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Hostile bid could kill Rangers


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good quality p Murray propeganda here


Saturday, 10 March 2012


RANGERS are at the mercy of a hostile takeover which could see the club closed down.

The news that the astute Paul Murray has struck a deal with Ticketus is a big step in the right direction towards returning Rangers to safe and sensible stewardship.

But as things still stand, anybody with enough money could move in and make the administrators an offer they can’t refuse…and not just from a financial viewpoint either.

Some folk suspect dark forces have been at work in the background.

Be that as it may, the fact remains that Rangers are more vulnerable to hostile forces than they have ever been in their illustrious 140-year history. There is nobody inside Ibrox with the clout to stand up and protect Rangers from the club’s many wealthy and extremely well connected enemies.

Think about it! And Rangers supporters must do exactly that in order that they heap plenty of pressure on the Duff and Phelps Two, Brian Clark and David Whitehouse so they know their every move is being watched.

So Clark and Whitehouse know that if the Doomsday scenario comes to pass they will be held accountable by the many millions who support Rangers and who are scattered throughout the globe.

Clark has already admitted that the motives of some of people who have expressed an interest in buying Rangers have to be questioned.


Who are these people? What are their questionable motives?

What Clark said was a direct quote from him in Friday’s Daily Record, the newspaper that has led the way in this whole sorry tale since it kicked off the WHYTE SCANDAL by exposing his dodgy deal with Ticketus.

There was another direct quote from administrator Clark which set me thinking and set alarm bells a jangling. It was that some individuals have attached themselves to more than one consortium which has expressed an interest in buying Rangers.

Now, before some of my colleagues – those who see Scottish football through Peter Lawwell’s eyes and describe it from his script - dismiss this as the ravings of someone who has just reported UFOs in his back garden, let me pose a question.

Back in May, when Rangers had just stopped celebrating a third successive title and Craig Whyte moved in, with Rangers seemingly debt free, would they have believed the Ibrox club would be in their current situation?

And no matter what doubts they harboured about Whyte at that time, how many will admit they saw all of this coming? That Whyte would turn out to be a huckster, a trickster, a conman, and very possibly a common thief?

Nary a one I’ll wager.

So what if there was somebody out there meaning to do Rangers harm? Somebody whose riches scaled the peak of being a BILLIONAIRE….and then some?

What if he saw £80m as small change, well worth spending to kill Rangers?

Are there such people? Well, not in Scotland. But in a nearby foreign country? Mmmmm…….. Think about it!

Such a person, either boldly and with a brass neck, but more likely hiding behind nominees, could buy Rangers, which would give him Ibrox Stadium, the training ground in Milngavie and the Albion car park.

He could then decide that Rangers, as a football club, was being closed down. That would leave him with the three properties. None of which would give him his money back if he sold just now.

But what if he held on until an upturn in the economy and sold Ibrox and the Albion for building social and/or affordable housing? Of course he would need the help of Glasgow City Council.

Think about that!

As for the land outside Milngavie? I am sure a deal could be struck for upmarket housing to be built there, giving any such so minded and rich enough enemy of Rangers his original investment – or at least the guts of it – back.


Well two people, neither of them given to conspiracy theories, both senior professional men, who I put such a scenario to said it was unlikely, but not impossible.

For the original question regarding why Craig Whyte bought Rangers remains unanswered. Though the emergence of any hostile bid to buy Rangers and close the club could provide some answers.

Especially regarding just how Whyte can sustain a multi millionaire lifestyle with no visible means to support it. It must be a helluva big Giro he’s getting.

For the moment it is enough for Rangers supporters to be placed on red alert as to the danger their club is in. And enough for the Duff and Phelps Two to be made acutely aware of just how closely their every move is being watched.

Even when they retreat to their Glynhill Hotel hideaway in Renfrewshire. Or even check in at the more up market Grand Central in Glasgow city centre.



ODIOUS CREEP continues to boast and bumble in his own imprecise style. But whatever the self confessed paedophile sympathiser says, it all gets back to me.

Not everyone in every television studio thinks Creep should be there.

For instance, just before one his many irrelevant television appearances last week – Newsnicht since you ask – Creep was boasting away about how his daily newspaper colleagues delegated him and gave him a mandate to interview Craig Whyte on their behalf.

Now clearly this is an old story as Odious Creep has not worked on a newspaper since the beginning of December. And so it proved as he added flesh to the tale. It was, he lied, on the plane coming back from Malmo that the other daily newspaper men elected him as their representative to interview Whyte.

It seemed unlikely to me as I know that almost every newspaperman on that flight not only dislikes Creep as a person, but think he is a slothful, unprofessional dud.

And so the truth came to pass. It is this, confirmed by three separate sources, one broadsheet, one tabloid and one even more official.

All requests to interview Whyte were refused. When the plane landed, Creep’s bag was first off the baggage roundaout and as luck would have, it he and Whyte went through the Nothing To Declare lane together.

During that time he got half a dozen sentences from Whyte which, as he had been spotted by a couple of gnarled old hacks, he was forced into passing round the press pack.

These are the facts. Not the fiction. You get that fiction if you are daft enough to watch Odious Creep on telly, or listen to him on Radio Clyde.


WEE BILLY LECKIE is another who is well worth watching. The Sun’s wee Billy was wined and dined by Irn Bru last week as part of the Scottish Football League player and manager of the month awards.

Possibly more than Scotland’s other favourite drink had been flowing, for wee Billy told anyone who would listen that Scottish football would be a better place WITHOUT Rangers.

Tut! Tut! You Silly Billy!

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I'm unsure what to take from his writing style but are to assume that he wants us to support the Paul Murray bid.

Well fuck that, I want the club to go forward not backward and P.Murray isn't the man for that, not withstanding the fact that ticketus will own a section of our club so fuck that.

They've cleary had their hands bitten once and want as much money as they can get back

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Jesus, normally i dont mind his stuff but this, this is just mental. Deluded and paranoid. Scaremongering to get fans onside with Murray. I dont want Paul Murray anywhere near our club and no amount of scare stories from Leggo will change that. An embarrassing article and i am left to wonder why he would name that hotel at the end. Crazy stuff.

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Beat me to it. Complete nonsense.

Leggats opinions have as much clout 'in the real world' as any post you or I make anywhere else in cyber space. He picks up threads from FF, puts his own wee spin on it and the posts it as a ground breaking 'EXCLUSIVE' or when he gets bored of that he hints at things he has a slight knowledge of but never follows through with the main detail.

As relevant to this situation, or any concerning Rangers, as the blog of Perez Hilton.

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Leggat could probably find 'dark forces' in a ham sandwich if he tried. I'm sure he's probably broken a few good stories in his time, but when the main substance of your blog becomes speculation, it stops being worth reading.

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let me get this straight, leggo thinks the administrators may sell to a wealthy enemy of rangers who's agenda will be to liquidate the club?

the liquidators will sell to the highest bidder more or less.

leggo says that's worrying.

but he doesn't offer any soloutions to the problem and I don't see any myself.

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