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Helicopter Sunday 2005 - How did you hear about The Goal?


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At my Gran's with the family. Heard a loud cheer from Gers end. Changed quickly to their game. Couldn't view as there was a network overload, so definitely knew Murderwell had scored. Unbelievable tekkers. At FT my Uncle ran down with a bottle of bubbly to Canberra Park in Westwood and popped it. Went to Ibrox that night which was ruined by the Part Timers...anyways, unforgettable day.

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I was at a Cathy-friendly bar near Chicago surrounded by green-clad men singing songs about terrorists for two straight hours. Bartender who'd opened it up that morning was from Belfast and sympathetic, and there was one other blueshirt in the whole place. It was miserable for two hours, incredible for four minutes, and then terrifying for another 20 while me and my new friend waited in the bar office for the police to show up as a couple dozen of the others had lost the plot, smashing glasses and just looking for someone or something to beat on. A fine day, all in all. 21.gif

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Sitting in the wee bar up the road with such a hangover. think they had both games on or they just turned the Celtic game on for the last 10 mins, I remember when McDonald scored we all thought Celtic would get a winner cause they're jammy cunts like that and then Motherwell run up and scored again and the whole bar was goin crazy. Best hangover cure ever :)

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Was forced to go to my grans must of been 10 going on 11 at the time. We didnt have setanta so watched it on SSN around half time my mum forced us to go to my grans came to around the end of the game and we wanted to know the score but my gran only had channels 1-5 so phoned my broter no answer. Then it clicked i can check on teletext remember it coming up the rangers score with a wee bit in yellow at the bottom

Rangers Are Champions*

Me and my brother just looked at each other in disbelief and ran about my grans one bedroom house going fucking mental. Got home whipped my rangers flag out stole my next door neighbours bamboo pole thing to keep up his hedges and walked around with a rangers flag for the rest of the night with about 2 other people getting looks from others like what the fucks he doing.

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We ended up downtown getting stupid drunk, ran into a group of about half-a-dozen bluenoses, spent the whole day (happened early over here) and night on the rail. So after the tough moments it wasn't so bad.

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Watched it in my house with about 7 or 8 Gers. Was watching on Setanta, turned over to watch the last 5 minutes of their game and seen McDonald's first, went mental running about in the garden (neighbours support the scum). Thought the scum would score again, so turned back to the Gers game, heard the roar from the crowd, switched back over to see McDonald celebrating and the scum greeting! Brilliant day! Will never forget that 1st McDonald goal! :D :D

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I decided not to listen to the games at all but to get on with pruning one of my trees. I switched the radio on when I went back in the garage about 5:15 and still wasn't really listening to it but slowly began to notice that the presenters were excited ... which I wasn't expecting. Needless to say it was quite a moment when I realise why they were excited :pipe:.

I also learned a lesson that there is no such thing as a lost cause :sherlock:

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I was listening to the radio in my old student accommodation complex. When I heard that Motherwell scored I ran outside and fucking screamed! :D

couldnt head to Ibrox afterwards to celebrate since I was working (at Sainsburys at the time) , about half of our team pulled a sickie that day.


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Was in a pub called the Redhurst in clarkston , watching the Gers game with my head in my hands , all of a sudden a guy started to go mental then stopped again , he'd had a text but wasnt sure if it was a wind up , q every1 scrabbling for the phones trying to find out and then the goal came on the screen , I have never seen a place go this mental , it was unbelievable , a two hour bouncy ensued and then drove down to Ibrox then straight to work for 10 , one of the best days of my life and I'd only had 1 pint :)

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I was in the Kirkie Rangers Club, the place just erupted at once and didn't stop for about 20 minutes.

I didn't even know Motherwell had won till about 20 mins after the game, I thought it was a draw!


we found out hours later.

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was in my local, place was packed with gers fans and we were all kinda consoled to not winning the league, next thing someone shouts out "they've equalised" followed soon enough by "thur fuckin beatin thum".

the place erupted. I have never seen an atmosphere in the pub like it before or since, we were up on the tables, Rangers songs were getting belted out, a bunch of timothys (who are awrite guys to be fair) sat in the corner near greeting. As soon as my mate put "beautifal Day" by U2 on the jukebox to ruin the song forever for the tims, that was it, they left.

I would estimate 80% of the pub never made work the next day.

I never.

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I was living near Bristol at the time, had the online radio coverage on. I had given up and reached out to switch off the speakers, and just as my hand got there Motherwell scored, needless to say I went berserk!

