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CRO - The Uncomfortable Truth


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Just dont see this as helpful at this stage . Without stating the obvious ,we have many queuing up to put the boot in.

In very near future we will probably have shameful punishments thrown at us with there corruption .The last thing we need is One of our own telling is us our shortcomings and faults at this present time in this blog

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You hate to see your own criticised, but I'm grudgingly going to have to agree with you. You're right too, in that if we don't face up to past errors then no matter where our journey takes us, we'll end up dragging this baggage along with us.

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Bill talks of arrogance but misses his own in this new blog.

As for the EBTs being construed as side payments, the FTTT ruled that they were not side payments otherwise tax would be due on them. That appears pretty straightforward to most observers. What people appear to miss in all this clamour for title stripping, cheating allegations, etc is that RFC were not hiding the EBT scheme. It was clearly noted in the accounts. The SFA/SPL had sight of our accounts and had every opportunity to question anything untoward therein. If they don't actually look at the accounts then why request them? This case bears no comparison to drug-taking or match-fixing which would merit draconian measures.

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Don't understand the view of this blog at all. Any time for self reflection comes at the end a process, not while you are still in the trenches.

Lets not confuse the matter, the SPL investigation is nothing but a disgraceful attempt to remove FAIRLY won on the field of play titles because of the hubris of one club, undertaken at a time of weakness of their rivals.

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If they were payments then the case would and if appealed go against us.

What the SPL or Harper McLeod are doing is slightly altering the rule book and will probably word it in a way that there's no way out, (like the f a with john terry).

That doesnt mean we are guilty of side payments.

Got agree with David Murray comments though. I mean look at the tims owner very seldom in the news. Lets wanker lawell do the talking, but Murray? Nah. That egotistical maniac was on the t.vs and radio mire than an owner should be. Most of it was lies anyway he said stadium expansion and buying all the land round ibrox.

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Poor timing and unsure what it achieves regardless of the rights or wrongs.

I dont think any gers supporter thinks Whyte done the right thing by HMRC in not paying our taxes, or that any us would be happy to have been one of the small businesses that lost money when we went into admin/liquidation or to be party to that. He does a disservice to the Rangers support if he thinks that.

IMO we didn't just "cease to be the good guys of Scottish football" - we ended up becoming the fallguys for everything about it that was seen to be wrong and corrupt which is a different thing entirely.

However, I would have thought a public "mea culpa" simply hands the initiative to others, who will lap it up, to achieve nothing.

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So we are Guilty then, how can we move on with this Crap coming out .

Honestly if we did have Side Letters then surely its administrative at the most .

Honestly the very fact that he hints at others should be enough to Investigate said Clubs , the same as us.

I was always under the Impression the SPL/SFA Knew all about the Paper work in this Case, they had the account's .

They knew Craig Whyte was a Shyster when he took over , they Knew he wouldn't Pay Tax ,Nic, they Knew about EBT's, so they where Quite happy to reep the benefits from Rangers for all those Years .

Now when One Club scream's, and Moans and Points the Finger , whilst they themselves used the same system to avoid Tax they get let off, and Rangers get Vilified, and Booted from here to Kingdom Come.

Only one Club and One Club alone gains from Rangers being Stripped of Titles ,which has been suggested by every Media Channel in this Pathetic Little Country .

The SPL /SFA knew what was happening with EBT's, and the way Murray was running the Club.

We really don't need this shit , and its a sign that some of our own Fans are buying in to the Propaganda .

I don't know if this Guy knows anything about the Kangaroo Court , if he does is he preparing us for the worse.

I believe they have already found us Guilty.

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Im very surprised that young Bill would choose this time to give our haters any ammo...But i agree wholeheartedly about murray...He was a sleekit dodgy bloke that wanted nothing to do with the ordinary fan and was an arrogant arse who wouldnt defend us..

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It is my understanding (though I may be wrong) that the "case" is whether SPL rules were breached etc in relation to payments to players for playing football.

The FTT verdict was that the EBT's were loans but I have no idea if loans breach SPL Rules (perhaps rewritten). The SPL / SFA and our enemies knew for years about EBT's and did nothing. Hopefully there is no punishment or just minimal but the Lawwell kangaroo court are determined to strip titles and issue a massive fine. We have to be ready to fight these bastards in the courts and protect our titles

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Im very surprised that young Bill would choose this time to give our haters any ammo...But i agree wholeheartedly about murray...He was a sleekit dodgy bloke that wanted nothing to do with the ordinary fan and was an arrogant arse who wouldnt defend us..

up until his last 18-24 months I thought Murray was the dogs bollocks myself.
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Im very surprised that young Bill would choose this time to give our haters any ammo...But i agree wholeheartedly about murray...He was a sleekit dodgy bloke that wanted nothing to do with the ordinary fan and was an arrogant arse who wouldnt defend us..

Murray was poisonous of that there is little doubt, his attitude towards the support was utterly disgusting.

However, and I can't believe I'm going to defend him here.... I doubt very much that he sanctioned open cheating on the scale being suggested.

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It is my understanding (though I may be wrong) that the "case" is whether SPL rules were breached etc in relation to payments to players for playing football.

The FTT verdict was that the EBT's were loans but I have no idea if loans breach SPL Rules (perhaps rewritten). The SPL / SFA and our enemies knew for years about EBT's and did nothing. Hopefully there is no punishment or just minimal but the Lawwell kangaroo court are determined to strip titles and issue a massive fine. We have to be ready to fight these bastards in the courts and protect our titles

If they were against rules then they should have been dealt with at the time. it wasn't exactly a secret we were using this system.

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I disagree with the gist of your argument.

If they were non-contractual payments from a third party trust in the form of a loan under an EBT system, as ruled by the FTT, the SPL and SFA have NO JURISDICTION over the matter.

A foolish point, argued badly with all the timing of a last minute own goal.

I'm disappointed to he honest, Bill.

What exactly were you trying to achieve? It evades my grasp.

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Don't like being negative about Bears blogs, I couldn't write one and nobody would read it anyway :), but I have noticed on here with Bill's pieces they are either spot on or way off the mark. It's pretty obvious you got this one wrong. If the might of HMRC investigators couldn't build a convincing case against us what chance has skippy and friends got? He haw and fuck all.

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If they were against rules then they should have been dealt with at the time. it wasn't exactly a secret we were using this system.

Totally agree mate. The corrupt cabal attacked when we were at our weakest and perhaps SPL rules were recently "adjusted" to suit.

Be prepared for the worst and fight these bastards

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