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Is God helping?


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What is mans chief end?

To live a life in the image of Jesus Christ.

"to glorify God and enjoy him forever." is what was drummed into me as a young child.

Organised religion is not for me, as human nature dictates that it will be corrupted. I am however, open-minded as to the existence of a higher intelligence.

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"to glorify God and enjoy him forever." is what was drummed into me as a young child.

Organised religion is not for me, as human nature dictates that it will be corrupted. I am however, open-minded as to the existence of a higher intelligence.

I am of higher intelligence and I exist....

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Just wondering as it seems I am the only christian on here but thought would ask how peoples religious faith is getting then through these tough and turbulent times. For me God is there as a guiding light and too many forget that and I would like to know how many of you like me pray every night to god and put their faith in him that he will help us through this. Anyone else prepared to state that in God they trust?


If we walk in God's ways then we will but honest and truthful. When the cold light of truth is put on things, our actions shall prove us true and this is because we strive to follow him, the meaning of "Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23

Put down hate, lies and anger and pick up honesty, truth and forgiveness is hard and to some it feels like a cross.

By the way Roman Catholicism is not Christian that is why Martin Luther broke from it. He is the start point of Protestantism in the modern era and basically it meant going back to what the bible teaches and doing it. People hijack all organised religions for some kind of power and unsurprisingly Jesus condemned them for it— Pharisees and the Sadducees. So if you want to be a Christian read the bible for yourself, apply it and don’t just believe what some guy in a church tells you.

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If we walk in God's ways then we will but honest and truthful. When the cold light of truth is put on things, our actions shall prove us true and this is because we strive to follow him, the meaning of "Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23

Put down hate, lies and anger and pick up honesty, truth and forgiveness is hard and to some it feels like a cross.

Stop drinking and go to your bed.

Friday night is over, its Saturday now mate.

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There's many thing you can say about religion, most of which are better left unsaid as it's a complete waste of time and imagination.

Just to attempt to prove this, how many idiots will waste their time by trying to answer the question, 'Who is the Devil'?

I'm actually not interested in the answer BTW.

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25 pages and no one's said it yet.............

"Bears Den FFS!!"


People all over the world have been killing each other for thousands of years and will continue to do so for thousands more. The reason?

Simple really. Just who does have the best imaginary friend!!

I like Dave Allen's take on it...."May your God go with you"

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The OP simply asked if we think God is involved in our plight.

Some of us happen to believe he is and, ultimately is involved in all things.

Some on here don't believe this to be the case, and ,BTW ,thats ok in my book.

I would never claim to be Christian , because I dont posess the attributes required to be a real Christian.

But I do have a faith in God,in whatever form he exists and that works fine for me.

But this has to said - It is a disgrace that some on this forum seek to belittle those who have their faith as an anchor and a maxim by which they live their lives.

If you believe in nothing ,thats fine, it's your choice - but dont ridicule those who believe in something.

Remember , the ones you are slagging off are the same people who stand with you at every Rangers match, protest march , and street protest.

They are people who love Rangers every bit as much as you.

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25 pages and no one's said it yet.............

"Bears Den FFS!!"


People all over the world have been killing each other for thousands of years and will continue to do so for thousands more. The reason?

Simple really. Just who does have the best imaginary friend!!

I like Dave Allen's take on it...."May your God go with you"

I preferred his other quote

may you be in heaven half an hour

before the devil knows your dead

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Just wondering as it seems I am the only christian on here but thought would ask how peoples religious faith is getting then through these tough and turbulent times. For me God is there as a guiding light and too many forget that and I would like to know how many of you like me pray every night to god and put their faith in him that he will help us through this. Anyone else prepared to state that in God they trust?

Are you being serious?
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Is god helping? Well to me he is, helping me to get over the pain of losing my mum last year

I like to believe my mums in heaven and one day I'll see her again, that way when I die I won't be disappointed....if deed I'm deed end of, no harm done believing in a god that doesnt exsist or ' hello big man, thanks for letting me in, alright Ma, apologies about the porn under my bed' win win

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Well you can be a Protestant culturally and not believe in the religion. Same with any other religion.

No you cant. That is nonsense. The protestant faith is about a belief in God and how we choose to show this. Some people don't seem to understand the difference in Loyalist and Protestant.

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