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Another perception on recent claims by contacts/boss

Shipyard Blues

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Am I the only person who finds the squabbling on both forums pathetic. The same as the squabbles as the RSA, RST and the Assembly have.


I`ve tried on other threads over by to try and convince people that division will be the biggest enemy , it appears that I`m pissing against the wind , I noticed the comment mentioning me earlier and how me posting here seemed to act like a red rag to a bull to folk over here who were pissed at FF , not something that bothers me either way . I`m a big boy ( for a dwarf ) and stuff like this will always fly over my head as I`m too stupid to be annoyed by it.

It would seem that despite some of us posting that we don`t give a shit about FF , RM , RST or RSA when it comes down to this protest that some folk believe that its a Mark Dingwall led initiative , thats their call if they believe it then there ain`t a great deal I can say to convince them otherwise .

all I`ll say is this

Like others I`ll be aware that a huge part of this is down to something that happened with regards to the RST , I couldn`t give a monkeys toss about it . I`m not in full possession of all the details as to what happened and have no interest in knowing now .

I love The Rangers FC , its as simple as that

Anyone ( and I mean anyone ) using any fight to further their own personal ambitions is a fucking half wit in my eyes , and I couldn`t give a rats arse where they post , or are members of or blah blah blah blah , etc

This article on FF means the same to me as the one posted on the night before the protest on here .

Division .

If it allowed me to talk to you again i can only view it as a good thing....... :blush:


With the chance of being called a homo , I must admit that I missed you :D



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Am I the only person who finds the squabbling on both forums pathetic. The same as the squabbles as the RSA, RST and the Assembly have.


I`ve tried on other threads over by to try and convince people that division will be the biggest enemy , it appears that I`m pissing against the wind , I noticed the comment mentioning me earlier and how me posting here seemed to act like a red rag to a bull to folk over here who were pissed at FF , not something that bothers me either way . I`m a big boy ( for a dwarf ) and stuff like this will always fly over my head as I`m too stupid to be annoyed by it.

It would seem that despite some of us posting that we don`t give a shit about FF , RM , RST or RSA when it comes down to this protest that some folk believe that its a Mark Dingwall led initiative , thats their call if they believe it then there ain`t a great deal I can say to convince them otherwise .

all I`ll say is this

Like others I`ll be aware that a huge part of this is down to something that happened with regards to the RST , I couldn`t give a monkeys toss about it . I`m not in full possession of all the details as to what happened and have no interest in knowing now .

I love The Rangers FC , its as simple as that

Anyone ( and I mean anyone ) using any fight to further their own personal ambitions is a fucking half wit in my eyes , and I couldn`t give a rats arse where they post , or are members of or blah blah blah blah , etc

This article on FF means the same to me as the one posted on the night before the protest on here .

Division .

If it allowed me to talk to you again i can only view it as a good thing....... :blush:


With the chance of being called a homo , I must admit that I missed you :D

I am confused?

(No not sexually)

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I wondered how long it would be before open season was declared on Suck...

Forming an opinion on FF without taking him into consideration, is like forming an opinion on North Korea without taking Kim Jong-Il into consideration.

Opinions are like arseholes....

I'll bow to your superior knowledge of both. :D

Well I do post on both RM and FF ;)

Well get involved in the debate on FF aswell

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Am I the only person who finds the squabbling on both forums pathetic. The same as the squabbles as the RSA, RST and the Assembly have.


I`ve tried on other threads over by to try and convince people that division will be the biggest enemy , it appears that I`m pissing against the wind , I noticed the comment mentioning me earlier and how me posting here seemed to act like a red rag to a bull to folk over here who were pissed at FF , not something that bothers me either way . I`m a big boy ( for a dwarf ) and stuff like this will always fly over my head as I`m too stupid to be annoyed by it.

It would seem that despite some of us posting that we don`t give a shit about FF , RM , RST or RSA when it comes down to this protest that some folk believe that its a Mark Dingwall led initiative , thats their call if they believe it then there ain`t a great deal I can say to convince them otherwise .

all I`ll say is this

Like others I`ll be aware that a huge part of this is down to something that happened with regards to the RST , I couldn`t give a monkeys toss about it . I`m not in full possession of all the details as to what happened and have no interest in knowing now .

