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Clyde 1 Takeover/Financial Rumours


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I don't need to know him to know he has lied abpout our club since October. Whether he profess to support us or not he is still lying about Rangers to make money and that makes him a scumbag in my book.

The moment he chose to "break" his story yesterday is not the work of a real Rangers fan.

The guy is a first class cock.

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Guys tell me king is a Rangers man all you want, however what Rangers man would decide to break the news 5 mins after the title. Remember 40 days to save Rangers? Administration by Tuesday, the only show in town malarky. Too much bullshit for me. When something happens it happens. Boss BP9 and GCL will im sure keep posting and pointing out the "myths" these journos are typing. 3 guys who know financial figures and how things work.

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I don't need to know him to know he has lied abpout our club since October. Whether he profess to support us or not he is still lying about Rangers to make money and that makes him a scumbag in my book.

The moment he chose to "break" his story yesterday is not the work of a real Rangers fan.

The guy is a first class cock.

and how would him lying about rangers make him money

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I don't need to know him to know he has lied abpout our club since October. Whether he profess to support us or not he is still lying about Rangers to make money and that makes him a scumbag in my book.

The moment he chose to "break" his story yesterday is not the work of a real Rangers fan.

The guy is a first class cock.

and how would him lying about rangers make him money

His “exclusives” keep him in a job as they attract hits to the website and listeners to the radio station. At a time when rangers fans want someone to tell them the truth it’s a shame daryll has decided to lie to us by revealing scaremongering storys that have been wrong all the way. Look to his first exclusive back in October and the rhetoric that was used…..none of the stuff he said would happen has……

Remember this is the same journalist whose paper had to retract some of the lies he has written about rangers after Sir David got the lawyers onto him…

I feel sorry for him he is obviously not the brightest lad, he even got taken in hook line and sinker by a our attention seeking chum from Florida….. :lol:

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Right I am not one to get caught up in journalistic fabrications, and living overseas I don't listen to British Radio anyway. However. I do not understand why there remains this confusion

I am confused as to why there is any further need for cost cutting. I am confused as to why we are struggling to attract a buyer. I am confused as to why our current level of debt is not entirely manageable. I am confused as to why we cannot afford to offer our messianic manager and his team worthy contracts.

It is hardly surprising that a self serving journalist would fill in all the gaps with speculation. What is damning is that they deliberately timed the speculation to coincide with us clinching the league.... by doing so they cast huge aspersions on the integrity of the speculation and effectively turn it into nothing more than mischief making.

However, I cannot shake the niggling doubt that there is a fly in the ointment somewhere. There is something that we are not aware of. Something that does not yet appear in the public domain.... I cannot substantiate that feeling and I believe all the more knowledgeable posters who say that MIH cannot pull us down with them. But for months I have failed to understand why Walter is being so dramatic, why there is repeated talk of us having to downsize the squad dramatically in the summer, why senior players are refusing to sign contracts that they have allegedly been offered, why senior players have allegedly not been offered contracts, why buyers flit in and out of the shadows and why there has been no further interest in buying the club.

I am not panicking but its just a very uneasy feeling and its got my spidey senses tingling..... why can the club not provide us with clarity?

What is stopping AJ or SDM coming out and saying categorically that Rangers fortunes are not intertwined with MIH's or SDM's? What is to stop Lloyds coming out and stating categorically that the Rangers debt is x amount and we want them to pay back y amount per annum and as long as they do this on a sustainable basis then everything is fine?

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you obviously dont know him

dado1, you are right insofar as Daryll King is a Rangers fan. I think the problem, however, is that sometimes, perhaps often, you wouldn't know it.

For him to come out with what he did yesterday, five minutes after we won our 53rd title, and on Rhadio Snyde of all places, is what you would expect of Guidi, Keevins, Bitter-McGuire-Martin et al.

He should know better; perhaps it's the company he keeps.

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I don't need to know him to know he has lied abpout our club since October. Whether he profess to support us or not he is still lying about Rangers to make money and that makes him a scumbag in my book.

The moment he chose to "break" his story yesterday is not the work of a real Rangers fan.

The guy is a first class cock.

and how would him lying about rangers make him money

I agree with you dado he's a blue nose and he's not out to make money and it was that arse hole Derek Johnstone who kept on saying Rangers where going to get a buyer in January fuck me he's still saying it (Rangers legend but thick as shit) and I remember Daryl King being gutted on air when the ENEMY beat us at their own MIDDEN a couple of seasons ago HOWEVER his timing was TERRIBLE he should have kept his mouth shut about our finances but thats just my opinion most people will disagree with me but I dont give a F##K I'm still celebrating and thats what we all should be doing I've said it before and I'll say it again Rangers will never go to the wall so keep the faith "No Surrender" :uk:

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We have heard these type of headlines so many times this season and people always go overboard with them and get all worked up thinking Rangers will be in administartion this time next week. Guess what it hasnt happened the previous times and it wont happen this time. We have just won the league and guaranteed CL league money.

