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McGlone & Kelly on The Rangers


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I've never heard this mcglone character speak before but fuck me he doesn't half sound like a petulant child. How can they broadcast something like that with the most ridiculous bias I think I've ever seen in what was meant to be a discussion! The guy is kidding himself on if he thinks tv companies will be fine paying money without Rangers in the league! And the hypocrisy hahaha well behaved fans?! Take the green tinted specs off for a second son and realise this: You inbred kiddy fiddling immigrant terrorists would be fuck all without The Rangers.

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The funniest thing about McGlone & Kelly being invited onto that Scotland Tonight show is that it was clearly a stitch-up and not only did they fall for it, not only did they start arguing on national TV, but McGlone was just about ready to start a fight with Kelly while they sat in front of a huge Rangers club crest! :lol:

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HA HA HA wot a bunch of F...king Yahoos that was pur dead brilliant so it wis. I will tell you this Boy they are hurting big time at the thought we may come out of this after a bit of pain the stronger of the two clubs again. WATP GSTQ No Surrender. Oh and By the way WE DON`T DO WALKING AWAY.

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McGlone was just about ready to start a fight with Kelly while they sat in front of a huge Rangers club crest! :lol:

You can tell McGoon's a ned with a personality disorder straining at the leash for a voice.

And I loved the (less than) subtlety of The Rangers crest being super-imposed over the Cilect one.

Taigs offered a joint opportunity to stick it to The Rangers - argue like spoilt bitches instead :lol:

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Guest KarlG45

Michael Kelly :lol::lol::wanker::wanker:

I can only remember him for two things. Almost ruining Celtic (can't really criticise him for that :rolleyes:) and having some strange obsession with Richard Gough in his Scotsman column.

Even the Celtic fans don't like him :lol:

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Why wacth this shit if it upsets you`s and give these clowns the oxygen of publicity


It's hilarious - taigery in it's very lowest, most obviously prevalent form. Squabbling like children, verging on loss of control, unable to even speak coherently at stages - loved it :D

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hahaha I caught the last 2 minutes last night but watched the whole interview there. FFS how they hell can they get a guy like mcglone on, he could barely speak, angry, angry "man". As for kelly well he spoke a bit of sense TBH, business sense. mcglone, christ i watched it again, great comedy value by a bitter incoherent bell end.........."we will go to england" hahaha clown. They are more hated there than here FFS open yer fat eyes.

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got some work i really need to knuckle down to, but i decide to out it off a little and send STV an email with my thoughts on last nights show

Dear STV,

I want to point out my disapointment in the quality of last nights TV debate concerning the point "Do Celtic need Rangers to survive".

The short debate could best be describe as cringe worthy. Matt McGlone is a hateful bigot (who consistantly refers to Rangers fans using the slur "H***" on his twitter account https://twitter.com/#!/MattMcGlone9) and could barely put forward a valid point to the debate in question as he was more interested in venting his clear hatred towards Rangers, such as his unrelated dig to a minority of fans actions in Manchester.

To go one step further, he also felt the need to become involved in a confrontation with the other guest on the show, former Celtic Director Kelly, which made for extremely uncomfortable viewing, in what was another exchange that was compeltely unrelated to the point at hand.

Kelly also felt the need to state that he is taking great personal enjoyment from the current Rangers situation, or words to that effect.

Overall I felt it was a very poor production which did not deliver the intended debate, but instead gave airtime to 2 undeserving guests. Particular the hate filled McGlone who was like a rabbit caught in the studio lights, stuttering over his own seperate agenda rather than the debate at hand.

STV need to reconsider who they believe to be appropriate commentators worthy of air time to avoid further embarrassment for the channel in the future.



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