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Lawwell and Rangers money


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It looks like friends Lawwell and Regan are desperate to get Rangers back into the SPL sooner rather than later.Good stuff from Leggo for a change.

Friday, 24 August 2012


RANGERS fans do not want to be railroaded into a Stewart Regan inspired short cut back to the top flight as part of a Scottish Football Association plan to help Scottish Premier League clubs.

Ibrox supporters want nothing to do with any SFA-Stewart Regan scheme to reorganise Scottish Football in order that the SPL clubs who voted to kick out Rangers, get the financial value of them back in the top flight sooner rather than later.

In fact many of the many fans I have spoken to about the plan Scottish Football Association chief executive Stewart Regan revealed on Wednesday, suspect Regans pal and SFA board buddy, Peter Lawwell may be behind the secret moves.

And they may well be right!

For my information is that even after the Lawwell brokered SPL-Sky deal was signed three weeks ago, Celtic chief executive Lawwell has made a number of hush-hush trips to London.

Unlike Lawwells previous forays to the Capital, when he worked in tandem with another of Stewart Regans close pals, Scottish Premier League chief executive Neil Doncaster, Lawwells more recent trips to London have, I believe, been solo affairs.

Leading many astute observers to speculate he is still active in talks with Sky and with the Sports Channels boss, Barney Francis, who appears to hang on Lawwells every word.

There has also been speculation inside the past 24 hours that Lawwell may have been less than pleased with Regan after the SFA bigwig let the cat out of the bag about his reconstruction plans to reporters when he spoke to them at Hampden on Wednesday afternoon.

Certainly my information is, certain senior figures on the sixth floor at Hampden were unhappy at Regan for lifting the lid on what had, until then, been a so-secret scheme to bribe Charles Green to go along with a short cut back to the SPL for Rangers.

The reasoning among the plotters is, the sooner Rangers get back into the top flight, the sooner the faceless men who own Rangers and who are represented by Charles Green, can cash in their investment in the Ibrox club and make a huge profit.

The reorganisation plotters reckon this is the bait which will hook Charles Green.

But any such agreement by Charles Green would fly in the face of the express wishes of the overwhelming majority of Rangers supporters who want to see the SPL clubs who they perceive as their enemies, suffer the financial consequences of their vindictive decision to kick Rangers out of the top flight.

It was not what Celtic supremo Peter Lawwell had hoped for, but any scheme which he may have backed to hit Rangers with points penalties for at least two seasons, while keeping their cash value in the SPL, backfired when cowardly SPL chairmen caved in to the bigoted threats and rants from their wild eyed supporters and gave Rangers the boot.

Since then Peter Lawwell has given every indication of a man possessed of a mission. And that mission has appeared to many to be, keep as much of the SPLs value to Sky as possible, while giving Sky chief Barney Francis hope and reason to believe Rangers exile from the SPL will not last for three years.

Which means there must be re-organisation. The sort of re-organisation plan SFA chief executive Stewart Regan let out of the bag by talking about it to reporters on Wednesday.

However, as well as the attitude of Rangers supporters hardening against the SPL clubs and any perception of a Peter Lawwell-Stewart Regan secret plan to get their club and its ability to make money for the rest of the SPL, back to the top flight, there is also the attitude of the 30 clubs who form the Scottish Football League and who are led by the only figure from the three bodies to emerge with any respect from the last few months, David Longmuir.

While the SFAs Stewart Regan-Peter Lawwell-Rod Petrie Celtic and pro-Celtic cabal, along with the SPLs Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell-Eric Riley even more pro Celtic cabal, are mistrusted, David Longmuir is a trusted figure.

And the Scottish Football Leagues 30 clubs are also, in the main, trusted to do the right thing and not be railroaded by any Regan-Lawwell-Petrie SFA gang, or by the bully boys from the Doncaster-Lawwell-Riley SPL.

The SFL showed just how strong they were when, after the SPL froze out Rangers, they refused to be press ganged into parachuting Rangers into the First Division, a deal which would have suited the Regan, Lawwell, and Petrie SFA, along with the Doncaster, Lawwell, and Riley SPL, plus others such as Dundee Uniteds Stephen Thompson.

The SFL chairman showed they are honourable men by admitting Rangers to their league and placing them in the Third Division, a decision which was right and proper and which was met with the wholehearted approval of Rangers fans.

Now the SFL are going to have to stand tall again and be brave in the face of the financial blandishments the Regan-Lawwell-Petrie axis, plus the Doncaster-Lawwell-Riley cabal will wave under their noses by offering to increase the SPL to 16 teams.

But the mathematics dont look too good to me.

The backroom brokered blueprint means a mere extra three teams from the First Division would be promoted in the shake-up.

Doesnt it?

Or would it be a case of the SPL wanting just the First Division champions, as is already the case, plus two others promoted?