Has D.King not been working with a party interested in buying RFC anyway?

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I don't need to know him to know he has lied abpout our club since October. Whether he profess to support us or not he is still lying about Rangers to make money and that makes him a scumbag in my book.

The moment he chose to "break" his story yesterday is not the work of a real Rangers fan.

The guy is a first class cock.

and how would him lying about rangers make him money

I agree with you dado he's a blue nose and he's not out to make money and it was that arse hole Derek Johnstone who kept on saying Rangers where going to get a buyer in January fuck me he's still saying it (Rangers legend but thick as shit) and I remember Daryl King being gutted on air when the ENEMY beat us at their own MIDDEN a couple of seasons ago HOWEVER his timing was TERRIBLE he should have kept his mouth shut about our finances but thats just my opinion most people will disagree with me but I dont give a F##K I'm still celebrating and thats what we all should be doing I've said it before and I'll say it again Rangers will never go to the wall so keep the faith "No Surrender" :uk:

Aye derek Johnstone is an arsehole and daryll king is a good rangers man..... :(:lol:doh

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I don't need to know him to know he has lied abpout our club since October. Whether he profess to support us or not he is still lying about Rangers to make money and that makes him a scumbag in my book.

The moment he chose to "break" his story yesterday is not the work of a real Rangers fan.

The guy is a first class cock.

and how would him lying about rangers make him money

I agree with you dado he's a blue nose and he's not out to make money and it was that arse hole Derek Johnstone who kept on saying Rangers where going to get a buyer in January fuck me he's still saying it (Rangers legend but thick as shit) and I remember Daryl King being gutted on air when the ENEMY beat us at their own MIDDEN a couple of seasons ago HOWEVER his timing was TERRIBLE he should have kept his mouth shut about our finances but thats just my opinion most people will disagree with me but I dont give a F##K I'm still celebrating and thats what we all should be doing I've said it before and I'll say it again Rangers will never go to the wall so keep the faith "No Surrender" :uk:

Aye derek Johnstone is an arsehole and daryll king is a good rangers man..... :(:lol:doh

I said DJ was a Rangers legend but thick as shit but to keep you happy I'll re phrase my post Derek Johnstone is a Rangers legend who talks out of his arse does that make you any happier or do you go along with big DJ that we are getting bought over Jan, Feb, March, April etc etc doh:uk:

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King is a Bluenose and just maybe somebody from inside Ibrox wanted this announced. Remember there is a lot of misinformation being fed out on a daily basis. Oh and Derek Johnstone is a balloon. :sherlock:

Aye someone within ibrox who was part of a failed consortium to buy us, king has been there bitch for months now.

Johnstone has done more for Rangers than king could even dream of……

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via the London stock exchanges take over panel website:

OFFEREE: Rangers Football Club Plc

Offer period commenced: 18:16 26-Oct-2009

10p ordinary ISIN: GB0007237380 NSI: 108,791,49

OFFEROR: RFC Holdings (Guernsey) Limited (Andrew Ellis)

Declared end of trading 23 April.

Will wait and see what the papers or more importantly the BBC.

does the "declared end of trading 23 April" mean the deal is off?

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Right I am not one to get caught up in journalistic fabrications, and living overseas I don't listen to British Radio anyway. However. I do not understand why there remains this confusion

I am confused as to why there is any further need for cost cutting. I am confused as to why we are struggling to attract a buyer. I am confused as to why our current level of debt is not entirely manageable. I am confused as to why we cannot afford to offer our messianic manager and his team worthy contracts.

It is hardly surprising that a self serving journalist would fill in all the gaps with speculation. What is damning is that they deliberately timed the speculation to coincide with us clinching the league.... by doing so they cast huge aspersions on the integrity of the speculation and effectively turn it into nothing more than mischief making.

However, I cannot shake the niggling doubt that there is a fly in the ointment somewhere. There is something that we are not aware of. Something that does not yet appear in the public domain.... I cannot substantiate that feeling and I believe all the more knowledgeable posters who say that MIH cannot pull us down with them. But for months I have failed to understand why Walter is being so dramatic, why there is repeated talk of us having to downsize the squad dramatically in the summer, why senior players are refusing to sign contracts that they have allegedly been offered, why senior players have allegedly not been offered contracts, why buyers flit in and out of the shadows and why there has been no further interest in buying the club.

I am not panicking but its just a very uneasy feeling and its got my spidey senses tingling..... why can the club not provide us with clarity?

What is stopping AJ or SDM coming out and saying categorically that Rangers fortunes are not intertwined with MIH's or SDM's? What is to stop Lloyds coming out and stating categorically that the Rangers debt is x amount and we want them to pay back y amount per annum and as long as they do this on a sustainable basis then everything is fine?

