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Scottish FA chief warns Rangers liquidation would be 'a disaster'

Scottish Football Association chief executive Stewart Regan has described the prospect of stricken Rangers being liquidated as "a disaster".

The SFA board is meeting at Hampden to discuss Lord Nimmo Smith's inquiry into Rangers' recent business dealings.

And the club's administrators have warned they must cut costs by Friday.

He said: "They're sending out a message that if they are not able to reach an agreement then the club is facing liquidation. That would be a disaster."

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Been waiting for this from these fools. So caught up in their bravado and need to appease Rangers haters none of them could see what was staring them in the face. When this is over we should systematically crush every fucking club and individual who has stuck the boot in.

This week we have seen the penny drop with Britney of all folk. Panic will settle in as they realise if we are bankrupt Scottish football is bankrupt. Even that horrendous chunt Lawell must see that.

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Regan, Doncaster, Trainor and almost everyone else involved on the BBC discussion the other night all agreed it would be a disaster for Scottish football, so this is old news?

Interestingly enough, the only person who didn't seem to share that feeling was Hibs wanker-in-chief Rod Petrie, who stated that Scottish football would continue "with or without Rangers".

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Been waiting for this from these fools. So caught up in their bravado and need to appease Rangers haters none of them could see what was staring them in the face. When this is over we should systematically crush every fucking club and individual who has stuck the boot in.

This week we have seen the penny drop with Britney of all folk. Panic will settle in as they realise if we are bankrupt Scottish football is bankrupt. Even that horrendous chunt Lawell must see that.

Not interested in anything he has to say, like most tarriers his viewpoint has no credibility.

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Regan, Doncaster, Trainor and almost everyone else involved on the BBC discussion the other night all agreed it would be a disaster for Scottish football, so this is old news?

Interestingly enough, the only person who didn't seem to share that feeling was Hibs wanker-in-chief Rod Petrie, who stated that Scottish football would continue "with or without Rangers".

I am sure it would continue without us but in what state it would be in is another matter.

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Liquidation will not mean the end of Rangers - we will always be here.

Would not be surprised if a newco is set up after a takeover anyway. Too many ifs & buts about Whytes secured creditor status & ticketus money. Legal cases could go on for years arguing about this & hinder our future development.

Better to transfer assets (stadium, Auchenhowie, player registrations) to a newco & leave Whyte, HMRC & Ticketus to argue over what is left. Think the other clubs will outvote Lawell & re-admit us to SPL without penalty because they realise if we went to Div 3 they will be stuffed financially for 3 years until we get back.

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If we have to be born again i say keep well away from the dreaded SPL our kudos in football is enough for us to build back to the once great Euro Team we where.

The SPL is one of the many reasons we are in this position and it is a dead league .

SFL 3 or Northern Premier for me.

Get the Septic Bigots out of our lifes.

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If hibs or any other club were in our position we would be calling for them to go down a division etc too

Blue tinted specs off, we deserve everything we get for the absolute shambles of a board getting us into this mess in the first place

Hopefully someone might just save us from this scenario and nightmare

It's looking more bleak by the minute

And if we do get liquidated and start as a new club , I'll not be following on

It's not the club I grew up with

And there's a good few of my mates saying the same

So the board better realise that it might not have as many to " follow follow "

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If hibs or any other club were in our position we would be calling for them to go down a division etc too

Blue tinted specs off, we deserve everything we get for the absolute shambles of a board getting us into this mess in the first place

Hopefully someone might just save us from this scenario and nightmare

It's looking more bleak by the minute

And if we do get liquidated and start as a new club , I'll not be following on

It's not the club I grew up with

And there's a good few of my mates saying the same

So the board better realise that it might not have as many to " follow follow "

Fucking hell mate.

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