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I often say it but we are a far more divided support than Celtic which is really depressing when you think about it. Thats why we are open to attack and slander in the media with no retort, thats why the atmosphere at Ibrox isn't what it used to be and thats why suppporters groups and projects aren't as successful as they should be.

well said, could not agree more.

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I go round most Rangers forum, RM, FF(been banned three times), Bluenose Bloggers, Bouncey Bouncey, VB, Gersnet, Rangers Online. Most don't concern themselves with other forums, but most have an connection with FF where some of there posters like myself have been banned from it. So that is bound to create a bit of bad feeling towards FF, apart from that i don't see any dislike or rivalry between the sites?

The arguments between sites are exaggerated by some of those who wish to perpetuate the myth in order to avoid taking part in any debate which may not be to their taste.

Everyone should rise above personal conflicts/dislikes (that is natural) in order to work together to share information and help maximise the success of any intra or inter forum projects.

Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen and some would appear to prefer it that way which is disappointing.

The online community is an interesting facet of modern football supporting and I think it is fair to say some (including the club themselves) have struggled to embrace/cultivate such readily available sources of support; never mind examine ways of improving them.

Some want to blame individuals for that (and there is no doubt there is an element of truth there) but perhaps we all have our part to play in changing the status quo for our benefit.

This is why we need someone like yourself Frankie who can go round the various forums and give honest debate on the issues without any prejudice's towards any particular site. Some forums like Rangers Media and FF are very well clued in to what's happening with our club, other forums get all there information third and fourth hand. By this time any information has been corrupted or exaggerated to, Chinese whisper style. We need honest brokers to carry the information out to the various forums so the information can be debated and any feed back generated can be carried back to the source for analysis.

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Well so far as I can work out somebody makes a fortune by ripping off Rangers fans.

Somebody else makes a fortune from guided tours, takes it home and counts it at night until the first guy orders him what to do next.

It's a terrible state of affairs and will not be allowed to stand.

And we make a forunte by letting WVB sell tea towels :craphead:

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I used to use follow follow but if you disagreed with certain people there you were called a tim, saying that though when I first joined this site as well I was called a tim doh so maybe the fan sites are all as bad as each other <cr>

So you have posted on two Rangers sites now and on each you have been accused of being a tim.



Take it that was just irony, as she ain't a tim.

It's a shame that different site officials can't just bury the hatchet (and I don't mean in the head) and start to work together for the better good of all the fans, unfortunately ego's etc get in the way and this I think to a certain degree prevents any possible move forward.

I was only joking about Madina. Too subtle! :-D

There are good and bad points to all of the various sites but too much has happened for things ever to be amicable between the head honchos.

Well I've been very fortunate till now cos I've yet to come across a bad point on here.(tu)

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Possibly far too many years and far too many usernames spent on another site has slightly twisted my view on the internet fan.

Not all Rangers fans on the web have the same interests at heart.

Seems to me that some are in it for personal gain no matter what way they come across or impression they make on others.

I have not made the greatest start on this site, but give me time, I am a fan with a view (exaggerated when bevvied but hey! who doesn't), nothing else.

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I use a couple but mainly this one. I prefer the layout of the board and in the main, I think the people are very friendly. The other site that I use, seems to have about half a dozen anti-English threads on the go at any given time so I tend to go there less and less. I don't bicker between the two, I just spend more time on the one that I prefer.

I also buy FF magazine and always enjoy reading it.

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I have had no problems at all on RM and rarely check out the other Rangers sites so can't say too much about this subject except to say that rivalry is always prevalant in human nature and if one guy and his pals set up a website they will understandably want that one to be viewed as superior to similar sites for ego reasons and possibly for financial reasons if advetising revenue is at stake.

If some Gers sites are giving hostile vibes towards fellow Rangers websites then it's probably a case of " Devide And Conquer ".