This 100%... the sound of silence coming out of Ibrox is whats torturing me. I know there's a lot they can't tell us but FFS this isn't about China's nuclear program,a few wee clues would be nice.If this keeps up I'm going to have to start buying nappies again and my kid's 25 so they'll no be for him this time.

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I don't need to know him to know he has lied abpout our club since October. Whether he profess to support us or not he is still lying about Rangers to make money and that makes him a scumbag in my book.

The moment he chose to "break" his story yesterday is not the work of a real Rangers fan.

The guy is a first class cock.

Agree 100% (tu)

I'm not a fan who regularly reacts negatively to the media. I find the talk you get regarding bias and ill treatment to be petty bullshit 90% of the time. However, in King's case I make an exception.

I used to think he was alright. Not a talented journalist, but a Rangers man who didn't seem like a lapdog and would give honest opinions on the club.

Now though, he's just a joke. For 18 months the media have been indulging in ridiculous scare mongering and they have been continually proved wrong. £3m had to be raised, fire sale in the summer, administration, bank running the club day to day......King has been as much to blame as any other journo for the misleading hysteria that's been created.

The issues that pushed me over the edge with him recently have been the 'only show in town' fan share deal story and then fueling the fire of the talk of our debt being over £100m.....a cheap story, and one that he should never have highlighted so soon after us clinching the title.

For me, people are defined by their actions. Not what they say or their background. King's actions in recent times mean that I no longer regard him as a Rangers man. He's merely an unwelcome, untalented member of the Scottish media.

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I don't need to know him to know he has lied abpout our club since October. Whether he profess to support us or not he is still lying about Rangers to make money and that makes him a scumbag in my book.

The moment he chose to "break" his story yesterday is not the work of a real Rangers fan.

The guy is a first class cock.

Agree 100% (tu)

I'm not a fan who regularly reacts negatively to the media. I find the talk you get regarding bias and ill treatment to be petty bullshit 90% of the time. However, in King's case I make an exception.

I used to think he was alright. Not a talented journalist, but a Rangers man who didn't seem like a lapdog and would give honest opinions on the club.

Now though, he's just a joke. For 18 months the media have been indulging in ridiculous scare mongering and they have been continually proved wrong. £3m had to be raised, fire sale in the summer, administration, bank running the club day to day......King has been as much to blame as any other journo for the misleading hysteria that's been created.

The issues that pushed me over the edge with him recently have been the 'only show in town' fan share deal story and then fueling the fire of the talk of our debt being over £100m.....a cheap story, and one that he should never have highlighted so soon after us clinching the title.

For me, people are defined by their actions. Not what they say or their background. King's actions in recent times mean that I no longer regard him as a Rangers man. He's merely an unwelcome, untalented member of the Scottish media.

Double act, probably 2 jhournos ! :sherlock:

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Bluedell posted this on gersnet.....


You are referring to this?


Moreover, there was not a word of comment or follow-up on the sports pages after the latest accounts from Murray Sports, the spoke of the Murray business umbrella that effectively owns Rangers. They showed that anyone buying the football club could find themselves liable for loan notes and accrued interest totalling £108m, in addition to the club's published £31m debt. Essentially, Murray International Holdings (MIH) loaned Rangers £60m, the unpaid interest on which now stands at £48m.

It's bullshit. Why would anyone buying Rangers shares become liable for transactions between MIH and Murray Sports? MIH did not lend Rangers £60m. They are owed £60m by MSL. The writer does not have a clue what he's talking about and is a liar.


Therefore, if these loans are not called in on point of sale, Murray would require to take a massive hit. With MIH's bank debt running at more than £700m in their last published accounts, are we to believe that Murray would be willing, or able, to make such a personal sacrifice to be rid of Rangers?

MIH consolidate the results of MSL so it would have no effect on the MIH consolidated accounts. The balance would be heavily provided against in the individual set of accounts so even if MSL become unconsoliated, it would have little effect on the MIH group accounts.

The article is shit-stirring at its worst.

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  • 11 months later...

If Rangers were a standalone company, there would be nothing to worry about, but they are part of the MIH group, where loan guarantees and contingent liabilities appear to intertwine.

Only SDM and Lloyds know the exact terms of those clauses relating to the inter-company borrowings within MIH.

But the fact Ellis and the rest have backed off is concerning.

Anyway, it won't spoil tonight. :beer1:

Just a hypothetical one, though . . .

If MIH did go breests up, and the affairs of Rangers were "administered", would the SPL take their trophy back for a couple of weeks, then hand it over again at Celtic Park on May 4? <cr>




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Fuckin shat maself when i clicked on this and it took me to the first page until i checked the date :lol:

But yes GS why bring this back up ?

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