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McVities ban union flag


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The Mhanky Mob have always had strange ideas about flags.

They display the tricolour because of their founding fathers, but that wasn't the Irish flag in 1888.(Harp)

They despise the Union Flag, yet that contains the cross of St Patrick. Strange lot. :rolleyes:

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Was your reply the same as the one I've posted upthread?

I've responded to the reply I received asking for clarification on the spokesperson's comments and that the person who took the original decision to remove the UF is investigated.

Just the same except for the last line ! :sherlock:

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Dont think we need to even bother going over there mate judging by the amount of tri-colours there are over here every St Plastics day. :rolleyes:

I agree mate used to live in London and just about every pub was doing some sort of paddies day promos,a barman in my local offered me a plate of oirsh stew and I felt like throwing it square in the cunts face,fuck them all,the pope,bobby sands,the ira and saint fucking paddy FUCK THEM ALL

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I agree mate used to live in London and just about every pub was doing some sort of paddies day promos,a barman in my local offered me a plate of oirsh stew and I felt like throwing it square in the cunts face,fuck them all,the pope,bobby sands,the ira and saint fucking paddy FUCK THEM ALL

I agree with all of that apart from the Irish stew part. :craphead: I wouldnt have turned it down if it had been offered to me for free :D

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I agree with all of that apart from the Irish stew part. :craphead: I wouldnt have turned it down if it had been offered to me for free :D

Couldn't force that shit down my neck mate want nothing to do with anything with an Irish connection,just don't like the cunts and also what's with all the plastic paddies,can't get my head round why so many people who haven't even been there cling onto any shred of oirishness they may have on paddies day,so it's a big fuck them to all plastic paddies aswell

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Wonder how many of those he'll be sending out today.

I got the same email, although it was to Dear Mr Lightfoot..........

It also smacked of sarcasm with this comment

"Please accept my sincere apologies for any upset this has clearly caused you and your family."

quick reply........

Dear Sir,

Whilst I appreciate your response, and your companies decision, I feel you could maybe have not sent me someone elses email!

yours in biscuits, A.Douglas (that'll be me).

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I got the same email, although it was to Dear Mr Lightfoot..........

It also smacked of sarcasm with this comment

"Please accept my sincere apologies for any upset this has clearly caused you and your family."

Please accept my sincere apologies for any upset caused to you and your household.

I got the household line ! :sherlock:

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Dear Sir,

I am contacting you to register my disgust at the reports that the Union flag was removed from your factory after a complaint.

That an internationally known company such as McVities should pander to the petty bigotries of an obviously bitter and intolerant

individual is shamefull.

To remove the National flag at a time of national celebration is scandalous.

Rest assured I will think twice before buying any McVities products in the future,

xxxxxxx xxxxx

I received the same reply as everyone else so at least they have seen the error of their actions. I would feel happier though,if this would

be mentioned in tne national media. It would be great if the whole country was made aware of the depths these people will sink to.(and it

wouldn,t do our case any harm either)

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Please accept my sincere apologies for any upset caused to you and your household.

I got the household line ! :sherlock:

Hmmph I never even got the appology line at the bottom, so I'm still boycotting their biscuits :crabflute:

No reply back from the Queen or the Deputy PM.

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