I love The Rangers FC , its as simple as that

Anyone ( and I mean anyone ) using any fight to further their own personal ambitions is a fucking half wit in my eyes , and I couldn`t give a rats arse where they post , or are members of or blah blah blah blah , etc

This article on FF means the same to me as the one posted on the night before the protest on here .

Division .

I generally agree with the majority of what you post here, apart from the very end, everyone is entitled to their views and their perspectives, it has nothing to do with division, what causes the appeared division, and I use the word appeared as strongly as possible as forums only represent a small minority of the Rangers support, is the way some members of sites will just attack what is written and respond with derogatory comments against an article or the author of an article rather than provide a constructive view point of why they may disagree with said article.

Debate is encouraged as much as possible, but not personalised attackes, whether it be against an individual, an article or even an attack against another Rangers forum.

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Well I think it's time for more punters who aren't associated with either the RST, RSA, Assembly and don't care about the squabbles on RM and FF came forward.

You don't become a Rangers/FF fan or a Rangers/RM fan your a Rangers FC fan first and foremost!

It's high time the Assembly, the RST and others amalgamated. They claim they are all singing from the same hymn sheet but most of them don't seem to have a clue what the normal punter wants.

Mark Dingwall, David Edgar, Andy Kerr, John MacMillan claim to speak for all Rangers supporters. How can they when there are 3 seperate organisations trying to call the shots. Everyone should get together and never mind all this pish

Too many chiefs and not enough indians is the phrase that springs to mind

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I`ve tried on other threads over by to try and convince people that division will be the biggest enemy , it appears that I`m pissing against the wind , I noticed the comment mentioning me earlier and how me posting here seemed to act like a red rag to a bull to folk over here who were pissed at FF , not something that bothers me either way . I`m a big boy ( for a dwarf ) and stuff like this will always fly over my head as I`m too stupid to be annoyed by it.

It would seem that despite some of us posting that we don`t give a shit about FF , RM , RST or RSA when it comes down to this protest that some folk believe that its a Mark Dingwall led initiative , thats their call if they believe it then there ain`t a great deal I can say to convince them otherwise .

all I`ll say is this

Like others I`ll be aware that a huge part of this is down to something that happened with regards to the RST , I couldn`t give a monkeys toss about it . I`m not in full possession of all the details as to what happened and have no interest in knowing now .

I love The Rangers FC , its as simple as that

Anyone ( and I mean anyone ) using any fight to further their own personal ambitions is a fucking half wit in my eyes , and I couldn`t give a rats arse where they post , or are members of or blah blah blah blah , etc

This article on FF means the same to me as the one posted on the night before the protest on here .

Division .

It appears that no matter which way we turn we'll be met with the same divisions. You kniow I've tried more than a few times but it's just not happening.

Still, in the words of the great man 'We have to take it on the chin and move on'

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Am I the only person who finds the squabbling on both forums pathetic. The same as the squabbles as the RSA, RST and the Assembly have.


I`ve tried on other threads over by to try and convince people that division will be the biggest enemy , it appears that I`m pissing against the wind , I noticed the comment mentioning me earlier and how me posting here seemed to act like a red rag to a bull to folk over here who were pissed at FF , not something that bothers me either way . I`m a big boy ( for a dwarf ) and stuff like this will always fly over my head as I`m too stupid to be annoyed by it.

It would seem that despite some of us posting that we don`t give a shit about FF , RM , RST or RSA when it comes down to this protest that some folk believe that its a Mark Dingwall led initiative , thats their call if they believe it then there ain`t a great deal I can say to convince them otherwise .

all I`ll say is this

Like others I`ll be aware that a huge part of this is down to something that happened with regards to the RST , I couldn`t give a monkeys toss about it . I`m not in full possession of all the details as to what happened and have no interest in knowing now .

I love The Rangers FC , its as simple as that

Anyone ( and I mean anyone ) using any fight to further their own personal ambitions is a fucking half wit in my eyes , and I couldn`t give a rats arse where they post , or are members of or blah blah blah blah , etc

This article on FF means the same to me as the one posted on the night before the protest on here .

Division .

Amen to that, the biggest sense written on this so far.

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I have no idea what was said at the meeting and only take people's comments at face value like everyone else. However I recall an article being published on FF not 2 weeks ago, asking for the fans to unite and stand together. Were we to unite for 2 weeks only and then FF would attack whoever it felt like?

