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Wounds Must Heal - C Green


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I'll never forgive nor will I forget.

That said I think CG is just playing games with them. He obviously wants to scupper the proposed 12-12-18 deal and favours the 14-14-14 set-up. He wants chairmen of other clubs on board. He will not achieve his Fait accompli by telling other clubs to Foxtrot Oscar.

Can you imagine 12-12-18 is binned in favour of 14-14-14. Kind of embarrasses rhegan and dungcaster does it not.

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This is quite a turn around.

Why? Is the question...

Charles Green, in Ist or 3rd Person Gear, makes remarks which are clearly intended to please an audience. So what is the audience these

remarks are aimed to please?

The SFL/ SPL clubs in relation to the reconstruction talks would be one potential audience. It would really upset some Rangers haters if the "three musketeers" plan was

refused and the Charles Green led 14,14,14 was adopted.


The English Conference Clubs. Is he worried that whilst those Clubs might welcome the commercial advantages of us joining their

league, that they might also be wary of a Club that will officially boycott other Clubs.


In attracting long term investors and commercial sponsors, is a Club that appears to be at War with a large chunk of it's fellow Football

Association members, a safe and risk free prospect.


Is this another tactical move with regards EBT's and possible additional sanctions against our Club.

Charles Green is here to make money and take Rangers back to the top. However if those two aims were to be honestly prioritised the 1st aim for Charles Green is to make money for Charles Green. However his best way of achieving that aim is to bring Rangers back to the top echelons of the game.

Therefore love him or beware of him, The

Saviour of Rangers Football Club or snake oil

salesman, Charles Green has to start calming the waters, that it has to be said he has so eloquently whipped up, whilst still keeping the

backing of our fan base. If he manages that it

will be his finest achievement yet in PR terms.

Having said all that- I am not that confident in my ability to second guess Charles Green- and he has probably an entirely different agenda. I just hope it serves Rangers best interests.

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CG knows more than most that open wounds can't heal when they are still twisting the knife. I think he is offering an olive branch and giving them an opportunity to remove the knife before the kangaroo court is convened. In the last week we have been drip fed snippets of of positive information and I hope that JT and CG are keeping their powder dry to blow the kangaroo court, SFA and SPL out the water.

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Only once our titles are safe can we possibly set any timetable for a return to 'normality'.

We won't get many apologies just people wanting us to pay and forget and it will take a good few years before we don't talk in terms of revenge.

It's simple. Leave our titles alone and there's a chance that Rangers will treat you in a civil way, eventually.

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"We are Rangers and we are better than those others who would carry on doing crazy things"

I believe that if you take this statement and the context off the full interview it's clear that he means we have had our beating, we are stronger and getting even stronger still. We are the biggest club in Scottish football and if there is to be change we will try to lead by example.

Also the comments about Dindee Utd,to me seem to be a case of "we WILL listen to our fans and act in their best interests", his three musketeers comments also shows all is not forgiven.

I don't believe for a second that CG means we should just forgive and forget but that he wants us to move forward, grow stronger and show the world even more exactly why we are the greatest football club on the planet.

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I wont be satisfied until the those responsible for using illegally gained information relating to HMRC's case against us to smear the club, engage in propaganda to sway public opinion into false determination of guilt are held accountable. I want to see the RTC blogger and his source named and hauled through the courts ending up without a pot to piss in.

Until those in the media who helped pedal these deranged lunatics slant into a widespread belief of guilt are in some way taken to task by the club and ostracised from their profession. Spiers and his ilk have no business whatsoever reporting on matters when they are so clearly gleefully happy to use innuendo to berate, vilify and castigate one set of supporters like they shamefully have done.

Until Regan and the other inept excuse for a blazer whose only job it seems is to pander to Lawwell's every whim are told in no uncertain terms where to go.

Nor until BDO and the crown office have concluded their investigations and every dodgy cretin from Whyte, Grier, Muir, Withey, Duff and Phepls, Murray and so on and so on have been brought to account.

I'm delighted we survived and on an unstoppable path towards retaking our place as Scotland's premier club but the past year or so has been hellish and I want all of these bastards to suffer for their role.


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"We are Rangers and we are better than those others who would carry on doing crazy things"

I believe that if you take this statement and the context off the full interview it's clear that he means we have had our beating, we are stronger and getting even stronger still. We are the biggest club in Scottish football and if there is to be change we will try to lead by example.

Also the comments about Dindee Utd,to me seem to be a case of "we WILL listen to our fans and act in their best interests", his three musketeers comments also shows all is not forgiven.

I don't believe for a second that CG means we should just forgive and forget but that he wants us to move forward, grow stronger and show the world even more exactly why we are the greatest football club on the planet.

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I have been coming through these gates to support my team for over 50 years,I'm in no hurry to forgive & forget so to our CEO, say what you like but it will be us the fans who will decided if an olive branch is to be offered to any of the bigots who tried to kill us off and that wont be happening anytime soon.

at ibrox we dont do walking away

to the spl grounds we do


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like many of us i have suffered almost 12 months of piss take and some total hatred spoke about our club,lies and more lies so forgive and forget,dont think so.it will be a hellava long time before i consider paying for tickets to an away game with spl clubs they can rot :angry::moon:

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I think it is a good move by Charles and Rangers. He will know full well that legions of Rangers fans will neither readily or conveniently forgive or forget what has been done to us by active harm clubs, the SPL and the SFA. Its now part of our very being as supporters of Rangers and it is most probably a generational set of harm we have suffered. I'm sure he also knows it will take time - in many cases a very long time - and most probably a lot more than the smple passage of time for these wounds to heal.

But by sending a message that it is time for that process to begin then making that move puts pressure on those who actively harmed, and still seek to harm including the SPL and SFA to either continue their attacks under whatever convenient but ill disguised approach they take (eg title stripping and freezing Rangers out of reconstruction talks) or they embrace it and demonstrate that they embrace it by tangible and credible statements and actions. I think he is really saying - if you want to continue with your vendetta against Rangers then let it be known that this, as it has always done, lies at your collective doors. We (Rangers) tried to take steps to move on but you (active harm lot) have decided to stick with your attempts to put Rangers down.

One thing I'd like to hear from Charles and Rangers is that for wounds to heal they most often need treatment. So having indicated that a process is needed to heal wounds, what would Charles and Rangers regard as constructive healing processes for each wound. My starter is drop the title stripping commission or if it meets then it is immediately disbanded and a conciliatory statement issued by the SPL. That, I think, would be a very good start. Second would be the inclusion of Rangers in a working party to re-consider the league reconstruction proposals. An act of inclusion in the process rather than a freezing out would be constructive. Third, a commitment from the SPL and SFA that their CEOs will be replaced by persons appoined by an independent commission so that trust and confidence in the leadership of Scottish football can start to be rebuilt.

Final point though, whether or not wounds are healed and whether or not the process takes a short time or a long time or never happens at all let there be no illusion that these matters may be put behind us at some point - but that does not mean they are forgiven or forgotten. It would simply mean that we have put them behind us. Too much has happened for a quiet process tohappen of 'just do nothing for long enough and people will eventually forget'.

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He's right. Malcolm Murray intimated as much to me.

From a business point of view the bitterness towards everyone else has to stop for us to continue grow. If we start to act like those diddy spl teams then thats all we'll be. Rangers are bigger and better than that. However this season was always going to be a bitter one. Hopefully with time and as we progress on our journey back up the leagues to where we belong, we will realise there is a way to act when you are the biggest and the best, and it's not acting like the rest.

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