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RM made to look bad on FB

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It does make it ok for him not to renew, he's the paying customer, it's the only way to get your opinion across to the powers that be.

Some people will renew regardless and that's great but another angle is that by doing that you are telling the board that you're happy with everything.


The best being in the ground.

Sorry but you wont convince me that any supporter stops going because its not pretty.

How could you then have the brass kneck Im going back to the games as we are pure dead good again...

That aint the action of a Rangers fan

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There's an argument that it could actually help the club with season tickets. Look at the outcry!

There may have been people on the fence reading the article and disagreeing so much that they've gone out to buy a season ticket!

Or it could create more division and uncertainty between fans....sometimes all someone needs to do something (or not in this case) is and excuse or a percieved justification...I'm not saying his views aren't valid or worthwhile but that at this time the website should not be advertising that view and giving it more credibility....

I think one of the roles of a fan forum should be to bring fans closer together and to help the club...there are some great initiatives/posts/ideas published or posted on here that are positive and helpful to our club and support....now I'm not suggesting we should only subscribe to positivity and everything's rosy, when its clearly not, but on this occasion I just feel the website supporting this view (or percieving to) is not helpful!

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In other words they would 'gag' people.

Point is people can express themselves with or without RM.

Yea I dare say they wouldn't publish anything offensive or sectarian, I wouldn't say that was gagging.

Agree with the latter point but I think he's a site writer which will be why he's expressed his opinion through the site.

It does make it ok for him not to renew, he's the paying customer, it's the only way to get your opinion across to the powers that be.

Some people will renew regardless and that's great but another angle is that by doing that you are telling the board that you're happy with everything.


The best being in the ground.

Sorry but you wont convince me that any supporter stops going because its not pretty.

How could you then have the brass kneck Im going back to the games as we are pure dead good again...

That aint the action of a Rangers fan

He said he would pick and choose games, I disagree with that stance so agree with you on that.

Anyone not renewing but continues to attend every match at Ibrox I don't see the problem with.

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This is depressing reading actually. People can pick and choose what they want to do - free-world.

Too many Rangers fans out there think they know what's good for everyone else these days. One of the downsides of platforms like forums, Facebook, Twitter etc.

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I've not read the article - as it doesn't really sound like my cup of tea. But, anyone who relys on someone elses opinion to make their mind up either way needs their head checked.

You don't want to renew; don't renew. If you're like me and your love for Rangers FC makes you feel obligated to renew; then renew in the comfort you have done your part. All we can do is support Rangers in our own way.

As for it being an RM published article, I can't see an issue. RM has done pro and con pieces on all sorts of issues.

On many things we as a support disagree, creating a furore like this over someones opinion just gives it more attention that some of the most vocal against it think it shouldn't receive.

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This is depressing reading actually. People can pick and choose what they want to do - free-world.

Too many Rangers fans out there think they know what's good for everyone else these days. One of the downsides of platforms like forums, Facebook, Twitter etc.

I agree with you...had season ticket renewals came out in April I wouldn't have renewed so I wouldn't dare question someone on what they choose to do or question there loyalty as a result however going back to the original point...the website publishing this particular view at this time is not ideal and is why folk on Facebook aren't happy! Everyone is entitled to their own individual opinion and to choose what to do but I think it's important to focus on the justifications for renewing as a website....

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I've not read the article - as it doesn't really sound like my cup of tea. But, anyone who relys on someone elses opinion to make their mind up either way needs their head checked.

You don't want to renew; don't renew. If you're like me and your love for Rangers FC makes you feel obligated to renew; then renew in the comfort you have done your part. All we can do is support Rangers in our own way.

As for it being an RM published article, I can't see an issue. RM has done pro and con pieces on all sorts of issues.

On many things we as a support disagree, creating a furore like this over someones opinion just gives it more attention that some of the most vocal against it think it shouldn't receive.

Attention on here and discussion on here is one thing! Publicising it to a wider audience as a website is the problem and what the comments in Facebook are about!

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Unfortunately from January on we played very poorly with little entertainment on offer.

Hopefully we will be playing more attractive football once we get the new players in the team. People who don't renew will still buy tickets to plenty of games once the season kicks in if we are obviously playing well.