To attack the biggest non profit Rangers website on the planet (RM) reeks of cowardice and desperation. However profits must be maintained in FF land and they'll do anything they can to keep the cash rolling in.

Even if it means working with Ta ig journalists.

Good Afternoon Willhelm.

A whole post designed to fan flames rather than extinguish them. Par for the course I gas (i mean guess)

The article was posted on FF, doesn't mean FF is attacking anyone else.

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One observation that sticks out to me is at least contActs and the boss put there cybernames to what they posted (and plenty of people know the real names behind these monikers)

the person responsible for this piece has chosen not to that .....I will let others speculate as to why they hAve done this

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The article criticises contacts because he wrote an article voicing concern regarding Muir's & the banks role at the club, name me one Rangers that wasn't concerned when this was all happening?

I will also point out the RST /FF constantly bleat about OTT criticism of themselves, personal attacks and unfounded allegations from others amongst the Rangers support. What I've read in recent days regarding this site and individuals from the self same people has been a disgrace, so if they're big enough to dish it out then they should be big enough to take it.

Personally I will have nothing to do with any fans group/membership scheme or camapign while people like that are the driving force.

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Well I think it's time for more punters who aren't associated with either the RST, RSA, Assembly and don't care about the squabbles on RM and FF came forward.

You don't become a Rangers/FF fan or a Rangers/RM fan your a Rangers FC fan first and foremost!

It's high time the Assembly, the RST and others amalgamated. They claim they are all singing from the same hymn sheet but most of them don't seem to have a clue what the normal punter wants.

Mark Dingwall, David Edgar, Andy Kerr, John MacMillan claim to speak for all Rangers supporters. How can they when there are 3 seperate organisations trying to call the shots. Everyone should get together and never mind all this pish

Too many chiefs and not enough indians is the phrase that springs to mind

Hear Hear, can you imagine if we all chipped in to own the club, fuck me it would be warfare, we would have no fans left.

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Not sure how the 'article' from the OP moves anything forward. A piece clearly written to publicly criticize individuals. Cowardly at best imho.

Of course, emotions are extremely high at this time of 'trouble'. We need unity, not division.

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Well I think it's time for more punters who aren't associated with either the RST, RSA, Assembly and don't care about the squabbles on RM and FF came forward.

You don't become a Rangers/FF fan or a Rangers/RM fan your a Rangers FC fan first and foremost!

It's high time the Assembly, the RST and others amalgamated. They claim they are all singing from the same hymn sheet but most of them don't seem to have a clue what the normal punter wants.

Mark Dingwall, David Edgar, Andy Kerr, John MacMillan claim to speak for all Rangers supporters. How can they when there are 3 seperate organisations trying to call the shots. Everyone should get together and never mind all this pish

Too many chiefs and not enough indians is the phrase that springs to mind

Hear Hear, can you imagine if we all chipped in to own the club, fuck me it would be warfare, we would have no fans left.

when we chip in to own the club , I want a game

the rest of you can vote on stuff , I want playing time

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I have no idea what was said at the meeting and only take people's comments at face value like everyone else. However I recall an article being published on FF not 2 weeks ago, asking for the fans to unite and stand together. Were we to unite for 2 weeks only and then FF would attack whoever it felt like?

To attack the biggest non profit Rangers website on the planet (RM) reeks of cowardice and desperation. However profits must be maintained in FF land and they'll do anything they can to keep the cash rolling in.

Even if it means working with Ta ig journalists.

Good Afternoon Willhelm.

A whole post designed to fan flames rather than extinguish them. Par for the course I gas (i mean guess)

The article was posted on FF, doesn't mean FF is attacking anyone else.

Yet you and others attack rm for posting boss's and contacts articles......

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Lots of people from FF jumping on this as if it were gospel. Lots of people here jumping on it as if it were entirely ficticious.

Not one person has asked the only really important question, so I will;

Boss, Contacts, did you sit down with Mr. Muir this week?

Contacts did, as well as a few other well-known and respected Rangers fans.

