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Graham Spiers - A cause for Celebration


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V☆☆☆☆☆B BBC S Slayer@Naefearrfc17m

@GrahamSpiers I was complaint A and all the evidence that Rangers are Rangers was me! against was BBC Scotland! I won!

V☆☆☆☆☆B BBC S Slayer@Naefearrfc8m

@GrahamSpiers What matters is that the BBC S lost,remember "The Trust upheld two complaints"that is "precise language and due accuracy"

V☆☆☆☆☆B BBC S Slayer@Naefearrfc2m

@GrahamSpiers All this hate towards Rangers but you earn a living out of it! So ironic!!!

Right got that out of my system!


Your not done yet 54, tell him you deal with facts, not mad fiction made up in his head :rolleyes: you should also point out that we could all go back and reprint his mis-quoted which is more than all the folk he quoted put together and the fact he's still in a job is highly questionable :dry:

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There was a picture posted on "the other site" of him allegedly exiting a brothel on one of his Euro press junkets, with his flies undone, looking rather disheveled. He does look very shifty in it. Admin removed it but apparently it has been on a couple of other sites.

Those ladyboys must of put him through his paces :mutley:

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I think the point is that we put up more of a fight with the BBC than letting someone like Traynor into our club. We should have put up a better fight against that and when he got the job, a campaign against that.

What actually makes Traynor better than the BBC? Is it because we allow him into Ibrox. Throw him out as well then.

Like D'Art says though, this is certainly just to receive hits, It's also one of his worst pieces, it's written about stuff we knew about way way months ago.

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There was a picture posted on "the other site" of him allegedly exiting a brothel on one of his Euro press junkets, with his flies undone, looking rather disheveled. He does look very shifty in it. Admin removed it but apparently it has been on a couple of other sites.

We really should not give a dam who he f_cks, as long as he get's the message , it's not going be us no more! :angry:

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hes the most disgusting type of troll, hes an out and out COWARD with no morals and an areshole like a torn out fireplace, allegedly!

I do not give one fuck for anything this coward has to say, he's irrelevant to us as are all fenians, I wish him serious harm and hope he suffers.

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Don't click on any Spier's article, when the hits dry up so will Spiers. His various employers will tolerate Spiers as long as he is getting the hits but when the hits dry up they will dump him.


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Since Spiers likes to quote people i would just like to remind him of what his master at sellik Dermot desmond had to say.

Desmond, though, is adamant Rangers won’t be out of the top flight for too long. And he insists their history and traditions are key to the Scottish game.

The Irishman said: “Rangers are a fantastic club with a great history. They will, in not too long a time, be back in the SPL. I have no doubt about that.

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Great article again D'Art...

However this is Brittany at his finest, ignore the facts, just create contraversy by making inflammitory statements.

These have the desired effect of getting hits on his poxy website. Makes him feel important.

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Did Mr Spiers remind us that his Dad was a Protestant Minister ? He usually does,perhaps he feels his attacks on us gain more credence because of this.

Therein lies the problem, clearly carrying childhood insecurities and vents them on us !!!! :rolleyes:

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Your not done yet 54, tell him you deal with facts, not mad fiction made up in his head :rolleyes: you should also point out that we could all go back and reprint his mis-quoted which is more than all the folk he quoted put together and the fact he's still in a job is highly questionable :dry:

He has not responded yet! :animal: just warming up! :lw:

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Did Mr Spiers remind us that his Dad was a Protestant Minister ? He usually does,perhaps he feels his attacks on us gain more credence because of this.

Thats the usual line he spins,i couldnae give a fck if his father was John Knox.Rangers have obviously hurt him in the past and he keeps throwing his toys out his pram at us.

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He has not responded yet! :animal: just warming up! :lw:

Give the guy a break, he is devastated by the news that the Trust upheld the complaints by those two staunch lads. For a man of his beliefs this result is choking the life out of him. He is lashing out at anything that moves, we have all been there. I think the protestant thing to do is give him time to get his head right and then stick the boot in as often and as hard as we can.

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If Spiers was half a journalist,he`d maybe want to ask serious questions.Why did HMRC reject our cva on a spurious tax claim? Why did the cabal want to strip us of titles on hearsay?Why did the SFA hit us with an illegal transfer ban? Please,as soon as you see his byline,STOP READING!

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Could someone please set up a Britney blog were we just put all this trumpets gaffs, shite talk, poor journalism, lies, Rangers hating, getting ripped by Fury on Scotland tonight, brothel pics etc?

Somewhere people could refer back to when laughing at him :)

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It would appear Spiers and the green trolls are bigging up a previous incorporation of Rangers Football Club especially the word synonymous. Personally I think the word is not used when two entities are the exact same thing. The word is used to emphasise how alike two things are but not exactly the same -- eg Septic Park was synonymous with Jim'll fix it for you!!. Still laugh when they use The Rangers moniker implying something new - they seem to be unaware we've always been The Rangers.

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That's exactly what it stands for. Funny how Odious seems to ignore that fact and many other inconvenient truths in his desperate quest to get attention and remain relevant in a footballing world that no longer needs hacks and 2 bob scribes like himself to keep people informed.

Exactly.. guy is a scrotum.

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