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McCoist's Future


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Quite honestly I think it would be devastating if McCoist went. The guy has been the glue holding the club together over the last few months, and although some have challenged his managerial credentials, you'd need a heart of stone to suggest the guy doesn't deserve another season at least.

However, would it surprise me? No, not really. Since Green has came to the table, Ally has appeared pretty cautious of the guy, and I don't think he has ever really trusted him. The first thing we learned about Green that he was known for his ruthless decisions, and it unfortunately wouldn't surprise me if this was another one. Would also be interested to know who the "ex-director" having a word with the Record is though.

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Quite honestly I think it would be devastating if McCoist went. The guy has been the glue holding the club together over the last few months, and although some have challenged his managerial credentials, you'd need a heart of stone to suggest the guy doesn't deserve another season at least.

However, would it surprise me? No, not really. Since Green has came to the table, Ally has appeared pretty cautious of the guy, and I don't think he has ever really trusted him. The first thing we learned about Green that he was known for his ruthless decisions, and it unfortunately wouldn't surprise me if this was another one. Would also be interested to know who the "ex-director" having a word with the Record is though.

100% agree with this - and anyone who thinks that after what Ally has been through and done this year deserves the sack should hang their head in shame.

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If McCoist goes the chance we had of hanging onto senior players is 0, simply put Mcoist out we lose Davis, Shagger, Naismith and probably some of our best young players like Ness etc........

rank rotten if this is true..............

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100% agree with this - and anyone who thinks that after what Ally has been through and done this year deserves the sack should hang their head in shame.

This. I have been somewhat less than complimentary about his managerial abilities, but after all the shit he's had to put up with it would be criminal to oust him from his position.

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Do you know what ? the Scottish mhedia have been using stories like this to start rumpur, panic and unrest in the hope that little bits of doubt cause the house the fall like a pack of cards, I think as fans we should have one media outlet that gives us not rumours or hearsay but facts, you know those things means something is actualy going to happen, now im not saying this story is true or untrue however until I hear something concrete from Ally or Green I will just ignore it as more Scottish mhedia stirring shite.

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Our source an ex old board member told us Greens thoughts...................now how would this ex old board member know what green is doing and do you believe Green would discuss this with anyone within Ibrox?

I know McCoist and traynor share the old bottle of pink champagne so he could have been fed stuff but ...............who fed the fat no neck chunt.

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This. I have been somewhat less than complimentary about his managerial abilities, but after all the shit he's had to put up with it would be criminal to oust him from his position.

I dont even know if we have enough to judge his managerial abilities - at the start of the season IF he had been told of the financial constraints he may have gone after different players - started differently but he was promised a reasonable budget that failed to materialise. After a weak start he went from strength to strength and then had a poor midle period and then the shamles of administration - where he managed to steady the ship.

IMHO he deseves at least a season where he knows what budget he has - and then we judge him on that - but if he went now that would be a PR distster and a shameful way for our club to treat a man who was an absolute rock over the last 6 months!

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Another day when our club suffers a massive boot in the balls :(

Charlie I don't think Ibrox is the place for you! There is need for change as always but Alistair McCoist, Rangers greatest ever goalscorer deserves none of this! This man has held together a club and a support, Ally has turned from his jovial self into someone the support looked to for words of inspiration and at times just knowing Ally was in amongst this with us helped many of us!

You know we can accept we were financially fucked, we can grudgingly accept a newco, we can grudgingly accept that the players will go but I will not accept Ally going after the year we have had! If this is true its an absolute disgrace!

His management style was always going to be compared to Walter, but for everything he has done in the last year I will never forget it! This is a guy who cried on the park after scoring against the taigs, Charles green didn't even know who Moses Mcneil was!

Bears I think we may have to take some serious consideration as to where we go from here

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Traynor says he's spoken to a reliable source, then Ally. Ally "wasn't in a position to deny it".

"You can safely assume that Ally will be gone."

"I couldn't speak to both sides last night, but will today."

In short, he stands by his story.

Of course he would he always does this, he is like salmond never wrong. My personal view if there is any truth in this....I believe traynor is being used to someones end goal.

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Traynor seems certain.

Fucking not real this

The thing about JT is, many don't like him but imo he is a fucking good journo! That will be shot down but not many have Walter, Ally etc so close and to be trusted by these guys says it all imo!

Traynor was lauded yesterday for his article, but he'll be back to being a fat prick today no doubt

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