Last season was bound to be special with loads of people determined to keep the club going and this year they are thinking they have already done their bit so are not renewing. They don't understand that the club needs the money coming in to keep the Rangers machine rolling in the right direction.

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Got to agree this Selfish post is making the site look bad, but RM is a place for opinions that dont get you banned etc ....


SENNA. i dont care, That is a disgrace of a post. Any fkn fan who doesnt renew fair enough, but a post like that doesnt justify you goin by encouraging others to follow suit.

if your shocking post convinces 1 season ticket holder not to renew right now, then u and your pals are killing the club we are all talking about tnight.

You are selfish for that post and I like many others think your entitled to your opinion but your opinion is killing the club u claim to love so in my eyes your 10 times WORSE than your celtic haters.

get a grip and i wish u would take that post down for the reasons above.

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Got to agree this Selfish post is making the site look bad, but RM is a place for opinions that dont get you banned etc ....


SENNA. i dont care, That is a disgrace of a post. Any fkn fan who doesnt renew fair enough, but a post like that doesnt justify you goin by encouraging others to follow suit.

if your shocking post convinces 1 season ticket holder not to renew right now, then u and your pals are killing the club we are all talking sbout tnight.

You are selfish for that post and I like many others think your entitled to your opinion but your opinion is killing the club u claim yo live, so in my eyes your 10 times WORSE than your celtic haters.

get a grip znd i wish would take that post down for the reasons above.

Did he encourage others to follow suit though?

In fact anyone got a link to the article so I can read it for myself?

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As has been said, it's certainly not the RM opinion, but neither are any of the other opinion pieces. The site does not have opinions, and, as editor, I have no editorial agenda.

I'd love to publish a piece disagreeing with Senna's article. It doesn't have to be long, just well written. If you're up to it, then go ahead and I'll publish later on this evening!

This (tu)

Why doesn't someone write something about why they are renewing? It will be published (assuming it's well written) and I'd rather we were publishing that sort of article.

Senna put forward his opinion, which he's entitled to, wrote an article and it was published. Anyone else is welcome to do the same. Anyone who thinks that article reflects badly on RM doesn't understand what RM is or what we do.

Incidentally, I absolutely disagree with Senna.

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This (tu)

Why doesn't someone write something about why they are renewing? It will be published (assuming it's well written) and I'd rather we were publishing that sort of article.

Senna put forward his opinion, which he's entitled to, wrote an article and it was published. Anyone else is welcome to do the same. Anyone who thinks that article reflects badly on RM doesn't understand what RM is or what we do.

Incidentally, I absolutely disagree with Senna.

Can I ask why this particular article was chosen to be published? Was it purely just because it was well written? I appreciate the work those who run this website do but I also feel by choosing to publish this particular view it gives more credibility to that view and the justifications not to renew which at this time could have a negative effect as dunny has alluded to...

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I just read Sennas comments and have to say I thought he spoke from the heart as to his views on what he witnessed last year. I believe the guy to be a good Rangers fan just as we all are.

He is not walking away merely saying that the football witnessed as produced by players and the coaching staff left a lot to be desired, he never said that he would stop going to the games, just that he is not renewing his season book.

I for the second season will be paying for 4 season books for family, but I will not use any of them nor will any be in my name.........but I will go to home games, how many will quite frankly be based on the football that's being played. And if KPLFishtank keeps to his word re all the lagers left behind the bar.

Try reading Sennas blog again and you will see they're his reasons and as mentioned heart felt.

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Utterly pathetic article. In other words he's saying 'I am a supporter, but only during the good times'. He tried the difficult times for one season and that was enough - a Rangers fan, but if times become difficult, I will only give you one season.

Not enough money, family problems, moving away. All of these are fair reasons not to renew. Even then, the true fan will scrap and scrape to find the money/capability to get their season ticket.

He is simply a fairweather fan. Sadly he doesn't seem top be the only one.

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Can I ask why this particular article was chosen to be published? Was it purely just because it was well written? I appreciate the work those who run this website do but I also feel by choosing to publish this particular view it gives more credibility to that view and the justifications not to renew which at this time could have a negative effect as dunny has alluded to...

I don't personally choose the main page content, so no I can't tell you why this was published specifically. I back the editor and his team's decisions though, they do a great job.