With a third team, not promoted, but invited? With that third team being Rangers?

However it plays out the words carve up and stitch up spring to mind. As I am sure they will spring to the minds of at least 20 of the 30 clubs who form the Scottish Football League. The 20 or so who have little or nothing to gain.

And as any change to the status and set up of the Scottish Football League would require a vote in favour from 75 per cent of the member clubs, it is increasingly unlikely any plan, seen to be the handiwork of Stewart Regan, Peter Lawwell and Rod Petrie of the SFA, along with Neil Doncaster, Peter Lawwell and Eric Riley of the SPL, would get such approval.

Especially as the memory remains fresh in the minds of the chairmen of SFL clubs from Berwick to Peterhead, of how those same SFA and SPL bully boys tried to railroad them just a few short weeks ago.

Added to which, Rangers supporters most emphatically do not want the club they support to give any aid or succour to the SPL clubs who treated Rangers so disgracefully, again just a few short weeks ago.

Under no circumstances should we allow this to happen. We're out of Europe for at least three seasons anyway. Let's just sit and watch the SPL implode. GIRUY. :uk::21::21::uk:

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Speculation.........my information is...... coulda shoulda woulda....if...maybe.....possibly.

When leggo the loony talks, i guess we only listen if it suits us.

He either needs dismissed as a madman, or believed. We cant just cherry pick the bits we want to believe. I lean towards the madmab angle after some of the shite he comes out with......he is our phil3names

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A 16 team spl cant work. How do you get the 4 Rangers - celtic games in?

It's impossible, unless they do the daft dutch thing and have a play-off for the championship at the end of the season.

The way I imagine a 16 team league going would be this.... Play each team once home and away, thats 30 games. Split league into top/bottom 8 with each team playing once that brings the league up to 37 games, with uneven number of home/away games. I cant figure it out in my head how a 16 team league would work. Can anyone help me out on this? Is there something I'm missing?

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This is Leggo nonsense as soon as i read the "Faceless men who own Rangers" the Charles Green hater was exposed.

He kills his good work with his need to demonise anything positive at Rangers.

I could not have put it better myself

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A 16 team spl cant work. How do you get the 4 Rangers - celtic games in?

It's impossible, unless they do the daft dutch thing and have a play-off for the championship at the end of the season.

The way I imagine a 16 team league going would be this.... Play each team once home and away, thats 30 games. Split league into top/bottom 8 with each team playing once that brings the league up to 37 games, with uneven number of home/away games. I cant figure it out in my head how a 16 team league would work. Can anyone help me out on this? Is there something I'm missing?

you play each team once, thats 15 games. then

split into 2 smaller divisions - play each team once again. 7 more games. then

split again into 4 division of 4. play home and away now. 6 more games.

28 games total - then

top two teams at the end of this process playoff over 7 games (the team at the top after 28 games gets the extra home leg).

at the end of this, Pacific Shelf are declared champions (irrespective of actual results), and Rangers are relegated 3 divisions. repeat every 4 years.

not sure where i was going with this really, just on my lunch break and decided to start typing.

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you play each team once, thats 15 games. then

split into 2 smaller divisions - play each team once again. 7 more games. then

split again into 4 division of 4. play home and away now. 6 more games.

28 games total - then

top two teams at the end of this process playoff over 7 games (the team at the top after 28 games gets the extra home leg).

at the end of this, Pacific Shelf are declared champions (irrespective of actual results), and Rangers are relegated 3 divisions. repeat every 4 years.

not sure where i was going with this really, just on my lunch break and decided to start typing.

wow lol.

You can obviously see where I'm coming from though, a 16 team league cant work.


Can anyone show a format that would work for a 16 team league?

Mind it has to include 4 Rangers - celtic games.

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wow lol.

You can obviously see where I'm coming from though, a 16 team league cant work.


Can anyone show a format that would work for a 16 team league?

Mind it has to include 4 Rangers - celtic games.

mine included 11!!!!

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Honestly. Fuck this need for 4 old firm games a season, it got old. Its not valuable when its common. Two old firm games would have more value than four when they become so special. As it is, you lose an Old firm game and its shite at work but it doesn't really matter cos u got another 3 chances to get those points back. Two old firm games REALLY mean something.

18 team leaue.

4 up 4 down.

End of.

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Not a fan of Leggo and this statement is pure conjecture,unless he has REAL evidence.Seems to me the main point he is making is that Liewell is the 'puppetmaster' and all that may be attempted is to benefit Septic FC.It's time that all evidence of corruption was gathered and put to UEFA/FIFA. :pipe:

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Am I the only one that thinks Sky may be happy with the current arrangement. Less money but same viewing figures as everybody in Britain is watching the most talked about story in football unfolding. They are getting more viewers for Rangers games than any other Scottish games.....My cancelation starts on the 7th of September. May have to go back cap in hand.

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