In other words undermine and dismiss the rival websites at any given opportunity to help make your own site the main attraction and biggest source of information in order to gain status and increase user numbers to further the agenda/agendas of your own website at the same time { phew }. :sherlock:

Better to have 30 small rival websites to compete with than 2 or three huge websites. :wink:

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When you come on line and read some new threads that are started by an "outsider" shall we say, then you can tell the thread will be hijacked and a 40 page my dads bigger than your dad malarky will begin. For me this is why i know in the current climate fan ownership wouldnt work for us. Never mind for financial reasons or the like but we would be doomed to fail from the get go.

A guy comes on and posts about the founders trail, which seems a great day and to me its more important to learn about our founding fathers than it is if the guide makes money. But we have the same people bickering over things, which in turn has a knock on effect and people like myself are left wondering wtf is going on. We all have 1 thing in common which is the Rangers but you would never think it. Point scoring seems the in thing amongst the online community.

Mr Edgar and the likes said that online and the fans they speak to there is an "overwhelming" demand for fan ownership. I dont know which sites he uses but i dont see it. We cant agree on anything thats important. Ive yet to see it. I know no matter what not every single fan will agree, but there is no "overwhelming majority"

Anyway guys fuck it there is a big walk on Saturday loud and prouduk.gif

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Surely we can get together and work it all out as adults? Surely we can give peace a chance.

" All C is saying , is give peace a chance " :wink:

Thank goodness someone is singing from the same hymn sheet as me :pipe:

I believe the children are the future.

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REminds me of an old joke. Two Englishmen, two Welsh, two Irishmen and two Scotsmen are stranded on a desert island. With no hope of rescue they decide to start social groups, the englishmen start a Morris Dancing Society, the Welsh sart a choir, the Irish decide to start a Kerry Club and the Scots start two Caledonian Societies. :beer1:

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Theres no easy answer.

It would be naive to think there would be no inter-site bickering. I used to like Follow Follow for example, then got banned for disagreeing with one of Dingwalls buddies (sorry I didn't kiss your boots Feriens Tego.......it wasn't going to happen). Many,many others have been banned from FF and now have nothing but contempt for the site and its ownership. That is unfortunate, but FF do themselves no favours with the attitude to membership.

On the flip side, this site has an awful lot of members who haven't got a clue about Scottish society yet are quiet happy to spout their pish from Australia,Canada,America,Asia as if they know what the average Rangers fan in this country has to put up with. I am not talking about Bears who have moved away, I'm talking about the ones who have never been here, or maybe visited once. Nobody begrudges anyone the right to be a Rangers supporter, but giving us a social commentary from thousands of miles away wins you no friends and gets peoples backs up on occasion.

You cant please everybody all the time when a club has so many supporters, from so many different walks of life, and so many scattered around the globe.

There's probably a member or two somewhere who disagree with me.........such is life.


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I wonder who Feriens Tego is these days?

I wouldn't be surprised if he posts on here.

It is difficult to keep track of people when they change user-names across different forum (or even use more than one on individual forum) isn't it...?

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I wonder who Feriens Tego is these days?

I wouldn't be surprised if he posts on here.

It is difficult to keep track of people when they change user-names across different forum (or even use more than one on individual forum) isn't it...?

Touché :craphead:

But it was a long time ago....

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My goodness, mention of the old FF names in the days of an unjust totalitarian regime. I believe I may have been the first to be expelled from "the clique".

One post got me banned when we signed Naismith.

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My goodness, mention of the old FF names in the days of an unjust totalitarian regime. I believe I may have been the first to be expelled from "the clique".

I was never in the clique... :(

But, then again, I've never been banned either! :ph34r:

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I prefer RM although i haven't had much experience of any others apart from FF.

I found most of the posters on FF to be fine it was the ones who had been around a while who tended to stand out like after Boss's article regarding 'The only show in town'.We (RM) were referred to as folk that would happily sit and watch the club die just because we didn't subscribe

to the scaremongering regarding how long we had to save the club etc,a bit pathetic really.

We all want whats best for Rangers but it doesn't mean we are all going to agree on what that best way is.

I keep hearing the same name mentioned as the cause for division so who knows maybe if he steps down at some point there may be a chance the squabbles will end,i doubt it judging by most of the threads on here though.

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No bells or whistles but Usenet was superior to all the web forums, at least from the censorship angle. Died a death now though, or at least the Rangers group has.

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