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Charles Green on STV


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Just dirt digging as usual, he stated about being straight before his consortium bought us and stated after his time at Sheffield utd he learned to be straight up with the fans as he was hated there for some reason, at least with us it's virtually from scratch and a healthier income

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I thot he spoke well, didn't get flustered or panic at any questions and most of all answered every question. The reporter clearly wanted something on whyte, continually asking if he was involved, completely disregarding Charles greens previous answers.

I believe what Charles says and am looking forward to reading the prospectus!

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So Scotland Tonight read out 5 tweets from the tons they receive on Charles Green, 4 are Negative and 1 the guy starts Negative and then becomes positive . . .

they then apologise as they have no more time to read any more doh

so basically they got a few hundred positive tweets and managed to go through em till they found 4 negative ones FFS

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Haven't seen CG as yet but just watched CW's interview on Newsnight. His bulging eyes and attempt to wriggle out of Gollum's accusation of lying are either the mark of a man who is

a} Seriously deluded or,

b] Mentally ill

For the life of me I am struggling to ascertain which is the correct option.

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Haven't seen CG as yet but just watched CW's interview on Newsnight. His bulging eyes and attempt to wriggle out of Gollum's accusation of lying are either the mark of a man who is

a} Seriously deluded or,

b] Mentally ill

For the life of me I am struggling to ascertain which is the correct option.

Defo a)

and b)

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Just caught it there on +1.

Charles speaks excellent and I honestly don't have many doubts regarding his intentions.

He says that ALL the information regarding investors and what not will be available in the public domain in the upcoming IPO prospectus. Also, the SFA have the complete list of shareholders and the shareholders before being able to commit had to pass some FSA scheme to be deemed suitable.

More good truthful words from Charles, I look forward to seeing this prospectus.

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Not watched yet but wanted to respond to the comparisons between BBC/STV reporting on us - it really is palpable when you compare and contrast. Don't get me wrong - the "locals" were every bit as hungry when the feeding frenzy was in full flow (nature of the beast) but at least they seem to be willing to allow some balance into their reporting now. When you think that we actually pay the other lot to do what they do to us it's stomach-turning.

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Haven't seen CG as yet but just watched CW's interview on Newsnight. His bulging eyes and attempt to wriggle out of Gollum's accusation of lying are either the mark of a man who is

a} Seriously deluded or,

b] Mentally ill

For the life of me I am struggling to ascertain which is the correct option.

I think his mother was exposed to some highly toxic chemicals while pregnant which has made him a pathelogical liar with mad bug eyes :drugang:

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Charles Green doesn't take any shite. So far this man has answered every question that has been asked of him. But still the media want to question him?

It would have suited them if they had done that with Whyte. I don't know what people want from Green they keep on asking him the same questions all the time there is nothing new getting asked he's told us all these answers about 100 times now.

From day one he says the fans will be hearing alot from him he will be straight with them no rubbish unless they listen to the media.

And for Green to get to the IPO stage proves that we do have money, as we have to have cash in the bank for at least 18 months before anything can get going.

He also says there will be more details about who's invested what, who owns what, where the share money will be going etc in the next few weeks.

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When you compare Charles greens interview with craig whytes, it is night and day. Whyte looks nervous and has got 'liar' all over his face, while green just bats the questions off one by one, cool as fuck

Certainly not suggesting this but often when people are telling the truth and not believed they look nervous and have a lot of eye movement trying to remember the truth where as when somebody is lying they bat off questions because they've already formulated the lie in their head and are just repeating it.

I don't think this is the case at all in this instance just providing some info (tu)

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Certainly not suggesting this but often when people are telling the truth and not believed they look nervous and have a lot of eye movement trying to remember the truth where as when somebody is lying they bat off questions because they've already formulated the lie in their head and are just repeating it.

I don't think this is the case at all in this instance just providing some info (tu)

Body Evasion/Language techniques, or reverse Psychology ?

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