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Anyone Else Just Feel Totally Deflated?

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Before i go on i understand the forum is not exactly a happy joyous place right now and people will be thinking "aw ffs not another miserable moaning thread" but i just feel totally and utterly deflated and let down as we get to the close of this season

I know a year ago we didn't even know if we have a club to support but thankfully we do! And wether you wanted him here or not most of that is down to the work Charles Green put in. Our club future at least was secured and by the start of this season the vast majority of us were quite joyous that we were going on this amazing journey through the divisions, playing new clubs and visiting new places and that has been a highlight so far, but has there been any others?

We all thought of this as a new start after all the turmoil of admin and our financial problems, time for a legend in Ally Mccoist to lead us forward but for me that very quickly came to a halt. We were winning but performances were dire and im not sure they have improved over this season, infact they may have got worse! All the excuses were valid ones at the time, new players hurriedly brought in and maybe not of the standard we wanted but fact of the matter is they were of a standard to a man higher than any other in the division and possibly division 2 and 3 aswell. People said they need to gel etc etc but even after 8 months there seems to be no sign of that. Fitness, tactics, fight and desire, style of play has been of a poor poor standard which i feel falls squarely at the door of Ally.

Yes no other manager has had to deal with what he has but how does that stop him working on tactics and fitness when the players are in training? The players have perhaps on a handful of occasions this season played decent football and looked motivated, the rest has been quite frankly pish! constantly outplayed and fought by part time teams says it all. Now our manager who cant seem to work with or improve the players we currently have wants more mone to spend on players like Daly and kenny Miller. Have we learned nothing from our past! These signings are simply not needed for what we are looking to do! How can the vast majority of us see it but our Manager cant?

Off the field the season looked as though it was going to be a success and in some ways it has. We appointed board members who seemed very competent, walter was soon on board and the fans felt more at ease then we had a hugely successful share issue raising 22 million pounds which was again alot to do with Green. We were also being defended from attacks by all angles, something which we have never been used under the old regime and that was a welcome sight.

Now at the end of the season look at it all.

Green the man who done alot of good for the club financially and in defending it looks to have been hounded out.

The board room appears to have been split and there is evidently a mole in it

It certainly seems some people at board level and beyond want to jobs for the boys attitude back in which will do our club nothing but harm.

We have won division 3 but performances have been poor, tactics non existent, players not motivated, fitness poor, style of play poor, not progressed as a team.

The fans are split

A season which promised so much just seems to have culminated in a fucking farce and i'm not ashamed to say it looks bleak and has left me completely deflated. Of course i'll always back my team and club 100% but (and i hate to use this term) we do actually deserve so much better than this. Infact if the fans got what we deserved we would win the champions league :lol:

Sorry for the rant but just the way im thinking and feeling, prob missed some stuff out but wrote it quickly

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I know how you feel. I'm sure I wouldn't have been the only one that would have accepted home defeats this year if we were progressing a playing style or a team that brought the fans back into the stadium. It's going the opposite way at the moment. We've learned nothing as a club in 2 years. Let's just throw money at the problem on the park . What I don't accept is throwing £7m pa down the pan in a part time league with the opposition, week in week out, passing us off the park. Forget all the shite about "no pre-season", "we didn't know we'd have a team", "admin", etc. I'm sick of hearing it. We have not progressed and seem worse now than we were on Day1 of the season.

Facts remain we are a full time club so training should allow a string of more than 2 passes being made, paying millions and have no style of play, tactics are appalling, we're being outplayed by part timers, stumbling from one unacceptable result / performance to the next. The object was to redress how our club was run this season, not just win the league as the fanboys would have you think!

Now all the additional bollocks in the board room and McCoist calls for stability at the club that will help the team. You couldn't make this up!! Its a shambles from top to bottom and I fear we will just stumble our way to the top, spending money on utter crap and over the hill hasbeens, playing terrible football but winning a league at all costs.

New sponsorship, season tickets, move to Puma, etc also hides the fact we're making losses month on month and it's likely only European football will make us any money. If that's the case, I don't want money thrown at the team.

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I know how you feel. I'm sure I wouldn't have been the only one that would have accepted home defeats this year if we were progressing a playing style or a team that brought the fans back into the stadium. It's going the opposite way at the moment. We've learned nothing as a club in 2 years. Let's just throw money at the problem on the park . What I don't accept is throwing £7m pa down the pan in a part time league with the opposition, week in week out, passing us off the park. Forget all the shite about "no pre-season", "we didn't know we'd have a team", "admin", etc. I'm sick of hearing it. We have not progressed and seem worse now than we were on Day1 of the season.

Facts remain we are a full time club so training should allow a string of more than 2 passes being made, paying millions and have no style of play, tactics are appalling, we're being outplayed by part timers, stumbling from one unacceptable result / performance to the next. The object was to redress how our club was run this season, not just win the league as the fanboys would have you think!

Now all the additional bollocks in the board room and McCoist calls for stability at the club that will help the team. You couldn't make this up!! Its a shambles from top to bottom and I fear we will just stumble our way to the top, spending money on utter crap and over the hill hasbeens, playing terrible football but winning a league at all costs.

New sponsorship, season tickets, move to Puma, etc also hides the fact we're making losses month on month and it's likely only European football will make us any money. If that's the case, I don't want money thrown at the team.

