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Odious Creep and Radio Snyde


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Leggat is spot on with his "assessment" of this RC station.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


RANGERS supporters sometimes amaze me. Or at least some of them do. It seems they will go to any lengths to encourage and support organisations which rarely have a good word to say about the club.

The case in point at the moment is the Radio Clyde phone-in programmes, on which the former Times of London’s Scottish edition district man, Odious Creep is appearing with increasing frequency.

In fact, so high has the volume of calls from Rangers supporters been to Radio Clyde, that Creep has taken to boasting it is a good gauge of how fans are feeling on any given situation.

This time, the fiercely anti-Rangers Odious Creep claims the welter of calls he has been taking on the Radio Clyde airwaves show clearly that there has been a sea change in how Rangers supporters view chairman Craig Whyte and that they are turning against him.

What puzzles me is why any Rangers fan would give comfort and aid to the club’s enemies by supporting any radio station and any radio phone-in on which Odious Creep appears?

Celtic fans are much better organised and far more militant.

Take the case of the Daily Record’s “Thugs and Thieves” headline at the peak of the Martin O’Neill era. One senior man warned the editor against using such emotive words and urged caution.

But the editor blundered in and the story was proved to be wrong, resulting in a backlash from angry Celtic supporters against the Record, whose editor left soon afterwards.However, despite numerous efforts by the Daily Record – and I am talking about the news department and not the sports desk – to curry favour with Celtic since, the paper’s circulation, which was just over 500,000 at the time of their big blunder, is now only half of that.

And many of those copies have been lost to Celtic supporters, taking their long term revenge on the paper.

Rangers supporters did something similar when Odious Creep started his drip-drip of poison against all things Rangers, which included a disparaging piece about Davie Cooper on the weekend of the Rangers-Motherwell League Cup Final which was being used as a platform to celebrate the great contribution Cooper made to both clubs.

Rangers fans turned against the Herald – once the paper of choice for the business folk and professional people among the Ibrox club’s followers – and the circulation plunged, leading to Creep’s departure shortly after his anti Rangers campaign in the wake of the club becoming the first Scottish team to reach the last 16 of the Champions League.

When he joined the Times of London as the district man for the paper’s Scottish edition, many Rangers season ticket holders, who took the Times for its coverage of English football, switched to the Daily Telegraph, the Times of London’s Scottish edition’s circulation plunged and now Creep is gone from there too.

And just to prove the tactic can work when Creep is involved with commercial broadcasting companies, remember what happened to that most venerable of all television sports programmes, Scotsport.

It survived for over 50 years as Britain’s longest running sports programme. Then Odious Creep started appearing, Rangers fans reached for the off switch, viewing figures plummeted, making it hard to attract advertisers and…..

Scotsport was gone.

Half a century and more of unique Scottish broadcasting history wiped out soon after Odious Creep started appearing.

Now he has just about as far downmarket as it is possible to go and pollutes the airwaves on the Daily Sport equivalent of radio, Radio Clyde’s phone ins.

But still there are some Rangers fans who are willing to support him. Some who follow Rangers who cannot grasp the power they have. Some who do not remember what their fellow bluenoses, who turned their backs on the Herald, the Times of London and Scotsport, achieved.

The continual poisonous dripping of Odious Creep’s hatred for Rangers continues to damage the club. He is a dangerous man. In fact he is actually now more dangerous than ever, given the perilous times Rangers are living through.

Therefore, if any Rangers fan wishes to help the club he supports, then do not phone Radio Clyde or listen to it when Odious Creep appears.

And if they know any Rangers supporting businessmen who advertise on Radio Clyde, they might also like to ask them to consider that by doing so they are giving financial support to Odious Creep.


WHAT a hoot! If not exactly a hootsmon. My big pal, the extremely gifted writer, Kevin McKenna, wrote a wonderful piece in the Scottish Daily Mail on the eve of Burns’ Night, which had me chuckling.

