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Jelavic has arrived at Murray Park


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I've just seen reports in the Croation Times and an Austrian newspaper - in English - same report that Blackburn and Benfica are interested in him. That an offer from RFC for 4.2 EUROOS was turned down. (Latest news - last 7 days - on top right of Croation Times.com report.)

This may not be completely up to date but was Monday's date and I hope it is wrong, but it worries me all the same.

I will be glad when we finally know and I really hope WS has a Plan B if this falls through.

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Guest SandyIniesta-Nordahl

I've just seen reports in the Croation Times and an Austrian newspaper - in English - same report that Blackburn and Benfica are interested in him. That an offer from RFC for 4.2 EUROOS was turned down. (Latest news - last 7 days - on top right of Croation Times.com report.)

This may not be completely up to date but was Monday's date and I hope it is wrong, but it worries me all the same.

I will be glad when we finally know and I really hope WS has a Plan B if this falls through.

I though our 4.2 mil bid was rejected and we went in with 5 mil?

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Rangers will reluctantly turn to other transfer targets later this week if they cannot finalise a deal for Nikica Jelavic.

Martin Bain, the club’s chief executive, made a second trip to Austria over the weekend for talks with Rapid Vienna but no agreement has been reached.

A £3.5m bid is on the table for the 24-year-old Croatia international striker, but the talks have dragged on inconclusively and Rangers are mindful that they will have to look elsewhere if Rapid continue to stall. Rangers have made their final play to get him and the ball is now in Rapid’s court.

“I think it should come to some sort of conclusion in the early part of the week,” said manager Walter Smith.

“I have a level of optimism, but it will need to come to a conclusion one way or the other by Monday or Tuesday.We have other options, but let’s see what happens with this one first.”

Smith revealed Honduran international trialist George Welcome, who would cost £500,000, had “looked okay in training”. But he laughed off speculation that he could sign Eidur Gudjohnsen on loan from Monaco, or any other player earning tens of thousands of pounds per week. “How can we afford Gudjohnsen? You can discount anyone who is around that level of wage.”

Rangers might have some success in attracting high-profile players on loan closer to the end of the transfer window, said Smith, because by then clubs might be willing to pay a large chunk of their wage so they can go out and get regular games.

Rangers played down speculation that they had made moves to bring Danny Welbeck and Rodrigo Possebon on loan from Manchester United.


I still think we'll get the deal done but it looks like we have other targets.

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RANGERS are edging closer to signing Croatia striker Nikica Jelavic after chief executive Martin Bain jetted back to Austria for a second round of crunch negotiations.

Record Sport can reveal Bain flew out on Saturday to re-open talks with Rapid Vienna - and the clubs are now close to agreeing a fee worth around £4million for the 24-year-old.

Discussions went so well Bain was also granted permission to begin thrashing out Jelavic's contract terms with his agent, even though some financial hurdles are to be overcome before any deal can be rubber-stamped.

The fact Rangers are now in a position to talk terms with Jelavic is the clearest indication yet manager Walter Smith is closing in on his priority summer signing target. Smith remains hopeful an agreement can be reached between all parties within the next 24 hours as Bain attempts to piece together a complex deal.

But Rangers will NOT trade Andy Webster back to Dundee United as a makeweight in their attempts to sign Scottish Cup Final hero David Goodwillie.

Record Sport first revealed in May that Goodwillie was on Smith's radar. And even though Rangers are focused for now on the capture of Jelavic the youngster remains a potential target.

We understand Bain has since made official contact with United chairman Stephen Thompson to ask how much it would cost to take Goodwillie from Tannadice.

But Thompson refused to name a price and instead invited Rangers to make an offer. There have been no further talks and reports yesterday linking Webster - who spent last season on loan at United - with a return to Tayside as part of a swap deal are believed to be wide of the mark.

Smith has ruled out a loan move for Monaco's Eidur Gudjohnsen on account of the striker's £50,000-a-week wages. But the Ibrox boss revealed he will reconsider bringing in top quality performers such as Gudjohnsen nearer the end of the transfer window when teams would be desperate to trim the wage bill. Six players have left Rangers this summer but Smith insists there is no pressure on him to sell any more.

He said: "Any good players we have I want to keep. So far we've not had a bid for any player and don't want to receive a bid for any player."

daily record

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This the translation of kingkirk's link from the austrian paper:-

Čelnici škotskog kluba napokon su uspjeli u Beču dogovoriti cijenu za Nikicu Jelavića, kojem je i bila želja zaigrati za klub u kojem je igrao Dado Prša 08:28 | 08.08.2010. | Piše: Marko Vidalina Predstavnici Glasgow Rangersa doputovali su u Beč na pregovore i konačno 'slomili' čelnike Rapida, kažu izvještaji iz Austrije. Odbili su Austrijanci 3,5 milijuna eura odštete za Nikicu Jelavića, a jednako su reagirali i na sljedeću ponudu - 4,2 milijuna eura. Konačno su se našli na pet milijuna i pitanje je dana kad će Nikica preseliti na Ibrox. - Lijepo mi je u Beču, ali mislim da sam svojim golovima zaslužio da me puste - rekao je još prije nekoliko dana Jelavić, ne skrivajući veliku želju da njegovo novo odredište bude baš Glasgow, da naslijedi Dadu Pršu... 'Rapid je pristao prodati Jelavića nakon što je izvukao Aston Villu u 4. pretkolu Europske lige. Da su dobili nekog protivnika kojega bi lakše mogli prošli, Odense ili Liteks, vjerojatno ga ne bi pustili', pišu austrijski mediji. - Idealno bi bilo da Jelavić ostane, mi se plasiramo u skupinu Europske lige, on tamo zabije nekoliko golova i u siječnju ga prodamo za veći novac - rekao je predsjednik Rapida. SAZNAJ VIŠE > VEZANI SADRŽAJI... • 08.08.10 • Gol za kraj? Nikica Jelavić zabio Sturmu u gostima • 06.08.10 • Jelavić ipak ostaje u Beču: Rapid opet odbio Range... • 05.08.10 • Blizu Rangersa: Jelavić sa Sturmom igra zadnji put... • 05.08.10 • Direktor Rangersa otišao je u Beč po Nikicu Jelav...