If he sat down with Murray and was given the same answers would he have written the same article , dont think so , why would any Rangers fan take the word of Muir at face value , no one knows the guy he has no track record at Rangers , Wallter has continually briefed the press against him , yet we are all to believe Contacts over Walter and other posters , that's one huge leap of faith with a very small parachute

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I have no idea what was said at the meeting and only take people's comments at face value like everyone else. However I recall an article being published on FF not 2 weeks ago, asking for the fans to unite and stand together. Were we to unite for 2 weeks only and then FF would attack whoever it felt like?

To attack the biggest non profit Rangers website on the planet (RM) reeks of cowardice and desperation. However profits must be maintained in FF land and they'll do anything they can to keep the cash rolling in.

Even if it means working with Ta ig journalists.

Good Afternoon Willhelm.

A whole post designed to fan flames rather than extinguish them. Par for the course I gas (i mean guess)

The article was posted on FF, doesn't mean FF is attacking anyone else.

So FF are not attacking anyone or any website? You cannot fart on that site without the post being chopped by the lickspittles and cardboard admin team. So if this article was not organised as a personal attack on Contacts (Remember I know the history here) by the profiteering bully, then I'm a Dutchman.

As I said, I don't know who said what and who is telling the truth. But I do know one thing. One man has done more damage to the Rangers supporters unity and friendship, than any other person in our history. One man attempts to hijack every organisation for his own aims and profits. And that man is not Contacts.

However that aside, the Rangers support are 99% united and most are now seeing the people who divide for what they are.

At least you're not threatened with a ban if you don't begin posting immediately once you join FF. Good god, other sites would have nothing to talk about if that was the case.

You're not the only one aware of the history. You're also not the only one who doesn't have both sides of the story.

Providing services to fans is all well and good and there are certainly very few grumbles from the people whose money is being taken for various nights, day trips, raffles etc. I suppose Erskine is also a big con to line his pockets eh?

It isnt like we're talking about Hoopygirl and Mince here, theres no robberies taking place.

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I have no idea what was said at the meeting and only take people's comments at face value like everyone else. However I recall an article being published on FF not 2 weeks ago, asking for the fans to unite and stand together. Were we to unite for 2 weeks only and then FF would attack whoever it felt like?

To attack the biggest non profit Rangers website on the planet (RM) reeks of cowardice and desperation. However profits must be maintained in FF land and they'll do anything they can to keep the cash rolling in.

Even if it means working with Ta ig journalists.

Good Afternoon Willhelm.

A whole post designed to fan flames rather than extinguish them. Par for the course I gas (i mean guess)

The article was posted on FF, doesn't mean FF is attacking anyone else.

So FF are not attacking anyone or any website? You cannot fart on that site without the post being chopped by the lickspittles and cardboard admin team. So if this article was not organised as a personal attack on Contacts (Remember I know the history here) by the profiteering bully, then I'm a Dutchman.

As I said, I don't know who said what and who is telling the truth. But I do know one thing. One man has done more damage to the Rangers supporters unity and friendship, than any other person in our history. One man attempts to hijack every organisation for his own aims and profits. And that man is not Contacts.

However that aside, the Rangers support are 99% united and most are now seeing the people who divide for what they are.

It is going to get far worse when "that man" realizes Muir has cut him out of the loop.

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For those suggesting someone else is behind this article, you're incorrect.

I can understand why you would think otherwise and he's had a few ribbings about it over on FF, but it is solely his article on what he has been told.

I can only assume his info has emerged from the meeting with Muir as well.

And there we have the problem. How about those involved in cosying up to Muir, regardless of what "side" your on, refuse to meet him and instead encourage him to speak to the Rangers support as a whole.

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So FF are not attacking anyone or any website? You cannot fart on that site without the post being chopped by the lickspittles and cardboard admin team. So if this article was not organised as a personal attack on Contacts (Remember I know the history here) by the profiteering bully, then I'm a Dutchman.

As I said, I don't know who said what and who is telling the truth. But I do know one thing. One man has done more damage to the Rangers supporters unity and friendship, than any other person in our history. One man attempts to hijack every organisation for his own aims and profits. And that man is not Contacts.

However that aside, the Rangers support are 99% united and most are now seeing the people who divide for what they are.

What do you expect from a man who has left every organisation he's ever been a member of unless he's been able to be on the exectutive team and control it?

Anyone that profiteers from our dead hero's names to make themselve's rich is a slug.

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