Yeah pretty much. The jobs for the boys pish and the throwing money at the problem is something i really worry about. Its like we havent learnt a fucking thing.

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Yeah pretty much. The jobs for the boys pish and the throwing money at the problem is something i really worry about. Its like we havent learnt a fucking thing.

I don't think they have. McCoist's immediate reaction to Green's departure is "who's going to sanction my money spend". This mentality will put us in the shit again inside 3-5 years unless we sort it when there's no pressure to beat "them". This season should have been all about rewriting how we operate from top to bottom but we are still a mess. Three summers in a row is a joke

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Nah.. Think back to a year ago, the depression was incredible, there was no guarantee we were going to survive, or whether we were going to be beaten in to the ground by the combined force of the Taxman and the SFA.

Its been an amazing 12 months since, a real rollercoaster of ups and downs.

The first games back at Ibrox, the game against Motherwell, the visits to quaint wee parks, 2 games with huge crowds ay Hampden.

Winning the tax case, winning against the SFA and in the process helping to destroy the corrupt SPL. Charlie sticking two fingers up at all and sundry on our behalf. Financially stable.

The low spots on the park, poor play and unacceptable defeats are hard too take, but we are still the Rangers the greatest team in the world, and the only way is up.............. :21:

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The Board has acted to remove CG. The Directors have given themselves quite a problem in how to replace him with a top quality CEO. And they've managed to transfer their headache to Supporters too as instability returns. Add to that the utterly dire football performances with no sign of improvement and even the success of winning the league has had the shine taken off it. So all eyes on the Directors so see who takes the helm now, and I mean right now, to drive our Club forward decisively and with the assurance and confidence needed for next season.

Waiting until a new permanent CEO is appointed will only be an excuse. There is a need for effective leadership to sell season tickets, to (re)affirm the transfer policy so there is clarity on what can be done to attract new players / keep the ones the Manager / Board want to keep (whoever decides this now), to set out the plan the Manager was apparently working on with CG for securing improvements to playing, scouting etc but of which nothing has been heard since the early declarations that a plan was being produced. With SFL3 won and attention starting to turn to next season, it would be good if the Board, having decided to act in they way it has, can now show the leadership needed to drive forward. I really hope they are up to the task because there is now a lot of work for them to do. It's shaping up to be a lively end to the season off the pitch and maybe an even livlier summer / pre-season.

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I am happy with some things but the bad outweigh the good right now imo and takes the shine off the good for me

We're playing football, reconstruction failed, and we're one step closer to retakin our rightful place atop Scottish football.

It's been a good year :D.

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We're playing football, reconstruction failed, and we're one step closer to retakin our rightful place atop Scottish football.

It's been a good year :D.

:lol: mate i wont begrudge anyone feeling like its been a good year. But for me we should be doing so much more with the oppertunity weve been given.

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We're playing football, reconstruction failed, and we're one step closer to retakin our rightful place atop Scottish football.

It's been a good year :D.

We are going in the right direction ,but I still wish this season was over with .roll on next season (tu)

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There should be no Close Season for this Team and all concerned at Ibrox.

The Staff should be fully committed to Training ,and Working through all this especially Ally.

Dare I say Look at the work De Cannio has put in at Sunderland so far, Extra Training, and Seven Days a Week Working on Tactics, and Style of Play.He Eats Sleeps, and Lives Football that much is sure.

Only that will get our Club out of the Mire and in to a style of Football that will take us Forward .

If Ally and the Training Team cannot see that then they Must be shown the Door for someone with a Team who can turn this Club in to the Great Side it was before .

No slackers Allowed, and if you don't Like it you should be shown the Fucking Door now.

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Part timers have looked fitter than us all season. Working on it during the summer isn't going to fix something that is rotten to the core. On a good note, training is a "pure laugh" and once it's finished, the players can relax after their tiring sessions!!!! Let's not rock the boat eh?? !!

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I'm gutted with how this season has went in all honesty.

There's no achievement in winning this league, in the same way there's no achievement in them winning the SPL without a good Rangers side in it. Absolutely hee haw, fuck all to celebrate.

You can say it'll take time. It will take time, I agree to a point, but this season was the time to go head first. Why wait until we're up against better players to start implementing these changes?

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I'm gutted with how this season has went in all honesty.

There's no achievement in winning this league, in the same way there's no achievement in them winning the SPL without a good Rangers side in it. Absolutely hee haw, fuck all to celebrate.

You can say it'll take time. It will take time, I agree to a point, but this season was the time to go head first. Why wait until we're up against better players to start implementing these changes?

Boo f***in hoo.

Five days to sign players who then walk the league, all be it weakly and with no style......... Bla bla bla.

Lets clear out.

Start again.

If that's crap.

Start again.

Too many short memories for me. How many people want change at the determination of a few fickle fans?

It's time to pull the support together. Not start ANOTHER downbeat thread.

ST renewal soon?


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Boo f***in hoo.

Five days to sign players who then walk the league, all be it weakly and with no style......... Bla bla bla.

Lets clear out.

Start again.

If that's crap.

Start again.

Too many short memories for me. How many people want change at the determination of a few fickle fans?

It's time to pull the support together. Not start ANOTHER downbeat thread.

ST renewal soon?


Five days to sign some players with the second biggest wage budget in Scotland to win a semi-professional league.

How difficult :rolleyes:

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