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I see Jim McColl Clyde Blowers is backing snp ?


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Can you also get the income tables? ;)

Bp9, you are missing the point that companies will be less inclined to have sites in a foreign country, as it would be the same as the rest of Europe compared to England, ie import taxes etc

Also factor in the military, if it's no longer Britain, what do you do? How about the work related to the forces? That wouldn't stay on Scotland either

All conveniently ignored by nats

now your being obtuse and surprising for you slightly thick! there will be a scots army thus jobs to support said army and not every company that is in scotland is English and going to withdraw ( they will also like our business friendly tax schemes!!!

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You know it makes sense. :cgreen:

Scots represent 8.4 per cent of the UK's total population, but they generate 9.4 per cent of its annual revenues in tax

Anything else you need to destroy your stance just let me know. :sherlock:

Do you think this would continue?

How much more bureaucracy would Scotland have to create to run the nation? Do you think Edinburgh financial services market will remain as is or would it all move to London? How about UK defence subsidy of our shipyards? North Sea oil will continue exploration/extraction at current rates while the our goverment/ tax strategy is in handover?

The bottom line is that NOONE knows how business will react to a change in sovereignty. Also people are looking a stable country set of results historically as a basis for a new economy going forward, flawed. Iceland? Ireland anyone?

People also assume the rest of the UK will just carry on blindly ignoring us as we try and undercut them for foreign investment, when in actual fact we will be making an economic enemy of the rest of the UK, where we'd be the weaker party.

Given the world we live in, the direction it's taking, we're about 100 years late for the independence party. We should focus on our strength in the world as the UK and seek to hold our politicians accountable to local issues.

Self determination is a myth, no nation has that anymore. Everyone is tied inextricably with everyone else and seeking to dissolve all ties with the UK for some romantic notion that we are in control of our own destiny is foolish in the extreme.

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Do you think this would continue?

How much more bureaucracy would Scotland have to create to run the nation? Do you think Edinburgh financial services market will remain as is or would it all move to London? How about UK defence subsidy of our shipyards? North Sea oil will continue exploration/extraction at current rates while the our goverment/ tax strategy is in handover?

The bottom line is that NOONE knows how business will react to a change in sovereignty. Also people are looking a stable country set of results historically as a basis for a new economy going forward, flawed. Iceland? Ireland anyone?

People also assume the rest of the UK will just carry on blindly ignoring us as we try and undercut them for foreign investment, when in actual fact we will be making an economic enemy of the rest of the UK, where we'd be the weaker party.

Given the world we live in, the direction it's taking, we're about 100 years late for the independence party. We should focus on our strength in the world as the UK and seek to hold our politicians accountable to local issues.

Self determination is a myth, no nation has that anymore. Everyone is tied inextricably with everyone else and seeking to dissolve all ties with the UK for some romantic notion that we are in control of our own destiny is foolish in the extreme.

The guy asked a question he got an answer so don't gie me the pish aboot we canny run oor ain menage, if you don't like it when self determination arrives you know the remedy. :craphead:

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The guy asked a question he got an answer so don't gie me the pish aboot we canny run oor ain menage, if you don't like it when self determination arrives you know the remedy. :craphead:

:clap: So that would be a no then would it? We all know the SNP have absolutely no evidence to support an independent economic Scotland because none exists. Yet the romantic bravehearts who are so insular and oppressed want the rest of us to go along with them on their merry jape.

We will most probably end up as some middling nation like Iceland indebted to our eyeballs to the big countries, but at least it will have been OUR fuckup and noone-elses eh? :BELM:

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:clap: So that would be a no then would it? We all know the SNP have absolutely no evidence to support an independent economic Scotland because none exists. Yet the romantic bravehearts who are so insular and oppressed want the rest of us to go along with them on their merry jape.

We will most probably end up as some middling nation like Iceland indebted to our eyeballs to the big countries, but at least it will have been OUR fuckup and noone-elses eh? :BELM:

I will leave you to your Walter Mitty existence I doubt you could haud hauns at a weddin never mind haud a sensible debate,even when the HM treasury figures are spoon fed to you. :craphead:

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Ah! You know you are up against a master debater when the insults start flying :D

Aye a ken that, but you're a masterbater so nae insults required they would only melt in your haun'. :cgreen:

PS that chunt gideon has got diesel touching £7 a gallon the mhanky chunt.

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My MOD pensuon will disapear if these cretins get their way.

So will Thousands of veterans .who served the UK ,

They havent thought of that one .

Eh, no it wouldn't.

You can live anywhere in the world and still receive it, but I'm sure if you checked you could easily find more on this.

