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We Are The People


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mixed opinions....


the phrase ‘We are the People’ is a clear and unequivocal statement of loyalty and devotion to and from the Protestant people of Ulster.

or else from the biblical reference

Psalm 95:7

For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if you hear his voice,

thats the 2 versions ive always heard

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mixed opinions....


the phrase 'We are the People' is a clear and unequivocal statement of loyalty and devotion to and from the Protestant people of Ulster.

or else from the biblical reference

Psalm 95:7

For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if you hear his voice,

thats the 2 versions ive always heard

nice man 00000042.gif never knew that

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It derives from our early days back when we played on Glasgow Green.

At that time our sponge man was a small African bloke from just outside Nairobi. On several occasions he saved the day when our players picked up knocks. At that time football was played wearing studded pit boots, and no substitutions were allowed. He used tribal remedies he had learned from his father (the original Father advice) his father was a pigmy witch doctor.

Over the years, the chant has become We are the people but it started life as acknowledgement of our gratitude to our pigmy medics... The wee arrow people.

Hope this helps.. :craphead:

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Some interesting (and stupid ;)) comments. For years (decades?) my understanding has always been that "We are the People" is a proclamation that "we are the people of the Queen's land", not just for Ulster. Having said that, I can't recall when we first started singing it. Maybe Minstral will know the answer to that one.

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Some interesting (and stupid ;)) comments. For years (decades?) my understanding has always been that "We are the People" is a proclamation that "we are the people of the Queen's land", not just for Ulster. Having said that, I can't recall when we first started singing it. Maybe Minstral will know the answer to that one.

I thought it came from the Clyde shipyards

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I asked my Grandfather this years ago, he said it was from the bible - for he is our god and we are the people of his pasture the flock under his care. I thought this was common knowledge amongst bears as my mates know this also.. apparently not :dry:

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The Lone Ranger and Tonto are walking through the desert when they come across a body with an arrow sticking in it. "The work of the Cherokee," says Tonto looking at the arrow. "How can you tell?" asks the Lone Ranger, "Cherokee use the feather of an eagle." "Ah" says the Lone Ranger.

A little while later they come across another body, again killed by an arrow. "Sioux" says Tonto. "Tell by the feathers?" asks the Lone Ranger. "No. Type of arrow head, Sioux use flint." "Oh" says the Lone Ranger.

Further along, yet another dead body greets them. This time it's covered in dozens of little arrows. "Well, which tribe did this?" asks the Lone Ranger. "Rangers fans" says Tonto decisively. "How can you tell?" asks the Lone Ranger.

Tonto replies "Wee arra people" :lol:

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