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Proposed Supporters Boycott Of SPL Club's In League Cup



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  1. 1. Should supporters boycott any SPL team they may be drawn away to in the League Cup?

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Proposed Supporters Boycott Of SPL Club's In League Cup

[imgleft]http://www.rangersmedia.co.uk/images/resized/images/wv56rangersveastfife_200_200.jpg[/imgleft]Last night a newly established Supporters Platform - representing a number of reputable supporters groups - issued a statement calling for Rangers fans to boycott any SPL club in the next round of the League Cup, should they be drawn away from home.

This certainly isn't the first time talk of such action has arisen but it may perhaps now be the best chance for it to be a success.

Given the honours that our proud club has achieved throughout its history, it is inevitable that certain rivals and supporters view Rangers with a tinge of envy. I suppose it is a natural reaction. The result of such feelings though were far from being healthy.

H.G Wells once famously stated that 'moral indignation is jealousy with a halo' and, given the reaction to the financial meltdown at Ibrox, it would seem to be as fitting now as when it was first written.

There was a huge furore that was certainly aided by the media coverage that resulted and suddenly our Club was a tax-evading, creditor-shafting, morally bereft organisation that brought nothing but shame to Scottish football. It is curious that the same reaction was never afforded to the likes of Dundee, Motherwell and even Gretna, all of whom suffered similar insolvency events.

These clubs shed debts that were due and left businesses out of pocket, including the tax authorities, similarly as a result of the mismanagement of those charged with running their companies. Unlike Rangers however they were spared the faux outrage for some unknown reason.

If we look at how such things are viewed south of the border then there is no better place to look than at Portsmouth FC. They once again entered administration in February of this year, the second time in just three seasons. There has however been widespread sympathy shown towards its loyal supporters, the innocent victims in all of this, and the Football League have done everything possible to assist the club in its hour of need. Quite a contrasting reaction to anything we have witnessed back home in Scotland, I'm sure you'll agree.

When Rangers entered administration on Valentines Day 2012, the vultures in the SPL stopped circling and began swooping down to pick at the flesh of a wounded animal. Our proud institution was on its knees and yet our fellow league members were lining up to take a swipe at what remained of our defenceless Club.

The rulebook was flung out of the window and Rangers' future was essentially put into the hands of our rival supporters who were even willing to risk the future of their own football team just to see our Club get hammered with sanctions. There was only ever going to be one outcome.

Ally McCoist, the man who galvanised our support and became the only real representative of Rangers Football Club during one of the darkest periods in our history, issued a warning to those who called for our blood. He told them that we would not be down for long and that when we got back to our feet, their actions would not be forgotten.

On Thursday we may well find ourselves drawn away to a former league rival from the Scottish 'Premier' League. Excluding Celtic, each and every one of these clubs leeched off the money that Rangers brought into Scottish football both via television coverage and our travelling support. We cannot influence the broadcasting side of things at present but we can certainly decide what do to when we are asked to attend a football match away from our Ibrox home.

I would urge all Rangers fans to remember the hatred and utter contempt that was shown to our club in the months that have gone by. Think of the chairmen and fans who wanted our club punished as much as the rulebook would allow while seeking to corruptly exploit our financial power.

If you can look back on recent events and are still willing to enter the ground of any SPL team then you are certainly a more forgiving person than myself. I have no doubt in my mind that these clubs do not deserve our money and should be taught a valuable lesson that they would do well to remember in the future - do not mess with Rangers Football Club.

This may well be the perfect opportunity for our loyal supporters to send out a defiant message to our many bloodthirsty detractors in this country. It is not one that I believe we should allow to pass.

I fully support the proposed boycott - which was endorsed by the likes of Vanguard Bears, RTID NI and the Rangers Supporters Assembly - and hope that Charles Green and his fellow boardroom members take the time to acknowledge the strong feelings that undoubtedly exist on this issue. I do feel that if this action, and similar future actions, are to be successful then we need the support of Rangers FC.

We are now well and truly back on our feet and are taking the first steps on our journey back to the top of Scottish football. There is currently a terrific unity throughout our Club, one which I haven't witnessed before, and this is a great chance to stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow Bears and issue a warning to those who tried to kill our Club.

Together, we are Rangers.

When the topic arose last week most fans I spoke to seemed to back a boycott, should we be drawn away to an SPL club. This view has since been supported by a number of supporters groups such as VanguardBears, Union Bears, The Blue Order and such likes.

I have since had a somewhat mixed reaction to talk of a potential boycott.

I'd be interested in hearing everyone's opinion on here. What do you think? Boycott or scrap the whole idea?

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RangersMedia has been kind enough to publish my latest article regarding the proposed away boycott in the next round of the League Cup.

The full article can be found here:


When the topic arose last week most fans I spoke to seemed to back a boycott, should we be drawn away to an SPL club. This view has since been supported by a number of supporters groups such as VanguardBears, Union Bears, The Blue Order and such likes.

I have since had a somewhat mixed reaction to talk of a potential boycott.

I'd be interested in hearing everyone's opinion on here. What do you think? Boycott or scrap the whole idea?

Attach poll to thread!. :rolleyes:

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The League Cup is run by the SFL.

I don't think we should be shitting in their garden after the summer we had.

The Scottish Cup on the other hand is fair game, and to be brutally honest, I had hoped we could decline entry this year (on the basis of a 'weak' squad caused by a transfer embargo).

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I understnad fully your opinion, and I wont be going, but i just cant see a boycott happening.

