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Alex Thomson And Rangers-Hating


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I have respect for some of Celtic’s footballing achievements. Well Bill that is the part that says it all for me, in my life i have never met a Rangers fan that has respect for their achievements. To be honest Bill you should hang your head in shame and for a Rangers fan take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror.

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Fuck sake, hard to defend in any way Bill.

And if other fans, no matter who they may be are also being hassled at matches I fail to see how that is 'good news' for us, that is taking point scoring to a level bordering on insanity. Its a serious matter and the rights of fans who spend a lot of cash for a day out are in danger - I'll stick a tin-hat on but the fact that there is so much hatred between the clubs, particularly at this moment - is being exploited.

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It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

Sun Tzu

Thought the first one applied to Bill now I am unsure

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Guest Andypendek

I admit I've not time to read/listen until later on but it can't be that bad.

I certainly wouldn't care to be on the end of the response Bill has got here, it is not a bit OTT?

Still all Bluenoses, remember.

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Bill I really am a bit disappointed in this blog and your defence of Thomson and even to a degree mad phil....I understand you had to conduct the interview in a professional way and maybe couldn't raise all the points many of us would like you to have but to take that interview at face value despite the innacuracies and contradictions he spouted and to come to the conclusion he has no agenda against rangers is something I don't understand.

You do make some valid points and I do think at times we are guilty of developing a chip on the shoulder mentality regarding our press but I don't think that is a surprise based on the way we have been portrayed and singled out! I have alot of Celtic supporting friends aswell and I appreciate that as a product the old firm is what sells, however it seems again you used this as a way to defend Thomson.

Some posters as usual are going ott but at the same time I am pretty disappointed you would put this out there at this time.

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Bill I really am a bit disappointed in this blog and your defence of Thomson and even to a degree mad phil....I understand you had to conduct the interview in a professional way and maybe couldn't raise all the points many of us would like you to have but to take that interview at face value despite the innacuracies and contradictions he spouted and to come to the conclusion he has no agenda against rangers is something I don't understand.

You do make some valid points and I do think at times we are guilty of developing a chip on the shoulder mentality regarding our press but I don't think that is a surprise based on the way we have been portrayed and singled out! I have alot of Celtic supporting friends aswell and I appreciate that as a product the old firm is what sells, however it seems again you used this as a way to defend Thomson.

Some posters as usual are going ott but at the same time I am pretty disappointed you would put this out there at this time.

:lol: OTT? What about the blog? Its confused drivel, get it tae fuck! :drugang:

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Bill, I remember reading a post (elsewhere) that you don't come on here to discuss your blogs, only to post them and disappear. Presumably this is to increase the hits to your site. No problem with you generating hits, but why 'post and run?' Why not discuss your blog?

If you do decide to answer questions, here's one: I assume you have a think before writing a blog about the message you are trying to portray and what you are trying to achieve with your blog. Could you share your thoughts about the purpose of this blog, because I sure as hell don't get it.

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I can't believe that at a time when our enemies are still taking aim us, Bill McMurdo has attempted to give credibility to Alex Thomson.

It is clear there are glaring contradictions between the answers Thomson gives in his interview and the many articles and blogs he has written on Rangers. Yet these contradictions are spectacularly not addressed by Mr McMurdo who instead criticises Rangers fans for not accepting who was really responsible for the problems we have faced recently.

As the ones who have had to endure the last couple of years, I think we know.

I'm not one for weakness or softening our stance. Our club is at war and this is not what we need right now.

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Bill i normaly always rep you for your blogs and the great points they make but this is nuts, not only has toxic timothy now got the pally nickname thommo but he seems to have convinced you that hes not such a bad guy and only defiled our name for a year because 'we are the story of Scottish football' and not because hes jumped into bed with the likes of sad phil who even toxic acknowledges is a 'Rangers hater' without balance or reason. If toxic wanted to cover the Rangers story why has he not covered our supports incredible loyalty and unwavering dedication this season? Or the amazingly sucsessfull share issue raising 22million in the 3rd division? Hes a lowlife journo who's desire for attention has got him mixed in with some of the most unsavory and untrustworthy people in both Scotland and Ireland and who's arrogance will not allow him to admit hes wrong and bow out with a shred of dignity. Im afraid you'r wrong on this one Bill.

Excellent post, this one! (tu)
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"But I don’t hate Celtic and I certainly don’t hate Celtic fans.

Yes, I hate certain things connected with Celtic e.g. the glorification of terrorism and the club’s historic inability to accept defeat gracefully.I have respect for some of Celtic’s footballing achievements and some ex-players. I have lots of Celtic-supporting friends."


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Guest Andypendek

Nothing wrong with that post.

If you live round here and know no-one at all who supports Celtic you need to question your lifestyle.

If you can't admire a team from the edge of the footballing world winning the European Cup you need to learn about football.

If you don't think they have ever had any decent people playing for them you need medication.

Not something I would make a point of shouting about on a Rangers website but nothing wrong with it in itself.

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Nothing wrong with that post.

If you live round here and know no-one at all who supports Celtic you need to question your lifestyle.

If you can't admire a team from the edge of the footballing world winning the European Cup you need to learn about football.

If you don't think they have ever had any decent people playing for them you need medication.

Not something I would make a point of shouting about on a Rangers website but nothing wrong with it in itself.


I need to learn about football, Bill McMurdo needs to learn about unflattering writing styles.

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Nothing wrong with that post.

If you live round here and know no-one at all who supports Celtic you need to question your lifestyle.

If you can't admire a team from the edge of the footballing world winning the European Cup you need to learn about football.

If you don't think they have ever had any decent people playing for them you need medication.

Not something I would make a point of shouting about on a Rangers website but nothing wrong with it in itself.

Admire away, freedom of opinion and all that tosh. But suggesting you have to learn the game for not admiring your most hated rivals most triumphant achievement is total pish. If anything, those who do admire them are the ones who need to learn the game before preaching to others.

This article, from top to bottom, is total and utter shite.

Sort yourself out, Bill.

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