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'Catholics are bigot victims'

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Sorry if this is in the wrong section but I felt as Dallas etc is mentioned it merited being in here.

Full scale attack it seems

THE Hugh Dallas email storm has exposed "deep and vicious" religious bigotry in Scotland, a top Catholic claimed last night.

Peter Kearney warned the controversy over a sick internet jibe at the Pope was the "tip of the iceberg" - and insisted our country was still tainted by widespread sectarianism.

SFA referees' chief Dallas quit in the wake of the web message scandal - after the Catholic press chief had publicly called for his head. But in a shock outburst last night Mr Kearney, 47, widened his attack, saying: "Tasteless emails appear to be simply the tip of a disturbing iceberg of anti-Catholicism in Scottish society.

"They illuminate the reality of a layer of deep, wide and vicious anti-Catholic hostility in our country."

We told last Thursday how Mr Kearney - spokesman for the Catholic Church in Scotland - wrote to Hampden top brass to vent his frustration over the SFA probe into the email row.

And he called for Dallas to be sacked if he was found guilty of sending a message, below right - supposedly from an SFA address - which mocked the Pope and the church's child abuse scandal. Dallas resigned within 24 hours.

Now, Mr Kearney has accused Scotland of failing to deal with bigotry going back hundreds of years.

He said: "Catholics in Scotland have drawn a line in the sand. The bigotry, bile, sectarian undercurrents and innuendos must end.

"Such hateful attitudes have had their day, they poison the well of community life. They must be excised once and for all.

"Scotland has a disturbing track record in this field. Reaction to my letter has proved beyond doubt that Scotland has become completely inured to the corrosive effects of religious bigotry."

But Mr Kearney said today's Catholics were no longer willing to put up with discrimination.

He added: "I detect a new resolve. Our grandparents and even our parents suffered intolerance and persecution. We will not tolerate it. We will not laugh it off or see the funny side - because there is no funny side.

"Beneath the surface of the nasty emails and the intemperate asides of public figures there are others whose malignancy is altogether more pernicious."

He claimed failure to tackle sectarianism has even resulted in "thugs" launching physical attacks on priests in West Lothian, Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire.

Mr Kearney also knocked a famous Holyrood slogan, by saying Catholics now refer to Scotland as 'The best SMALL-MINDED country in the world'.

Last night a Scottish Government spokesman said: "Sectarianism is an anachronism from our past and should never be accepted, excused or tolerated. The Scottish Government supports a range of initiatives to tackle sectarianism through education and other approaches.

"There is, for example, the Show Bigotry the Red Card initiative tackling sectarianism among football supporters, and Nil by Mouth has been working to tackle sectarianism in the workplace."

Meanwhile Celtic fans took a swipe at Dallas during Saturday's 2-2 draw with Inverness Caley Thistle - by humming the theme to the 1980's US TV soap of the same name. Supporters in the controversial 'Green Brigade' also chanted "f*** the SFA."

Read more: http://www.thescotti...l#ixzz16fGyaEjC

I would say unbelievable but it's not!

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Going for the Goebells (sp) approach to propaganda. Tell a lie and keep telling and eventually it will be accepted as fact. If there have been attacks have they contacted the police? If they put as much effort into getting their own house in order as they do at being victims perhaps then the rest of us would have some sympathy but they don't and the same goes for that shower of shite in the east end.

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Poor oppressed catholics :(

Is it ingrained in them, this persecution complex? Also, it's another attempt to equate "sectarian" with "anti-catholic." This is a deliberate and thought out tactic. For many people, "sectarianism in Scottish football" now means "Rangers fans hate catholics." All we can do is point out the error of this view every time it raises its head.

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THE Hugh Dallas email storm has exposed "deep and vicious" religious bigotry in Scotland, a top Catholic claimed last night.

(or has it enabled you to further deflect from the coverage of a global pandemic of paedophillia?)

Peter Kearney warned the controversy over a sick internet jibe at the Pope was the "tip of the iceberg" - and insisted our country was still tainted by widespread sectarianism.

(His Church is tainted by widespread 'endemic' paedophillia but hey ho)


SFA referees' chief Dallas quit in the wake of the web message scandal - after the Catholic press chief had publicly called for his head. But in a shock outburst last night Mr Kearney, 47, widened his attack, saying: "Tasteless emails appear to be simply the tip of a disturbing iceberg of anti-Catholicism in Scottish society.

