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UEFA to hammer Rangers


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Rangers can point to their Euro record this season which will show five trips with no arrests for sectarian or discriminatory behaviour. They will also point out that they've been given a clean bill of health all season from delegates and security officers who have been specifically briefed by UEFA to look out for sectarian singing.

Read that big bit in bold. So can anyone tell me please who it was that reported this shite?

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Here is the issue with sectarian singing:

Its like getting caught speeding on the Motorway at 80mph.

It doesn't matter if its a stupid law.

It doesn't matter if every one else is doing it, and many are doing it worse.

It doesn't matter if you only speed occasionally and the majority of the time you stick to under the limit, not does it matter if plenty people speed all the time and never get caught.

What matters is if you get caught on camera or by the cops - you then have to pay the penalty.

Get caught once - get a wee fine and a slap on the wrist, get caught repeatedly and the sanctions increase.

Now we have been caught again, it doesn't matter how, why or what other people have done or do - we are the ones in the dock.

We can plead mitigation and I doubt we will get a 3 match ban (this time) but there are people here who glory in the fact we have been bringing back TBB and other 'add ons' in songs - and to me thats like saying I got caught speeding but surley now some time has lapsed and now that everyone else is still doing it they wont do me again. It's a nieve philospohy at best - but at least with speeding the only person that re-offending hurts is the individual - collective re-offending that a section of our support indulge in however affects us all.


no matter the rights and wrongs of the rules or the bans. people indulging in this need to realise they are both harming and embarasing rangers.

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But not sneaky enough! Well done, son. :D

im on the ball.

Seriously though casey i was kinda pished when i met you and John there around 3ish but i cant mind TBB being sung in the stadium. Can you?

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For a start Speirs should be banned along with all the other press who attack our club.

Reading Bains quote mate i would hope the time has come for these cunts to never be near Ibrox again

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Here is the issue with sectarian singing:

Its like getting caught speeding on the Motorway at 80mph.

It doesn't matter if its a stupid law.

It doesn't matter if every one else is doing it, and many are doing it worse.

It doesn't matter if you only speed occasionally and the majority of the time you stick to under the limit, not does it matter if plenty people speed all the time and never get caught.

What matters is if you get caught on camera or by the cops - you then have to pay the penalty.

Get caught once - get a wee fine and a slap on the wrist, get caught repeatedly and the sanctions increase.

Now we have been caught again, it doesn't matter how, why or what other people have done or do - we are the ones in the dock.

We can plead mitigation and I doubt we will get a 3 match ban (this time) but there are people here who glory in the fact we have been bringing back TBB and other 'add ons' in songs - and to me thats like saying I got caught speeding but surley now some time has lapsed and now that everyone else is still doing it they wont do me again. It's a nieve philospohy at best - but at least with speeding the only person that re-offending hurts is the individual - collective re-offending that a section of our support indulge in however affects us all.

No surprises there from one of the spineless minority.

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The people citing incidents from around Europe are missing the point. There is no one in Italy, Russia or Turkey lobbying UEFA to have these clubs punished. This is a concerted campaign started in our own country by people who despise the very fabric of our club and who will stop at nothing to hurt is. It is open season on the Rangers just now and the reason for that is because the dignified silence approach we've adopted belongs in the era of Struth. Football has become politicised, especially in Scotland, and we have failed miserably in this respect. We should have had Speirs and his ilk by the balls years ago.

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fans no fucking understand there songs that are banned and will get us trouble

It won't stop at the songs, look at how they went after the refs, the fuckers are relentless and will find something else if we comply with their approved singing list.

The songs offend them fuck all, they are merely pishing themselves at the the trouble they cause us.

Look back at the terracing videos, 50,000 of us belting out TTB and I never once heard a complaint from anyone, now all of a sudden the same song causes all this mental anguish to so many sensitive souls........ PURE PISH.

It's not the songs that bothers them, it's our exsistence.

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Considering there were no negative reports from UEFA officials at the European matches this needs to be fully flushed out by Rangers to establish just who the complainants are and what the basis of their complaint is.We have a legal right to be advised of who the complainants are and to challenge their version of events including examining their motives.If it turns out to be certain Journalists then they should be summarily banned from Ibrox and allowed no access to the Club in any shape or form.It is now being reported on SSN and we need to bring it to a head and establish just who is running this crusade against us and what are their motives.

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Truth hurts fuck all smartarse.

Come on show me what song we sang in Eindhoven.

PS one set of fans were singing about shooting jews ;)

That's some tone to take with someone you haven't met

My point is that I personally don't mind what songs are being sung because I can see the big picture (sticks and stones and all that), BUT apparently UEFA do. This is the important point here. Unless we are happy playing domestic football, the 'nasty' songs to stop. As Gunslinger said, it's not as if weren't warned.

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If Craig Whyte comes on board I'd like to see his first singing be none other than The QC, someone who WILL defend our club to the hilt and take these tarriers all the way to court.

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Let's just be clear here. Speirs, Kearney, Keevins, McGillivan, Gordon etc do not care about eradicating sectarianism from scottish society, their goal is to have our club punished in the form of fines and closed stands and our reputation stained. Sectariansim in Scotland does not begin and end with Rangers Football Club. It has been a problem in Scottish society for hundreds of years for fuck sake.

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No surprises there from one of the spineless minority.

Who totally, either deliberately or otherwise, miss the point. That being, that UEFA are being led down the garden path by certain people with an agenda against Rangers. If it wasn't singing wee songs that 'offend' people, it would be something else.

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That's some tone to take with someone you haven't met

My point is that I personally don't mind what songs are being sung because I can see the big picture (sticks and stones and all that), BUT apparently UEFA do. This is the important point here. Unless we are happy playing domestic football, the 'nasty' songs to stop. As Gunslinger said, it's not as if weren't warned.

To be honest the cowards who own and run our club are to blame. We should have went to the courts when it first happened, but Murray was happy enough for UEFA and the press to do the dirty work for our club, and it suited his agenda against our culture which he had no time for.

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Let's just be clear here. Speirs, Kearney, Keevins, McGillivan, Gordon etc do not care about eradicating sectarianism from scottish society, their goal is to have our club punished in the form of fines and closed stands and our reputation stained. Sectariansim in Scotland does not begin and end with Rangers Football Club. It has been a problem in Scottish society for hundreds of years for fuck sake.

kearneys says its nothing to do with him what rangers fans sing.

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kearneys says its nothing to do with him what rangers fans sing.

But the Club is fully entitled to know who the complainant/s are and to be given full details of such complaint.Only if we pursue it to the very end will be ever get finality on this constant mud slinging.

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But a UEFA source, who confirmed Gers had been pulled up again, also said it was unlikely the club could escape punishment

So according to the dr & UEFA we are guilty before any supposed trial?

Rangers only discovered they were in trouble yesterday and when contacted by Record Sport

So a two bit rag knows before the supposed accused?

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