I think its just going to have to be a personal thing for all fans or groups to decide themselves. Some wont go back but loads will.

If you play aberdeen or inverness (dont even know if they are still in the cup) for example there will be fans who stay up that way who dont get to many games who will go because its a rare chance for them to see the Gers. And if we get C*lt*c there will be no problem selling thousands of tickets in my opinion.

So those who want to boycott should and those that dont want to will at least be there to give support to the team and manager.

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Boycott of all SPL away clubs grounds 00000042.gif There must be no leeway

This is the way I feel too.

However, I wouldn't think any less of others for going and would have to respect their own personal decisions.

If it were a poll, I'd go with boycott all away SPL grounds although that is maybe harsh on Killie.

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Boycott of all SPL away clubs grounds 00000042.gif There must be no leeway


100% boycott

It puts a message out to all of Scottish football, SFA, SPL and the clubs trying to kill us

Scare the shit out them as they know they are fucked without us

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I agree to some extent on a boycott, but how long does it go on for?

We will be playing most of these teams regularly in a few years time. At what point do we decide that supporting the team away is more important than hurting other teams?

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My view is that these clubs are their fans tried to destroy us under the banner of sporting integrity which we all know is a complete sham and was used as justification for the hate and anger directed towards us...

I understand people's reluctance to boycott as in essence it is showing a lack of support for our team however I personally could not sit in a stadium and pay money to people who only want us for our money and the status they hoped to get from our supposed demise. I would never criticise someone who didn't boycott as they are supporting our team but at the same time I think we need to (like green and the club are starting to) show that we can't be used or put down by these vindictive jealous morons.

The thing is regardless if we have 5000 fans or 5 at their stadium we are still due 40% of all gate receipts so that argument is moot for me and why not let the rest finance us for a change! In Scotland it will make no difference but an organised and publicised boycott will gain coverage abroad and will hopefully highlight to people out with Scottish football exactly how we have been treated!

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We with the exception of the phigghery and the sheepdhome would make up the majority of the support at most SPL grounds.

Our team is struggling badly in away matches. Why deprive them of our support?? Besides unlike league matches we get a reasonable %age of the gate receipts.

Plus as Mr Icon says this is an SFL competition.

Let's keep our powder dry and save our vengeance for SPL clubs in the Scottish cup or when we are back in the top division.

“Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged.”

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It's a tough one. There is no easy yes or no answer. I want to say boycott but I can't.

I'm fully behind never helping any of those bastards that saw their chance to stab a wounded Bear in the back. Watching them enjoy our pain means I will never forgive or forget, like many,many Bears.

There has been numerous threads on this in the past and I remember someone saying, "We can't send our boys to the piggery alone" (Or something like that) And thinking about it I agree. Particularly with our squad so young and new. To send them to the scum alone would be criminal. So I'd break my legs to make sure I was there to support and defend Rangers from those rebel cunts. But where does that stop? Ideally ALL of those cunts get liquidated and cease to exist and there will be new teams for us to play. But if some of them survive :anguish: then we would be in a position where we our sending our team away on their own to clubs surrounded by rabid, rancid, evil fans!

It comes down to a simple question, 'Do we want to be like them?' Their bitterness and anger at us clouded their outlook. Their bloodlust to see us die may have caused their own downfall!

Can't make up my mind though. Someone needs to be the bigger club (always us anyway) but I can't hide the venom that I feel inside for them all. Perhaps a couple years of sustained boycotts will rid the earth of these cesspit, scum filled clubs and we can get back to Following our club.

But I would not feel well with myself if I didn't Follow my Club because of my bitterness to our opposition. So when we draw the scum in the cup I will be standing right beside Rangers READY for the fight, Home, or Away.

Then the activist in me says, Lets just all travel there, don't buy any tickets and stand outside singing our songs. Show the team we're with them but not giving the spl cunts a penny.

It's a personal decision all of us need to take on our own. IMO, A blanket boycott isn't an option. Whenever I'm struggling for clarity I ask myself, "What Would Ally Do?" : :mccoist:

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First, I fully support positive action when individual or companies attack or print disparaging comments about Rangers and our support.

However, someone needs to explain to me why this boycott is a good idea, when we mobilised against the SFA over sanctions all we did was galvanise our attackers in to a single group, even if the Celtic support had to threaten their own boycott to get everyone's backing.

In the league cup we get a large share of the gate money, in the league we do not, I would support a boycott in the league but can't get my head around, especially without the hearings being completed, doing one now. It seems like an empty gesture which will very little impact.

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as far as im concerned if you go you are guilty of attacking our club. as however you look at it your funding the enemy.

It's as clear as that. (tu)

If I happened onto a murder in progress and the killer dropped his knife and asked me to hand it back to him so he could carry on plunging the victim - I'd be as guilty as him for doing so.

Providing financial assistance to those bastards who wanted us dead is, to my mind, no different to the fictional scenario above.

Fuck the PL - it can go to Hell. :angry:

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as far as im concerned if you go you are guilty of attacking our club. as however you look at it your funding the enemy.

A cup game at Ibrox would "fund the enemy" so will you boycott Ibrox if we get a home tie against spl opponents?

I don't think its as black and white as you put it. But I'll probably change my mind again next week.

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I agree to some extent on a boycott, but how long does it go on for?

We will be playing most of these teams regularly in a few years time. At what point do we decide that supporting the team away is more important than hurting other teams?

I understand your sentiment; but my answer to your question is "untill they die"!

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