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I was working for comet in great western road doing sales and always had one of the tele's on teletext so i could keep an eye on the scores, I had stopped going to check after sutton had put them 1-0 up then wasn't till just after the game had ended when i walked round to change it back to the comet dvd that i noticed there had been movement and ***Rangers Are the Champions*** so i quickly run through the back to get my phone picked it up with 20+ missed calls lets just say there wasnt much left of my shift after that!! Great Day crabflute.gif

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I was in London that weekend, staying at my girlfriends house. I was meeting her parents for the first time on the Sunday, they were picking us up and taking us to a restaurant. Whilst waiting to be picked up I was constantly texting my mate for updates and by the time her parents arrived, Celtic were winning 1-0 and on course for the league.

I remember being in the car with my girlfriends parents and the results came on the radio. "Ya fucking dancer!" I screamed whilst my girlfriend and her parents looked at me in horror.

I don't think I made a great first impression! What a feeling though. Going from the pain of losing out to the joys of stealing it from them in the dying minutes was phenomenal.

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Was sitting watching the Celtic game as I knew we were winning and I remember saying to my dad "imagine if they scored...please." then I'm sure Gerry Britain was playing for Motherwell? N then mcdonald just smacked it n it flew in, I've never celebrated so much in my life!!! And then reality kicked in and I sat down shiting it incase celtic scored...then mcdonald was through again.....

I was working at 4 that day...what a feeling!!!

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I was actually in a pub called The Rock where I was watching the Celtic game and when McDonald scored it felt like I was the only one who jumped up with a loud yasss.

The second one was greeted with a loud clap from myself only, I felt threatened from nuggets behind me lol

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I was in my mates mum and dads pub in Kirkcaldy watching the beggars game believe it or not. When McDonald scored the first, i had a gentle smile but then he scored the 2nd, i went fucking nuts, jumping about the lounge bar like a fuckin madman. Next thing i know, a pint glass comes flying at my head, boy comes diving at me. We have a wee roll about the floor and my mates dad comes running through dragging me away. Had to usher me and my mates out the back door whilst keeping that lot away from me. I missed the title celebrations as was in casualty getting 3 stitches in my napper from the pint glass but by fuck was it worth it just to see the look on those cunts faces!!

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I gave up and walked up the stairs to hear my dad SCREAM yassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

so i jumped down all my stairs to see the tele, on my landing i broke a bone in my foot!

so a very memorable sunday indeed

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What a day that was!

I must have been about 12 at the time, and I didn't have Setanta and I decided not to listen to it on the radio as the nervous were too much and to be honest I didn't think we'd do it, so I went up to the park just up from my house for a kickabout with my cousin.

Living next to the park was my cousin's nana (she wasn't related to me but I knew that side of his family), so my cousin was able to go in now and then to check the scores. I actually stood outside the front door the first time he went to check the score and saw Sutton celebrating for Celtic. At that moment I thought it was over.

We carried on playing football in the park, and we got to know Rangers were 1-0 up too. As the time went on we kind of realised it was coming to an end, so my cousin said he was going to check the scores. I stayed playing with the ball in the park. My cousin was actually gone for ages and I saw some other boys who I knew walking out another house saying things like Motherwell equalised. I thought they were actually taking the piss, but the next thing I knew my cousin came running out saying Motherwell are winning!

Soon as I heard that I just ran all the way home screaming! Turned the telly onto the news and there it was, we were the Champions! Amazing!

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Guest Andypendek

That was good. With loads of other parents, I was in Matalan carpark in Linwood while wife and kids 'enjoyed' the shopping. Comes the goals, all us Dads were out of our cars, one hand thumping carhorns, the other arm pumping the air. Any Dad left in their car with a glum look was easily indentified.

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I was out with a friend that day, we didn't have Setanta at that time, wasn't allowed in the pub and I wanted to get out of the house because the relatives were over :anguish:

I got some guy who was going into the pub to keep me updated, so me, my friend and her brother (Aberdeen fans) sat outside waiting for any news.

The guy said Celtic were winning, so my head dropped and my friend was trying to console me :lol: the guy came out again and said that Motherwell had equalised, a little bit of hope, then you just heard from inside the club: "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK, YOU'VE JUST HANDED THOSE H*** THE CHAMPIONSHIP YOU USELESS CUNTS"

I was taken aback, I just couldn't believe it. I grabbed my friend and gave her a massive kiss then started running around screaming like a fanny :lol:

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