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Craig Mather Statement on Walter Smith


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IN response to Walter Smith’s decision to resign as Chairman of Rangers Football Club today, the Club’s Chief Executive Craig Mather said:

"I am saddened that Walter felt he had to leave the Board because his advice and common sense approach over the past few months have helped enormously. Walter has his own reasons for this decision but exactly when he discloses them to everyone is up to him.

"I am certain the last thing he would want to do is damage the Club more than is necessary. After all, he returned to Ibrox to help rebuild the Club, not to disrupt that process.

"However, I have to accept his decision and respect it. But even though he has stepped down he has made it clear that if I feel the need I can call him at any time.

"I want to assure everyone, fans and investors, that I am absolutely committed to continuing the work that is well underway. The Board are totally united on that front.

"A man I respect has left the Club but I have a duty to ensure we remain on the right track. There is no doubt in my mind we will overcome any obstacles placed before us but I do fully understand the concerns of the Rangers fans."

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Everybody's making statements but Walter right now. Nice words from a man who probably wishes he hadn't got the CEO job now. Hang in there Mr Mather (tu)

It seems those 2 haven't parted on bad terms and nice to see mathers kind words tbh

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""I am certain the last thing he would want to do is damage the Club more than is necessary. After all, he returned to Ibrox to help rebuild the Club, not to disrupt that process."

Very cryptic

That's the only bit that stood out for me that was slightly worrying.

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As far as I can see, CM hasn't said anything out of turn or at the wrong time in all of this.

He seems to have a sensible head when everyone around him is losing theirs.

We are all frustrated by the recent events but jumping up and down will not do us any good.

We all need to stay as calm as possible and keep thinking.

Lets not panic and trust that CM is strong enough to see this through.

I believe he is a decent man - And he has invested his own money in our club.

He will either be shot at dawn or come out of this a much stronger and much respected CEO.

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""I am certain the last thing he would want to do is damage the Club more than is necessary. After all, he returned to Ibrox to help rebuild the Club, not to disrupt that process."

Very cryptic

I'm just taking this at face value. It appears he means he wouldn't of left unless he felt he needed to.

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A decent statement from Craig Mather. I'll take at face value. i'm sure we'll hear Walter's reasons in due course. For now the stability the Board wanted has been set aside and we are in choppy waters again. It's clear that Murray wants Craig Mather and Brian Stockbridge out. They have not set out any other reason why they want control of Rangers and a negative reason of sacking people is not good enough. I believe Walter recognised that he lacked the commercial and financial experience to do the full Chairman job. And now that a battle for control of the Club is back on the agenda because of the Murray intervention then a Chairman with stronger skills than Walter is needed and maybe he recognised that. Clearly a way needs to be found to address concerns of Supporters at all of this renewed upheaval. Looks like a fair bit of that responsibility now falls to Craig Mather. In all of this there are still football games to be won and that focus must not be lost either. Challenging times yet again. But each time we go through this I think it adds to our collective resolve. In all of this Directors must keep firmly in mind the need to act for Rangers first and Rangers only.

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Just how much could Walter damage the club any further and what is it he knows that could do? Reads like '...c'mon Walter, we've concealed this much thus far, don't do anything silly'.

Fortunately we might not have to wait long to find out the truth and hopefully he hasn't signed a confidentiality agreement prior to his resignation.

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""I am certain the last thing he would want to do is damage the Club more than is necessary. After all, he returned to Ibrox to help rebuild the Club, not to disrupt that process."

Very cryptic

Mather speaks with forked tongue. Don't trust him either.

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As far as I'm concerned, Mather is a good bloke, who can do us a good job as CEO. However, it's very confusing to see Mather and Walter be so chummy, when the people Walter is backing to own the club want Mather out?!!?!?!

agreed that makes no sense and Walters statement muddies the water rather than clear it up.
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