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What's Benind SPL'S £500,000 Cash Claim to Rangers

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HANDS up anyone who believes the Scottish Premier League’s attempt to squeeze £500,000 out of Rangers to pay the Lord Nimmo Smith Tribunal and Celtic’s lawyers, Harper MacLeod, may well yet turn out to appear to be blackmail?

Yes, I thought so!

For such is the reputation of the Scottish Premier League, so low in public esteem is it held and such is the public perception of its chief executive Neil Doncaster, that the word blackmail was on the lips of a number of people who contacted me after I lifted the lid on the latest ploy from the Scottish Premier League and Celtic lawyers Harper Macleod to hound Rangers in a witch hunt to which there appears no end.

So, why blackmail? And what form would this pernicious sort of crime take? If it is, indeed, such a tactic from the SPL and Celtic’s lawyer’s Harper Macleod.

The general consensus is it is all to do with the formation of an SPL 2 and the belief that this was always the Scottish Premier League’s priority plan, despite an apparent willingness to enter into talks with the Scottish Football League with a view to a merger. That, many think, was a mere tactic.

For remember, there was never any possibility of the SPL giving up control of any new body, for no matter what the leagues may be called, the company name would remain as the SPL.

Now, as more and more clubs from the Scottish Football League’s First Division, most volubly Hamilton Accies and Falkirk, break cover and talk about the need to get away from the SFL and join the SPL’s preferred package of an SPL 2, one thing becomes obvious. The need for the SPL to get Rangers into an SPL 2 to make the financial model work.

For without Rangers the SPL, whose sponsorship deal runs out in May, will find it hard to get a new sponsorship deal. And impossible, without the blue chip presence of Rangers, to get the sort of sponsorship money needed to cough up the cash the Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell-SPL Axis is attempting to bribe such short sighted clubs as Hamilton Accies and Falkirk with to try and make them join and SPL 2.

Without Rangers it would also be impossible for the Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell SPL-Axis to get a new Sky TV deal, worth the sort of money needed to fulfil the promises of bribes of an extra £350,000 a year to the clubs in the new SPL2.

In short, without Rangers in any new SPL 2, clubs such as Hamilton Accies and Falkirk would be signing up to a deal with the Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell-SPL-Axis which that Axis could not possibly deliver.

Hence the need for the Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell-SPL Axis to get Rangers back in the fold as quickly as possible. It sticks in their craw, but they know they need Rangers. They know they need the Red, White and Blue Pound.

Which is why there are many who believe that the latest trick up the sleeve of the devious Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell-SPL Axis is to offer Rangers a short cut back to the top flight by inviting them to join the SPL2, giving Rangers the chance to slash the period of time they will be exiled from the big time by a year.

But only if Charles Green coughs up the £500,000 that I revealed Celtic’s lawyers Harper Macleod had sent a letter demanding Rangers pay, to cover their costs and the costs of the Lord Nimmo Smith Tribunal.

Were this sort of scenario to emerge, were this belief expressed to me by a number of people, to become confirmed, it would further reduce the public perception of the Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell-SPL Axis. If it is possible for this seemingly morally corrupt organisation to sink any of lower.

However, if this scenario is the Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell-SPL-Axis plot, then something seems to have been forgotten. Which is this. Charles Green has stated clearly, unequivocally - and often – that Rangers will not return to the SPL for as long as the band of bigots who sat on judgment on Rangers last summer remain and for as long as the SPL management structure remains in its present form.

On top of which, as I revealed yesterday, the Rangers chief executive has made it clear to Neil Doncaster in a stormy face to face confrontation at Hampden last week, that Hell will freeze over before Rangers pay the Celtic’s lawyers Harper Macleod for their failed attempt to strip Rangers of five titles.

That is a bill the Neil Doncaster-Peter Lawwell-SPL-Axis will have to foot. Just as that Axis will have to pay the fees of a High Court Judge and two eminent QCs.

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I see it as more, stop making waves and we'll drop this claim.

Either that or claim it payable by oldco and announce they are taking it out of the cash they already hold.

They are bankrupt and desperate for cash now. It's no coincidence this arises now.

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its also why they dont want us promoted into a second tier this year. Theres no point blackmailing someone into jumping for SPL2, if they already are in the second tier. Theres no carrot.

mmmm....the events of the last few weeks are starting to become a bit clearer.

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It could be blackmail under those circumstances or it could just be desperation in that they are rooked and can't afford to pay the legal fees despite being the ones who initiated the hearing!

It's both Kev...It's desperate blackmail :pipe:

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They are crazy, this will go nowhere. They should actually read their own commisions statement..


The commision confirmed its earlier decision that newco Rangers could not be held responsible for any breach of rules by the oldco.

I'd agree with OP, there is some form of blackmail behind this.

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FIFA need to step in here and find out what the fuck is going on in this country.

Agree (tu)

The situation is far beyond ridiculous, the bias in beyond a joke.

Can't see it though. They seem to only do so if they think their rules are being undermined & prefer to let FAs sort out their own affairs

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Take it aff the money you are withholding from us - ya theiving tramps.

Surely if you done this to another in society you would be in court?

Does the same laws not apply to the shpl?

Are they untouchable? if so then not a fit and proper organisation to hold office.


'There have been many pitfalls and obsticles along the way, there will be many to come, but there never has nor ever will be any surrender'

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What is the story with this mob they can't even come out and say if it is for the oldco to pay or the newco they have sent Scottish football back to the dark ages the hatred in our support against this Celtic backed agenda will last for generations and I can see no way back for us in Scottish football I hope Charles can get us out of this shit hole of a country.

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If this was true and Green got into bed with these bastards after what they tried to do to us then I'm afraid he would have to leave Rangers pretty fucking sharpish, do not overestimate your popularity Charles, the bears will turn on you like a pack of rabid dogs if you even consider this.

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Why do the SPL believe they won?

Nimo cleared us of all the major points except a few side letters that in his opinion should have been registered.

It's like being charged with murder only to be found guilty of illegal parking.

And they now want us to pay costs?

I notice the DR are reporting that it's because Nimo found us guilty...........I'm fuckin confused

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