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Ah! You know you are up against a master debater when the insults start flying :D

That's because, much like the snp, he found one stat (also just half the picture) and witters on as if it's absolute proof. As you and others have shown, it's a multi-faceted discussion, with no real examples of proof. Maybe somewhere in eastern Europe as an example? Uzbekistan maybe?

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That's because, much like the snp, he found one stat (also just half the picture) and witters on as if it's absolute proof. As you and others have shown, it's a multi-faceted discussion, with no real examples of proof. Maybe somewhere in eastern Europe as an example? Uzbekistan maybe?

You found fuck all, no surprise there. :sherlock:

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You found fuck all, no surprise there. :sherlock:

Can you start making sense mate? What was I meant to be looking for? You have one point that would become invalid as soon as independence happened, IF it happened. I see you couldn't answer any of the other points brought up?

I don't actually care, as was said its 100 years too late and won't happen

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Can you start making sense mate? What was I meant to be looking for? You have one point that would become invalid as soon as independence happened, IF it happened. I see you couldn't answer any of the other points brought up?

I don't actually care, as was said its 100 years too late and won't happen

It will happen if the people decide they want it to happen. Its called democracy, and it will at least be decided by the ballot box this time. Scotland can survive on its own. I think some people underestimate the value of being an independent country. We wouldnt have to get involved in the UKs disgusting foreign policy for a start, which would in turn save us millions.

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It will happen if the people decide they want it to happen. Its called democracy, and it will at least be decided by the ballot box this time. Scotland can survive on its own. I think some people underestimate the value of being an independent country. We wouldnt have to get involved in the UKs disgusting foreign policy for a start, which would in turn save us millions.

I agree, but, based on pretty much every proper vote on it, they dont. For me, the whole "can survive" thing is the crux, sure, it might, but, why survive when you can flourish? Thats the difference. If you look back historically, we are also absolutely shite at looking after ourselves, how many wars did we lose through infighting? indecisiveness? Yep, all the ones they teach you about in primary school.

You would have to create a new foreign policy, a new military, a new economy, a new government. How much do you think that would cost? Trade/export agreements, income and export tax levels, a form of national insurance or do we have to start paying for healthcare? how about public transport?

There are so many things need to be taken into account, yet, cant be because its all a fantasy at the moment. What will you do if the new foreign policy is to embrace republicanism? Herr Salmond is very cosy with McGuiness isnt he? hmm? I dont like that.

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I agree, but, based on pretty much every proper vote on it, they dont. For me, the whole "can survive" thing is the crux, sure, it might, but, why survive when you can flourish? Thats the difference. If you look back historically, we are also absolutely shite at looking after ourselves, how many wars did we lose through infighting? indecisiveness? Yep, all the ones they teach you about in primary school.

You would have to create a new foreign policy, a new military, a new economy, a new government. How much do you think that would cost? Trade/export agreements, income and export tax levels, a form of national insurance or do we have to start paying for healthcare? how about public transport?

There are so many things need to be taken into account, yet, cant be because its all a fantasy at the moment. What will you do if the new foreign policy is to embrace republicanism? Herr Salmond is very cosy with McGuiness isnt he? hmm? I dont like that.

You insult the intelligence of the people of our country if you think we couldnt organise all the things that are needed to be independent.

The thing is, if people dont like Salmond, or his policies, then its not difficult to vote him out after we are independent. The reason he has so much power at the moment is because none of the english based parties give two fucks for Scotland. An independent Scotland would have to spawn new political parties, to compete with the snp, hopefully we might finally have a true democracy in our little land, instead of feeding off the scraps of englands table.

Sadly, all the SNP wants is more power under the umbrella of the UK, i doubt they care much for total independence, hence the talk of a choice of three options.

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mccolls a fanny, salmonds a fanny, redrocks a fanny, bluepeter9s a fanny and you are now the 5 card trick ! Great post from BD ! UBER ! (tu):sherlock:

A used tae love pokin' fannies but it takes me aw ma time tae poke the fire noo. :cgreen:

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It will happen if the people decide they want it to happen. Its called democracy, and it will at least be decided by the ballot box this time. Scotland can survive on its own. I think some people underestimate the value of being an independent country. We wouldnt have to get involved in the UKs disgusting foreign policy for a start, which would in turn save us millions.

As a signature on here states - "Democracy - Where any two idiots can out vote a genius"

Democracy isn't exactly the best reason for doing something.

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It will happen if the people decide they want it to happen. Its called democracy, and it will at least be decided by the ballot box this time. Scotland can survive on its own. I think some people underestimate the value of being an independent country. We wouldnt have to get involved in the UKs disgusting foreign policy for a start, which would in turn save us millions.

Republic of Scotland is what your after there.

Please expand on the bold bits only.

Ballot box this time? As opposed to what other time?

UK's foreign policy? To what other countries do you elude?


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