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Desperado Odios Creep Graham Spiers writes EBTs "morally wrong"


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I think these trust funds look morally pretty dubious, and I say this in the full knowledge that the First Tier Tribunal has just found in favour of Rangers and the Murray Group.

Indeed, I’ve called EBTs “a form of cheating” and, while the context of that comment was specific, I can’t take the remark back.

EBTS benefited (in the case of Rangers) both the club and their employees, and were to the severe detriment of the Revenue.

In Rangers’ case, HMRC believed that upwards of £45m was due to them, and thus made their claim against the Ibrox club stretching back over 10 years.

It is little wonder that – the Rangers case being incidental to this - the UK government last year tightened up EBTs in what it called an “anti-avoidance” move.

We all know the buzzwords by now. There is “tax avoidance” which, during the Rangers saga, fell within the law (just), and there is “tax evasion” which, in the case of Rangers, HMRC felt had been the issue.

After an agonising period of investigation, and examining scores of witnesses, the tribunal finally announced by a majority verdict that the Murray Group and Rangers were in the clear.

There are two distinct issues for legitimate debate here. First, the legal argument, and second, the moral argument.

Legally, Rangers stand vindicated. There should be no dubiety cast on this (though some are trying). HMRC may well announce they will appeal the Rangers decision but, as things stand, within the legal framework, the club under Sir David Murray did nothing wrong.

Morally? Quite a few take a more dissenting stance. The EBTs system allowed for tax-avoidance on a grand scale – tens of millions of pounds – which might have been put to far greater use than lining the pockets of footballers and football clubs.

The moral cliché used here is “money for schools and hospitals”, which has come to sound over-earnest, but it still touches a truth.

Not for nothing were EBTs called “a legal tax loophole” because that is precisely what they were, prior to being reined in: they allowed for unpaid taxes via disguised remuneration which everybody knew would ordinarily have gone to the Revenue.

Are we allowed, even after Rangers’ legal victory, to cite this scheme as having been morally distasteful? I hope so, because that is how many have viewed this pocket-lining process.

Since the Rangers tribunal victory there has been crowing among many Ibrox fans about “the legal right” which the decision established. Others, however, still view the system exploited as “a moral wrong”. So the debate goes on.

Having said that, I don’t mind confessing I feel a measure of relief for Murray, the man who rode Rangers into the EBTs scheme in 2001.

The last two years have been a nightmare for Murray, who has been variously labelled “the man who ruined Rangers” or the person who was “duped” into selling to Craig Whyte.

The tribunal announcement on Tuesday must have been a huge personal relief to him, given the trashing he has faced, both from sections of the Scottish media as well as among certain Rangers fans groups.

In truth, Murray only ever wanted the best for Rangers. Back in his heyday he caught glimpses of European greatness on the Ibrox horizon, and it drove him on to ever greater – and wilder – ambition for his club.

These ambitions cost money, and Murray, hardly alone in British football, saw EBTs as a way of maximising his resources.

With this decision, the former Rangers owner has been spared a further humiliation, which in all probability would have scarred him.

When this whole mess clears, I hope Rangers emerge cleaner and stronger and ready for their assault back towards the top of Scottish football. Our game needs this club back in its rightful place.

Looks like Mr. Spiers is squirming. EBT's are cheating. They are morally wrong. They are 25% illegal. :lol:

I never liked Creep but i honestly gave him more credit than he's came out with here - he's obliterated what was left of his reputation.

Coming up next week in Spiers' on Sport: Abusing children and covering it up is morally wrong.

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So he now admits to lying on tv last night? Just so we are clear on this. As for the rest well if hes so moraly concerned by tax avoidance schemes, wheres his articles on Starbucks, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Vodaphone, Top Shop, Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspur ect ect? Much more widespread and costly tax schemes there for his 'schools and hospitals'. He has always been driven by bigoted hatred for all things Rangers and his pathetic attempts at justification are only making him look even more bitter.

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So he now admits to lying on tv last night? Just so we are clear on this. As for the rest well if hes so moraly concerned by tax avoidance schemes, wheres his articles on Starbucks, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Vodaphone, Top Shop, Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspur ect ect? Much more widespread and costly tax schemes there for his 'schools and hospitals'

i couldnt help laugh at the "schools and hospitals" line. Absolutely laughable. How many schools and hospitals could be built from the tax paid by MIH since it's inception? Or since RFC was incorporated in 1899? A few thousand?

Do pension contributions fall the wrong side of Spiers moral compass? What about dodgy expense claims from MP's staying in swanky hotels?

But the million dollar question he failed to answer. How does an EBT equate to "cheating"?

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The morality of of tax avoidance is really down to the UK govt., they make the rules for companies or individuals to exploit. Its a companies duty to be as tax effective as is allowed within the law. I wonder how many media companies/freelancers or employees are benefiting from

these tax schemes.

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i couldnt help laugh at the "schools and hospitals" line. Absolutely laughable. How many schools and hospitals could be built from the tax paid by MIH since it's inception? Or since RFC was incorporated in 1899? A few thousand?

Do pension contributions fall the wrong side of Spiers moral compass? What about dodgy expense claims from MP's staying in swanky hotels?

But the million dollar question he failed to answer. How does an EBT equate to "cheating"?

Its an emotive phrase used to try and whip up hatred, funnily enough ive never heard it used except about Rangers when it comes to tax, cant imagine why. As a club Rangers have been involved both directly and indirectly in alot of good work around the UK and the world with the Rangers Charity involved in Malawi and raising money there as well as all the poppy appeals and loads more, yet this is never mentiond by the 'moral outrage' brigade, again i cant think why. And he can have no awnser to why EBT loans amounts to cheating because it doesnt, players usualy leave that to their agents and just play football and these guys would of played just as well or just as badly no matter what accounts their wages went into or how it was admistered.

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So after the worthwhile lessons taught to this prick by every Bear with a Twitter yesterday today he attacks us again and tries to squirm out of his admission of guilt by saying it was out of context what an idiot.

Note no apology to the club for his lies.

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The article was to dig himself out of a hole. He has now admitted to lying on national television, however BBC will probably employ him now - why am I not surprised?

Chances are he will get more work from people with an agenda against us the BBC Clyde the papers.

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He picked the wrong side, made a complete arse of himself and doesn't have the humility or guts to put his hands up and apologise. People, like him, with no backbone deserve nothing but contempt.

(tu) Exactly, how many were saying we were too unrepentant even though nothing had been decided.

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