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should saurez be banned for rest of games

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He shouldnt be allowed to play because if he hadn't done that Ghana would have scored and won.

Its not anything to do with Gyan that was after the incident.

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stil doesnt give him the right to punch the ball pff the line and cheat ghana of a semi final place thro

of course he shouldn't really be acting like a keeper and saving a goal with his hands but he got a red card and is suspended for 1 game, i don't think they can then go about adding extra games and changing the rules as they go along

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its a one-game ban therefore thats what he gets, dont see why it has to be changed because of the situation of it being a World cup and Ghana are the last African nation in it.....Also, If i was in the same situation at Suarez if I played for Scotland I would of done the exact same thing, so all the Ghana sympathisers can fuck off.

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I'm pretty sure most people would do the same if they were in his position. I bet the same people on here callin him a cheatin cunt etc weren't sayin that when Cuellar did the same thing against celtic and Mcgregor saved the pen. Cuellar would have been a hero for that if they hadnt scored that last minute winner.

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He shouldnt be allowed to play because if he hadn't done that Ghana would have scored and won.

Its not anything to do with Gyan that was after the incident.

And if Gyan had scored the resulting penalty they'd also have won.

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so, r u saying because the offence occured in the last minute of the match, and not the first, even thought the "penalty" for the offence is the same, the player should now be punished outwith the rules?

it harsh on ghana, but they had two- three chance to win a place in the semi-final, through the actual match, a last minute penalty, and then a penalty shoot-out, cant see why uruguay should and the player should now be punished outside the rules because a lot of folks r "pissed off" with the result. if gyan had scored, would the clamour for extra punsishment came into play?

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If Gyan had scored the penalty nobody would be caring. I blame Gyan

Suarez done what any other footballer on the planet would have done, don't really see it as cheating

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Suarez done whats best for his team, he saved a goal and it turns out he was right to do it. Gyan missed the penalty, Ghana got eliminated and Suarez got his 1 game suspension. End of story.

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