minds what club legends are feeling.

Instead they should solely think about the damage they've done to Walter's pride.

And it will take some time for those wounds to heal.

We all know you sometimes take a beating. But to Unirea? To a team few of us had heard of before the draw was made?

But perhaps we should have seen it coming. Perhaps we should've known humiliation was about to be heaped right on to these players. Still, the question remains - how can a team that reached the UEFA Cup Final and won the Double last season be so lame on Tuesday night?

Where was that never-say-die attitude? Where was the spirit? I tell you what, there will need to be some hunger shown - and fast.

The club doesn't have any money so Walter could be looking to ship a whole host of players out of Ibrox if they don't buck up their ideas.

We all know they can perform but there has been little evidence of it for a while. We certainly didn't witness it against the Romanians. There was hardly even a tackle. Barely even a run. Nothing positive at all to take from that disgraceful display.

These players don't know how lucky they are.

They are not only fortunate to be playing for Rangers but just being paid for kicking a football about.

Thousands of players, young and old, are out of a job in this time of great uncertainty.

These players get wonderful rewards and big sacrifices have to be made to stay at the top for a long time. That's what Walter will be looking for - a sign the players are willing to sacrifice everything for him.

They owe him. And they owe him big time.

They have to show they deserve the trust of the manager again.

They have to put themselves on the line, stand up and be counted and give us a performance you expect from Rangers players.

Nobody, except maybe Sasa Papac and Kevin Thomson, emerged with pass marks and that is unacceptable.

To make matters worse Pedro Mendes could be out for weeks which hits the dressing room hard.

He hasn't played to his usual high standard but is still an influential player. He is a player any team would miss.

These players deserve every word of criticism spat out of my mouth but I do not except some fans' views they are paid too much money.

Rangers didn't lose so badly because the players are overpaid and too pampered.

It doesn't matter if you earn £10 or £10,000 - personal pride comes from within. It is all down to character, not money.

So let's have more of it. Let's see you guys come out fighting.

And the same can apply to Maurice Edu.

He needs to get his head down and show those racist morons they won't win.

http://blogs.<No links to this website>/markhateley...grace.html#more

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And the same can apply to Maurice Edu.

He needs to get his head down and show those racist morons they won't win.


Sounds like he's telling him to get into the team and play well, thus showing the racists they didn't break his spirit.

I got what he was meant, it just seemed like a really weird thing to say, and end an article with.

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To be fair most of us could have wrote that. What he is saying is spot on!

aye but if we did, None of the player seem to give a fuck what the supporters think. On the other hand Mark Hately might influence a few of them.

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To be fair most of us could have wrote that. What he is saying is spot on!

aye but if we did, None of the player seem to give a fuck what the supporters think. On the other hand Mark Hately might influence a few of them.

I don't think anything or anyone could influence the pish we have tbh.

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MH is saying what we all know, but I think some players are well overpaid in relation to their efforts. The team has never started this year and I feel that behind the scenes bonuses may have been cut and players are unhappy. I for one would bet that CL bonuses are nowhere as big as some of the ones in the past for European games. Remember the talk about how the bonuses paid in the run up to Manchester cost the club a fortune after the financial figures were revealed.

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Pish article.

Read it this morning, and couldn't help but be angered by it. The players should be apologising to Smith?!


Smith's the one setting the training schedules, telling them how to play, going one up front at home to Unirea Urziceni, playing Lee McCulloch as a defender etc. That's not to say the players should be let off, because they've been a fucking disgrace as well.

It's just another Walter Smith-friendly article, no-one seems willing to point out the mistakes he's made.

Above all that, it seems like the fans are the ones being ignored again. Never mind the players apologising to Smith, Mr Hateley.

Why don't the players AND management issue an apology to the fans who have forked out their hard earned cash to witness two of the worst home results in Rangers' European history.

Still, what do you expect from this guy? A legend on the park, but some of the shit he comes out with in the media is severely endangering that status.

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Pish article.

Read it this morning, and couldn't help but be angered by it. The players should be apologising to Smith?!


Smith's the one setting the training schedules, telling them how to play, going one up front at home to Unirea Urziceni, playing Lee McCulloch as a defender etc. That's not to say the players should be let off, because they've been a fucking disgrace as well.