(I think we know that whats gone on in Belgium, America, Germany, Holland, Italy, Austria etc etc is the REAL tip of the Iceberg Peter)

"They illuminate the reality of a layer of deep, wide and vicious anti-Catholic hostility in our country."

(Anti Paedophile maybe?)

We told last Thursday how Mr Kearney - spokesman for the Catholic Church in Scotland - wrote to Hampden top brass to vent his frustration over the SFA probe into the email row.

(Why not write to the Pope about the global scandal?)

And he called for Dallas to be sacked if he was found guilty of sending a message, below right - supposedly from an SFA address - which mocked the Pope and the church's child abuse scandal. Dallas resigned within 24 hours.

(Call for the Pope to be sacked - it will be better for kids in the long run)


Now, Mr Kearney has accused Scotland of failing to deal with bigotry going back hundreds of years.

Good spin to take peoples eye off the reason for the e-mail in the 1st place

He said: "Catholics in Scotland have drawn a line in the sand. The bigotry, bile, sectarian undercurrents and innuendos must end.

(Emotional tosh - The Child abuse must end)


"Such hateful attitudes have had their day, they poison the well of community life. They must be excised once and for all.

(we know exactly what poisons the well of community life Peter)


"Scotland has a disturbing track record in this field. Reaction to my letter has proved beyond doubt that Scotland has become completely inured to the corrosive effects of religious bigotry."

Speaking of disturbing track records Peter


But Mr Kearney said today's Catholics were no longer willing to put up with discrimination.

He added: "I detect a new resolve. Our grandparents and even our parents suffered intolerance and persecution. We will not tolerate it. We will not laugh it off or see the funny side - because there is no funny side.

You should take over Glasgow City Council then - oh hang on

"Beneath the surface of the nasty emails and the intemperate asides of public figures there are others whose malignancy is altogether more pernicious."

Big words are not becoming of you - It might fool the masses like the Hokey Cokey scam but not educated people

He claimed failure to tackle sectarianism has even resulted in "thugs" launching physical attacks on priests in West Lothian, Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire.

Makes a change from priests launching physical attacks eh?

Mr Kearney also knocked a famous Holyrood slogan, by saying Catholics now refer to Scotland as 'The best SMALL-MINDED country in the world'.

Apparently the EU are giving somebody a big wedge of the small mindeds money

Last night a Scottish Government spokesman said: "Sectarianism is an anachronism from our past and should never be accepted, excused or tolerated. The Scottish Government supports a range of initiatives to tackle sectarianism through education and other approaches.

(Maybe they should support educating kids together as apparently faith schools are "divisive" and "contribute to sectarianism")


"There is, for example, the Show Bigotry the Red Card initiative tackling sectarianism among football supporters, and Nil by Mouth has been working to tackle sectarianism in the workplace."

Meanwhile Celtic fans took a swipe at Dallas during Saturday's 2-2 draw with Inverness Caley Thistle - by humming the theme to the 1980's US TV soap of the same name. Supporters in the controversial 'Green Brigade' also chanted "f*** the SFA."

(makes a change from them glorifying terrorists)

If you really want to highlight 'victims' Mr Kearney maybe you should look closer to home.

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I am anti-catholic.

In fact I am anti any organisation that covers up the systematic worldwide abuse of innocent children going back hundreds of years and that is directly responsible for millions of deaths due to misinformation and indoctrination.

But maybe thats just me being sectarian...

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My problem with the Catholic organisation is simple - They covered up child rape! If they don't want to face facts that's their problem!

Where's the interview from anyone within the Catholic Church that gives an worldwide apology to all victims of sexual, physical and mental abuse at the hands of members of the Catholic Church?

You guessed it utter silence! Let's not draw any more attention as to the real reasons why people have justified reasons to harbour hostility towards the Catholic Church!

They are the worlds largest organised paedophile ring. Who will they blame for that?

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I wonder if Dallas or Mcdonald had been muslims or jews or any other recognized religion, would they have been attacked by the RC church for bigotry? no, it's because they're seen as being Proddy whether they practice or not.