Leaders of the Scottish club have finally succeeded in Vienna to agree a price for Nikica Jelavic, which is the desire to play for a club in which he played Jay Prša 08:28 | 08.08.2010. | By Mark Vidalina Representatives Rangers arrived in Vienna to negotiate and finally 'broke' leaders Rapida, say reports from Austria. Austrians reject the 3.5 million euros in damages for Nikica Jelavic, and just reacted and the following offer - 4.2 million euros. Finally they came to five million, and the question of when will Yoram move to Ibrox. - It's nice to me in Vienna, but I think I deserved his goals to let me go - he was still a few days ago Jelavić, not hiding his great desire to a new destination is just Glasgow, to succeed Dadu Pršu ... 'Rapid Jelavic has agreed to sell after he pulled out Aston Villa in the 4th qualify for the European leagues. If they get an opponent who could be easily passed, Odense or Liteks, it probably would not be released ', according to Austrian media. - Ideally Jelavić remain, we are placed in a group of European leagues, where he crashes a few goals in January, it sold for more money - the president said Rapid. LEARN MORE> RELATED TOPICS ... • 08:08:10 • Goal for the end? Yoram Jelavić Sturm scored away • 06:08:10 • Jelavić remains in Vienna: Rapid refused again Range ... • 05:08:10 • Near Rangers: Jelavić with Sturm game last ... • 05:08:10 • Director of Rangers, he went to Vienna by Nikica Jelav ...

I understood the Austrian bit better than the english..........Dyslexic loyal <cr>

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WALTER SMITH last night slapped a 24-hour deadline on the Nikica Jelavic deal after Rangers chief executive Martin Bain returned to Austria for make-or-break talks.

Bain travelled to meet with Rapid Vienna bosses last Thursday and returned to Scotland with the £4million transfer, first revealed by Express/Star Sport, still on ice.

However, Rangers are chasing the 24-year-old Croatia striker hard and Bain is putting in one final effort to get things tied up.

Smith wants the transfer rubberstamped today or, at the very latest, tomorrow or else he will set his sights on other attacking targets.

He said: "It will have to come to a conclusion one way or the other by Monday or Tuesday because it's been dragging on a bit too long now.

"Martin has gone back to see him.

"We're still in discussions with the club and the player.

"You never really know about these things, but I have a level of optimism there.

"We have other options, as we have been looking about all over the place.

"We wouldn't be doing our jobs if we didn't, but let's see what happens with this one first."


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I've just seen reports in the Croation Times and an Austrian newspaper - in English - same report that Blackburn and Benfica are interested in him. That an offer from RFC for 4.2 EUROOS was turned down. (Latest news - last 7 days - on top right of Croation Times.com report.)

This may not be completely up to date but was Monday's date and I hope it is wrong, but it worries me all the same.

I will be glad when we finally know and I really hope WS has a Plan B if this falls through.

I had an extra 10 minutes in my bed this morning, when I got to the paper shop all the Croatian Times were away. :D

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I've just seen reports in the Croation Times and an Austrian newspaper - in English - same report that Blackburn and Benfica are interested in him. That an offer from RFC for 4.2 EUROOS was turned down. (Latest news - last 7 days - on top right of Croation Times.com report.)

This may not be completely up to date but was Monday's date and I hope it is wrong, but it worries me all the same.

I will be glad when we finally know and I really hope WS has a Plan B if this falls through.

I had an extra 10 minutes in my bed this morning, when I got to the paper shop all the Croatian Times were away. :D


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It seems a step in the right direction if we are allowed to talk to Jelavic and his agent but there is still a long way to go for this deal to be completed.

He is away with Croatia so nothing official will happen until Thursday or Friday and who is to say we will agree a deal with Rapid Vienna? Looks like more waiting.

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It seems a step in the right direction if we are allowed to talk to Jelavic and his agent but there is still a long way to go for this deal to be completed.

He is away with Croatia so nothing official will happen until Thursday or Friday and who is to say we will agree a deal with Rapid Vienna? Looks like more waiting.

If we're still in the hunt by Thursday then I'm convinced he'll be a Rangers player.

Surely to god we wouldn't be interested until then if it wasn't a goer?

I wish the club would keep us up to date a bit more, I hate all this speculation.

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gone on far too long now ,aint gonnae happen, weve been strung along again i think . dont think we have much idea how to conduct negotiations in the transfer market whether its buying or selling, meanwhile the taigs get 10mill for an overated irish dancer

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