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Nationalist Rangers Fans


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The view you are putting forward here does not represent the vast majority of your fellow Nationalists. Do you or any of them ever sing the National Anthem of Scotland "God Save The Queen". More likely to be torn from limb to limb if among the "Racist Tartan Army".

I more than happy to sing GSTQ and have sung it many times. Similarly i am happy to sing FOS and have also sung that many times.

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Aha! So you're of the opinion that 'they' feed us. Wrong. Scotland subsidizes The UK. That is an absolute arithmetical fact. If it weren't the case - don't you think they'd rather just be rid of us leeches???!!!...

Its not the English that trouble me ,they wont be voting its the people up here that are going to vote on this not them.

Nationalists just want Independence because of their hatred of all things English .Show me the figures ,you telling me we subsidise England . Not the oil argument for crying out loud.

Give up on that will ye SNP are hell bent on destroying everything they can get their hands on .Including the Oil revenue .Spend now and pay later.

I used to be a Nationalist like you and discovered that we are better off in the Union, and if its not broke don't fix it. Read what I posted .

Now I too have personal reasons for not wanting Independence .I am Scottish with English Relatives ,my Mother /sister live in Hull ,I have Cousins in London, and have English Blood my Great Grandfather was from Kent.I don't want them to be Foreigners in a Country which I fought for .I will receive a pension in 7 years, and I don't want it to be in Euros ,as that's the currency they will go for, and Millions of people will lose Billions through that .So for me its a no Brainer.

All these issues are covered in the Independence thread in the Debating Chamber.

So Rule Britannia, and God save the Union of the United Kingdom and N.Iron.

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Generally people become attached to a football club before they develop a personal political stance. It is not unlikely that a person might grow up a Rangers supporter and then develop political views that deviate from the 'traditional Rangers values'. And if they were any kind of supporter at all it's not as easy as just changing your team, is it?


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Anyone who is a Scottish "nationalist" is pretty much an embarrassment whether they support Rangers or not.

SNP = Anti English, local council morons who have watched too much Braveheart.

Alex "the ego" Salmond is making more of a fool of himself with every passing week. He is a fat, smug, idiot who has the economic awareness of a 5 year old and cramming the phrase "people of Scotland" into every sentence doesn't make up for having no idea on how to tackle violent crime, the economy or our awful health record.

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George Orwell pointed out that to be a Nationalist was to be slightly mad. He went on to discuss Burma, Ireland, Spanish Civil War Nationalism, National Socialism and even Soviet Russian Nationalism. They are all in their ways moving away from genuine politics and policies towards something less rational, something closer to madness. And the mad can never admit to or see that they are mad.

Rangers fans in the main I would hope are generally rational, suspicious of voodoo, hateful of theocracy, wary of overt Nationalism but comfortable with the best aspects of Patriotism and brotherhood (or sisterhood if you will).

The SNP, we are beginning to realise, are a parcel of rogues with no wrapping, no policies, no morality, no idea. Their council tax freeze and their sectarian bandwagon and their destruction of education is unwinding to reveal a big bare arse.

Preach on Brother

Gave this man some Muthafukin rep


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Jacobite army

The clans which supported the Jacobite cause tended to be Roman Catholic and Scottish Episcopalian, while clans which tended to be Presbyterian sided more with the British government.Nearly three-quarters of the Jacobite army was composed of highland clansmen, who were either Roman Catholic or Episcopalian. The Highlanders served in the clan regiments which were recruited largely from the western highlands of Scotland. The bulk of these men were forced to join by their clan chiefs, landlords or feudal superiors. In consequence, it mattered little whether the average clansman believed in the Jacobite cause or not. Because of recruiting in this manner, when the campaign began to fizzle out in the lead-up to the battle, desertion was a major problem in the Highland regiments within the Jacobite army.

"YE canny say anthing bad aboot ra jacobites rats pure sectarian so it is by the way"

My new Law

Alex Salmond hollyrood age 57 and 3/4

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Jacobite army

The clans which supported the Jacobite cause tended to be Roman Catholic and Scottish Episcopalian, while clans which tended to be Presbyterian sided more with the British government.Nearly three-quarters of the Jacobite army was composed of highland clansmen, who were either Roman Catholic or Episcopalian. The Highlanders served in the clan regiments which were recruited largely from the western highlands of Scotland. The bulk of these men were forced to join by their clan chiefs, landlords or feudal superiors. In consequence, it mattered little whether the average clansman believed in the Jacobite cause or not. Because of recruiting in this manner, when the campaign began to fizzle out in the lead-up to the battle, desertion was a major problem in the Highland regiments within the Jacobite army.

"YE canny say anthing bad aboot ra jacobites rats pure sectarian so it is by the way"

My new Law

Alex Salmond hollyrood age 57 and 3/4

Waterloo. Trafalgar. There's about 100 more if you can be bothered looking it up.

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I am glad you LET me support Rangers - Thanks!

But who the fk derives their politics from the football team they support - OMG! That is as base as it comes.

no disrespect to your opinion blue but i think scottish polotics are are making football a big issue i went to my first rangers game aged 8 dident even know the word politics it was football now its political crap trying to fuck our club over point being we just want to support our club but the powers that be in scotland dont want rangers as they are seen to have a unionist following and btw over the years following the gers i have always been proud to be a rangers fan now these fucking snp idiots are trying to make our club a bad word that nobody wants to be assosiated with we only want to support the team we love mate its the fucking polotitians that are trying to fuck us over

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