The e/mail was a joke, whether it was based in fact or not is irelevant,it's bread and butter to cartoonists and they've been lampooning establishments for centuaries, even Timothy found it funny, they may not have liked it but most saw the funny side.This wasn't a joke against a defenceless individual but the head of a huge orginization.

What the RC church can't take is the undeniable truth behind the jokes. The pope may not be envolved but he is the head of the church and the responsability should rightly fall on his shoulders.

Jim Devine (RC historian/supporter) has said that less than 1 in 200 Scottish priests have been convicted in the past 25 years, right, that's 1 in 200 that have been caught in the past 25 years, what would the ratio be if it was the last 50 or 100 years?

If the RC church has the right to be offended, then what about my right to be offended by what the church teaches and stands for.

This Nation prides itself on free speech, something our forefathers fought and died for.

No Surrender

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I wonder if Dallas or Mcdonald had been muslims or jews or any other recognized religion, would they have been attacked by the RC church for bigotry? no, it's because they're seen as being Proddy whether they practice or not.

The e/mail was a joke, whether it was based in fact or not is irelevant,it's bread and butter to cartoonists and they've been lampooning establishments for centuaries, even Timothy found it funny, they may not have liked it but most saw the funny side.This wasn't a joke against a defenceless individual but the head of a huge orginization.

What the RC church can't take is the undeniable truth behind the jokes. The pope may not be envolved but he is the head of the church and the responsability should rightly fall on his shoulders.

Jim Devine (RC historian/supporter) has said that less than 1 in 200 Scottish priests have been convicted in the past 25 years, right, that's 1 in 200 that have been caught in the past 25 years, what would the ratio be if it was the last 50 or 100 years?

If the RC church has the right to be offended, then what about my right to be offended by what the church teaches and stands for.

This Nation prides itself on free speech, something our forefathers fought and died for.

No Surrender

...and what about the others who were caught and sent abroad to continue their abuse of innocents.

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Quite frankly I'm sick to the teeth listening to these whinging backstabbers who have been welcomed from afar with open arms by my Protestant Countrymen and are now biting the hands that took them in. If they are not happy I will personally drive them to the airport. Fuckun ponces ! :sherlock:

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This ignoramus Kearney is guilty of feeding sectarianism.

Only a very small minority would have seen the friggin email until he complained about it - then it went national and its plastered all over the papers.

It's the same with the Hokey Cokey nonsense. He brought it to the publics attention before anyone knew anything else about it.

This vile cnut revels in being a victim.

I'd sing the Hokey Cokey just to get up his nose. We should bring it back.

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The pope MAY not be directly involved in any of the child rape incidents, but if he was accused of being involved would anyone be surprised? I wouldn't.

I believe his brother (a Bishop I think) was involved, was he not?

Google Bishop Bernard Law- he was part of the voting, that elected bentdick.

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Always ask them about the cannibalism, they will say it is symbolic, it isnt, it is literal, the priest does the hokus pokus and changes the wine to blood, then says this is the blood of christ, he doesnt say this represents the blood of christ or this is symbolic of the blood of christ. Also the "emblem" of the "religion" is a torture scene.

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That sh*te is part of the reason why i hate Catholics. This vicTIM card they bring out to dish out their propaganda is embarrassing.

British society and our government is practically being run by Catholics, how they feel and oppressed and persecuted is beyond me.

Its time the people stood up against these kiddy fiddlers and banned their church in this country.

I dont practice any religion, i think its alot of bollocks tbh.

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The catholic church are a disgrace. Surely they should be getting their own house in order rather than worrying about football! Is it maybe because their team are struggling and their flock dont believe in the hokey cokey as much as they once did?

If i was a pape i would be disgusted with them, getting involved in football matters when they cant decide how best to deal with peadophiles. They are not abusive priests they are peadophiles, no matter how you dress the wording up they are peadophiles.

That email was recieved by thousands, the picture was posted all over facebook and was recived with giggles by protestants, catholics, muslims, jews, whites, blacks, yellow people and all the rest. Why dont they want these people persecuted? Btw some of the people who laughed and forwarded this email will have been in more higher powered companies than the SFA.

But hey ho it must be great being a mope

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Who are the intolernat ones? People who have a wee joke or the people trying to stop free speech?


The response from the RC church is exactly that of the extremist muslims who complained about the Danish cartoonist.

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