The piece speculated – as I and many Scots who, like big Kevin, revere our Bard – on what Rabbie would do in various situations if he were alive today.

According to Kevin – and he makes mischief like nobody else – Burns would have supported Celtic.

As I said, what a hoot!

Brother Burns would most certainly have been an Ibrox season ticket holder. Rabbie was a Ranger!

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Leggat it would appear has the hots for creep, his obsession is becoming embarrassing.

I disagree. He is pursuing a creature that needs pursuing.

I hope those who do still tune in to that bitter, anti-Rangers radio station take heed of Leggat's words.

Don't support those who hate us - do not tune in to Radio Clyde.

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A bit like your posts. I know I'm not meant to say this, but my taig radar is going off.

Patently obvious who many of them are on here Dennis.

And it has to be said many of our own just do not comprehend the phrase "dog with a bone".

The Creep has deliberately went out his way to harm our club and people say we should leave him alone.

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Whether or not Leggate's pursuit of Creep is right or wrong, his point about not listening to Radio Clyde is spot on. It does seem to have it in for Rangers,and besides that it is an amateurish show from an amateurish station.

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I would rather listen to the idiots on Clyde than buy in to the bonkers that Leggat produces.

You'd rather listen to the anti rangers bile than someone who at least trys to stand up for the club and it's supporters?

I don't always agree with leggat but I appreciate he's trying to expose any anti rangers agendas.

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Living in England there are things I miss about Scotland - family, friends, going to Ibrox more often than I can being down here, scenery etc etc. But one of the things that comforts me is that I don't have to listen to Radio Clyde or Chick Young at the BBC.

Radio Clyde used to be a great listen back in the days of Jimmy "were you at the game caller" Sandison but over the years it has got worse and worse and now apparently doesn't even hide the fact it is a scum station, employing scum for scum to listen to and rubbish Rangers at every opportunity. Why anyone who supports Rangers listens to it is beyond me.

Sometimes Leggat can go a bit over the top with the "Odious Creep" stuff (just call him by his name ffs), but at least his heart is in the right place and he is on our side. It's just a pity it's only on a blog and not in one of the top newspapers. He hits the nail on the head in this article. If Rangers supporters stopped listening to this shitty excuse for a programme it wouldn't be on the air (not in its present format anyway) for much longer.

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Paul Cooney

Peter Martin

Jim Delahunt

The 3 above have been the anchors for this show for the last 20 years or so. All 3 are well known RC's with a love of all things Sellick.

A long line of "guests" over the years have featured on this show and of course it is mere co-incidence the overwhelming majority have been cut from the same altar boys cloth as the above 3.

Mark Guidi

Hugh Keevins

Jim Duffy

Graham Spiers

Allowing Philth 3 names on despite knowing who he was and that his information was suspect to say the least was inexcuseable.

There will be those who point out the likes of Darryl King and Derek Johnstone but the phrase "token h**" springs to mind.

This station is no lover of Rangers FC and Jimmy Gordon made sure of that back in the 70's as some of our more mature members will testify to.

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I never really listen to any of the phone-ins from both Clyde and Radio Scotland, however on the odd occasion that I have - then it's mainly been "nutters" calling in, who make such inane comments that make me squirm with embarassment (and I include fans of both us and them).

I don't go with the conspirancy theories that either stations are anti-us/pro-them - it's just pundits trying to be "shock jocks" in their desparate attempt to increase listeners, which in my view demeans the intelligence of the listener, hence why I don't listen.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of uncertain and potentially damaging issues at our club at the moment, therefore it is inevitable that these shows will be jumping on the bandwagon, dredging up all kinds of crap, and won't make any easy listening for any fellow bears.

Turn them off - don't give them the pleasure of making your blood boil - and as I stated before, stop letting them treat you with such low intelligence that have you believe that any of their so-called viewpoints are credible or worth any value.

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