It's just another Walter Smith-friendly article, no-one seems willing to point out the mistakes he's made.

Above all that, it seems like the fans are the ones being ignored again. Never mind the players apologising to Smith, Mr Hateley.

Why don't the players AND management issue an apology to the fans who have forked out their hard earned cash to witness two of the worst home results in Rangers' European history.

Still, what do you expect from this guy? A legend on the park, but some of the shit he comes out with in the media is severely endangering that status.

Funny you said that cause Chick Young said the exact same thing on Radio Scotland after the game, he said in the press conference he got to ask two questions in a row and then nobody from other stations wanted to follow up with anything.

Walter Smith does get a easy ride in the media, i was going to leave this Peter Martin one out but i'll add it in.

THERE was a time when back-to-back 4-1 defeats in Europe would spark calls for the manager at either of Glasgow's big two clubs to be sacked.

Not so at Ibrox, Walter Smith is bomb proof. Sadly, his team is not as yet again, Rangers were routed in consecutive Champions League home games.

At the start of this campaign, I thought a poor Rangers side might get at least third in the group.

How wrong can you be?

Fresh from saying last week about how rubbish the SPL is, Walter then watched on in agony on Tuesday night and saw how equally rubbish his side were against the rookies from Romania in Unirea.

Dan Petrescu admitted his surprise at the home team only playing one-up at home against his side.

It's nothing new to the disgruntled Ibrox faithful, who are now no longer interested in how other clubs, including Manchester United, adopt a similar system in Europe.

I understand why Walter avoids a 4-4-2 formation against good teams, because he knows this current bunch are always in danger of getting a right gubbing.

There is a feeling among Old Firm fans that the Champions League is where they belong.That is no longer the case.

Rangers are imposters at this level and there's not one player in the starting XI worthy of strutting his stuff among Europe's elite. Pedro Mendes has been poor since his arrival but his injury, ironically, robs the team of the one player capable of producing something better than ordinary when Hibs come calling on Saturday.

Madjid Bougherra is an absolute stick-on to be shown the door, if not in January, then definitely the summer.

Documents gone and a freak injury, call me a cynic, but...?

You can understand why some supporters are livid that Andy Webster is wearing a Dundee United strip, when he could have been used as cover for injuries or players not reporting back on time.

Furthermore, there should now be a ban on any player coming out post-match saying they can still win the next two games away to Unirea and at home to Stuttgart to snatch third in the group.

Kenny Miller is deluding himself if he thinks this current crop can harvest anything other than domestic football beyond December.

David Weir is slightly more sensible in his assessment that the club, manager and players must address the problems and there are plenty.

The biggest problem, however, is there's no cash to change things, unless of course, you believe a man in a big red hat is coming to invest millions in Rangers in December. That tale has been doing the rounds for quite a while.

When I look back on Rangers' Nine-in-a-Row team of the Nineties, when money was being thrown around like confetti, there were still excuses being made after regular European flops - the three foreigner rule, the lack of real competition in Scotland and that home-based players were not good enough.

Now, with excuses falling on deaf ears, Walter should be well aware that all his years of experience will not be able to stop the decline.

Mr Smith's reputation will count for nothing shortly, as more and more of the fans continue to turn on him.

There is, however, the small consolation of being top of the SPL, but then again, it's not a very good league, according to the Rangers gaffer.


I'm going to leave out who wrote this, but going from what Papaguy mentioned in another thread about media friendly Walter Smith articles i thought this one atleast asks the question.

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Mark Hateley is seriously in love with Walter Smith.

The players and Walter are equally to blame. The game has moved on, but unfortunately Walter Smith hasn't. Younger players are the way forward for this club, especially with the financial state we are in. The likes of Danny Wilson, Gregg Wydle, Andrew Little and John Fleck are surely better than Lee McCulloch, Jerome Rothen, Kyle Lafferty etc.

It's articles like this that is keeping Walter in his job.

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I read this today, quite cringe worthy. If he thinks Walter Smith is blameless, he is very very mistaken. You cant lay blame on either the players or the manager, its lies with both equally. I hope I never witness a display like that again in my time watching Glasgow Rangers.

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