I can say, though, that if an article is submitted for publication, is well enough written and worthy of debate/discussion then we would be likely to publish. We don't only publish content we (individually) believe in, partly because we all have different individual viewpoints! We are a site for debate and discussion, we're not interested in pushing a "site viewpoint" because our members don't have a collective viewpoint and neither does RM. This view wasn't chosen by RM, it was submitted by Senna and published. We are more than willing to accept and publish a well-written article giving the opposite viewpoint.

I've just had a quick look through the comments on Facebook - practically everyone posting has realised that was written by an individual poster and doesn't reflect the views of the site.

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I just read Sennas comments and have to say I thought he spoke from the heart as to his views on what he witnessed last year. I believe the guy to be a good Rangers fan just as we all are.

He is not walking away merely saying that the football witnessed as produced by players and the coaching staff left a lot to be desired, he never said that he would stop going to the games, just that he is not renewing his season book.

I for the second season will be paying for 4 season books for family, but I will not use any of them nor will any be in my name.........but I will go to home games, how many will quite frankly be based on the football that's being played. And if KPLFishtank keeps to his word re all the lagers left behind the bar.

Try reading Sennas blog again and you will see they're his reasons and as mentioned heart felt.

ED I understand his views and agree with many of them, the point of this thread isn't (or at least shouldn't) be about the validity of his view but whether or not it was correct for rangersmedia to publish that particular view and the reaction to that on Facebook!

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The only people that will look down on RangersMedia for this article are the thickos, There's more than one poster on this site and RM have even commented offering a guy the chance to write an article on why he's renewing.

Extremely snobbish viewpoint. Without going on RM, you wouldn't know that it doesn't have any opinions on anything, therefore it's easy to see why some would mistake this for a Site Article.

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I just read Sennas comments and have to say I thought he spoke from the heart as to his views on what he witnessed last year. I believe the guy to be a good Rangers fan just as we all are.

He is not walking away merely saying that the football witnessed as produced by players and the coaching staff left a lot to be desired, he never said that he would stop going to the games, just that he is not renewing his season book.

I for the second season will be paying for 4 season books for family, but I will not use any of them nor will any be in my name.........but I will go to home games, how many will quite frankly be based on the football that's being played. And if KPLFishtank keeps to his word re all the lagers left behind the bar.

Try reading Sennas blog again and you will see they're his reasons and as mentioned heart felt.

Wrap it up however you like, he is walking away. He may not be entertained for a season or two, but is that really why we go? Is that the main reason for supporting these next few seasons?

If you can't find it in yourself to be selfless and think of the club in these difficult days then you really have to ask how much you care.

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I don't personally choose the main page content, so no I can't tell you why this was published specifically. I back the editor and his team's decisions though, they do a great job.

I can say, though, that if an article is submitted for publication, is well enough written and worthy of debate/discussion then we would be likely to publish. We don't only publish content we (individually) believe in, partly because we all have different individual viewpoints! We are a site for debate and discussion, we're not interested in pushing a "site viewpoint" because our members don't have a collective viewpoint and neither does RM. This view wasn't chosen by RM, it was submitted by Senna and published. We are more than willing to accept and publish a well-written article giving the opposite viewpoint.

I've just had a quick look through the comments on Facebook - practically everyone posting has realised that was written by an individual poster and doesn't reflect the views of the site.

Fair enough BP, thanks for the reply!

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ED I understand his views and agree with many of them, the point if this thread isn't (or at least shouldn't) be about the validity of his view but whether or not it was correct for rangersmedia to publish that particular view and the reaction to that on Facebook!

Where would you stop then, I read the article and like yourself I also understood what he was getting at and agreed with many also...........but to get back as to whether it should have been published then every thread would have to be looked at in that way.

Perhaps contradicting myself, perhaps admin in knowing the guy as a regular poster would not be on a fishing trip. Well done to Senna for feeling strongly enough to put the article together.

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This is depressing reading actually. People can pick and choose what they want to do - free-world.

Too many Rangers fans out there think they know what's good for everyone else these days. One of the downsides of platforms like forums, Facebook, Twitter etc.

Phil McGillivan also has an opinion on whether Rangers fans should renew season tickets - does that mean RM should publish it too?

Does RM publish every opinion ever produced? In that case, admin, feel free to publish "Senna is an arse" as a site article.

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