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Rangers launch BBC complaint

Arfuf Phuxache

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I think it's actually quite creative and people are taking offence over nothing.

The producer is obviously a fan of Mad Men and took inspiration from the opening credit scene of the show which depicts the character Don Draper falling through various metaphors much like the club official is seen to be in the BBC scene.

It was a little ill timed, maybe would've suited this time last year though.

You have to add this into a long lie of other things tbh mate

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I think it's actually quite creative and people are taking offence over nothing.

The producer is obviously a fan of Mad Men and took inspiration from the opening credit scene of the show which depicts the character Don Draper falling through various metaphors much like the club official is seen to be in the BBC scene.

It was a little ill timed, maybe would've suited this time last year though.


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Surprise, surprise, bbc Scotland hate us, ave telt yees before the first 3 at the top are bheggars put there specifically to do a job on us. It sticks in the craw to even mention us on Reporting Scotland and we have all but disappeared from their radar on their television text. They might have shown the game last night but they managed to come up with this disgraceful opening to stick the knife in. Complaining to bbc Scotland will do no good it will only end up in the bin, Rangers will need to go higher than them to get satisfaction on this. Dignified silence and debate are doing no good we need confrontation on their doorsteps, that includes the sfa ! :sherlock:

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I think it's actually quite creative and people are taking offence over nothing.

The producer is obviously a fan of Mad Men and took inspiration from the opening credit scene of the show which depicts the character Don Draper falling through various metaphors much like the club official is seen to be in the BBC scene.

It obviously offended Ally McCoist, who was the subject of the montage, and the Rangers Board, therefore the complaint is justified.

It is not dissimilar to the banner reported to the SFA, in that it could be seen as depicting the death of Rangers. There are no sectarian undertones, however, it is negative imagery on a topic that is currently under discussion as part of the commission into EBTs. Imagery is very strong in reinforcing the public's views on a subject, as those within the media and advertising industry fully know, and therein lies my issue with the BBC.

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Just watched it... their, ahem, 'creative' team should be sacked on the spot just for the sheer cringeworthy nature of that opening sequence.

I said this in not so many words earlier in the thread. It's really really bad, and a copy of something else it seems with all the Mad Men references.

'Falling through metaphors' fuck sake that's the wankiest thing I've ever read in the bear's den. It's football, not a show about advertising. BBC pricks.

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my complaint to BBC online

Dear whoever this reaches,

I was disgusted to see that a montage of clips, with a theme of a figure falling from the Ibrox facade, was deemed appropriate to show on your show last night. This sequence (prior to the game) was supposed to allude the difficulties that Rangers have faced over the last few months, however it alluded towards a suicidal caricature falling from the Ibrox facade. As someone whose mother commited suicide by jumping off the *******, I personally feel very sensitive to instances where this is shown on the television.

To make matters worse, the figure in question was wearing the club suit and tie, and could well of been suggesting that it was Alastair McCoist (our club manager) was falling to his death. I do not understand how the production team who created this, or the editor for the programme, could of found this relevant, unoffensive or acceptable in any way.

I hope that the relevant people will face some form of disciplinary action, as this was completely unacceptable to show on a national television programme. The fact that your employees deemed that the fortunes of a football team, could be represented by someone committing suicide off a building, is disgusting, disturbing and wrong. Its reasons like this as to why people consistently question why they should pay for a TV license, when you continue to produce such shocking material. I eagerly await your public apology, as well as updates on disciplinary action for those involved.

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Dignity does not need to be quiet. We will complain about this as it is adding to the weight of anti Rangers bias but we will do so in a dignified manner. The time to keep quiet has gone and the time to take these people on is here. WATP

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The same BBC Scotland that didn't put our attendance on the online match report for our first home game of the season despite every other game in the UK having theirs listed?

I noticed this as well at the time.

Someone high up at the BBC is obviously very very bitter.

Every other news company in the UK mentioned the exceptional crowd, and loads of overseas papers/websites even did a report.

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