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Green? or Walter?


Green? or Walter?  

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I am sure most fans would prefer Walter to be in charge but I have no problems whatsoever if Green was in charge. He's the only person who has delivered the goods when it mattered and ultimately saved us.

Ideal solution is for Walter, McColl and Parks to join up with Green and then we're laughing.

agree with that 00000042.gif

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By their acts you shall know them it is written..

And in my book Walter&Co turned their backs when we really needed them, I´ll never forget it, I´ll never forgive it..

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My heart says Walter but my head says Green and now is the time to use our heads so I voted Green.. Although I'd have preferred an option of Green & Walter which would have gotten my vote.

I would like Walter and his team integrated into Charles Greens plans

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Liquidation was a certainty and was always the only way out of this , i said it 2 months into Whytes reign and got slaughtered for it .

Those who thought HMRC were going to go away of accept 9p in the pound are barking mad .

Green is a leech just like Whyte and i am certain they both are linked in this ............

Repped for that

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No one man should ever be the onwer of Rangers again, i like Green;s plan that no one should have more than 15% of the club.

How about both sides get together and both take 15% each with the rest going to individual investers.

After what we have been though the last thing we need is a power struggle, come on sir walter get on board with Green and bring McColl with you and anyone else who wants to put money in.

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Lots of comments along the lines of "he deserves a chance" and "he put the money up" in relation to Green.

A chance do to what exactly? Why did he put the money up? He's in this only to make money as are his investors. Sell a player or build a strong team. They'll sell every time. They'll make every decision for the short term gain not for our long term well being. Success on the field will always be secondary to money in his pocket.

Read again Walter's groups statement. It's the polar opposite of this. All about the team NOT about the money.

Walter all they way. In Walter we place our trust. He will not let us down.

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Although it's distasteful, what we have been through in a pure business sense is the best possible scenario, we are in the best shape we have been in for decades.

In a football, moral and for our sanity it has been an unmitigated disaster that justs keeps on going.

Both side talk about honesty and transparency yet we still don't know the make up of their respective consortiums.

Green apparently still has investors in the far / middle east I believe. He was meant to name them yesterday and started talking about the 11 hour time difference being the reason. Has he named the yet?

Walter has talked about Mcoll and Park, who are the other Scottish business men? Is it TBK?

At the moment the hardest part has been done and everyone knows a successful debt free Rangers is a mouth watering prospect!

But who do we trust to take us there? In my mind Green looks like he is putting the pieces together that could ensure we have a future where we flourish. But again I just don't trust him yet and I would have been prepared to give him. Chance to prove himself but for the life of me I couldn't take all the turmoil. I am spent.

The shenanigans with Ally was pressing the self destruct button and then Walter, KAPOW!!! So for me it's a thank you Mr Green and for Walter, give Mr Green a fair price for doing the dirty work that no one wanted to be associated with so you can restoreour pride and The Rangers Way! WATP

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I would be delighted to see jim McColl backing Rangers . He is the richest man in Scotland , self made and of solid integrity .. He is a bear but being a smart businessman I think the reason he hasn't come forward before now is that with the number of employees he has , as soon as he backs us he will alienate half of his work force who will regard him as a " h@n" and no doubt productivity levels will dip (as if those gypsy fucks work anyway ) . But I would be delighted if he wanted to be part of us .

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I would be delighted to see jim McColl backing Rangers . He is the richest man in Scotland , self made and of solid integrity .. He is a bear but being a smart businessman I think the reason he hasn't come forward before now is that with the number of employees he has , as soon as he backs us he will alienate half of his work force who will regard him as a " h@n" and no doubt productivity levels will dip (as if those gypsy fucks work anyway ) . But I would be delighted if he wanted to be part of us .

You mean he employs taigs? Nay wunner they are gettin above their station! He should TUPE those cunts tay Syria and see how long they last way their fuckin sectarian doctrine!

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He employs 14,000 people , I'm sure one or two will be taigs

Far too many in my eyes!! Give these cunts a job and the next thing they have yours. These one or two will already be setting their sights on McColls joab!!!

I say in jest, but then again, these vhermin know no boundaries!

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