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Scroooge McColl attacks Charlie, rheb interview.


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If this is the case surely they can allay fears and innuendo by stating who these supporters are, if they are so well placed and its a foregone conclusion the fans need to know who is acting on their behalf in such a selfless way.

I agree, clarity is what the fans need as this thread shows.

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That was hard to read...I'm still not buying into it though.

I think we need to see the accounts first to be able to truly decide what the issues are within the board to make a qualifying remark on the matter.

All I know is, I definitely do not want PM anywhere near our club again. I don't think he is what we need.

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I did say they were either against or neutral in my original post. McColl and co obviously have enough backing to enforce change without Green's backing. That was the point.

There is nothing obvious about it that was my point.

Well that and why should I trust folk to run the club when they have failed to do it when in a position to do it. How many times will we let the old guard claim that any failings are not there fault? That is of course if they are playing with a straight bat.

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What explanation, I would only be wasting my time as you didn't even understand a simple posting, maybe try reading slowly. :thumbup:

ps how did you like republican jim's massive profit :matron::000000082:

Ultimately we will see at the EGM whether or not there is enough backing for the changes.

Tiresome political posturing aside I'm worried what this says about the club, nothing more nothing less.

I couldn't give a fuck who runs Rangers so long as they do it properly. There are seemingly enough shareholders who don't believe the current incumbent are doing a good enough job. The financials will either dispel or back up that myth.

It's the club I'm worried about and I don't understand why so many others can be so dismissive.

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Surely the best way to get shareholder backing is to actually own the shares........

All depends on when and at what price these institutions are willing to sell.

They will natually want the maximum return (no matter what price they bought in at) and the buyers will want the opposite.

As Don King (Boxing promoter) once said "Buisness isn't about Black or White, its about Green" ,no irony intented .

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If thats what you think that reply said then I really give up. Yet another poster who isn't interested in debate or a different point of view.

So I've read it again. You are happy to let Green try to fix it, fair enough.

I'm interested in Rangers first and foremost, so of course I'm interested in a different point of view.

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I did say they were either against or neutral in my original post. McColl and co obviously have enough backing to enforce change without Green's backing. That was the point.

Maybe, although mccock as you call him seems to think there is enough against Green's camp to force through boardroom change. In any case no investor is backing Green they are backing Rangers and backing Rangers to make them money. At the moment that is not happening.

Have never seen a consultant calling the shots before. Says a lot!
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Did McColl, and Walter , not put a bid in to Duff & Duffer, last year that was higher than the Green bid, ? only to be told the deal with Green had already been given preferred bidder status. Now Charlie was still talking to Craig Shyte, at this point , and who brought in Duff & Duffer, and did he not have previous with them too. But Charlie dropped his pal Shyte like a stone when he no longer needed him. Charlie won't let any thing come between him and his money, Not friends,Not business, and certainly not Rangers.

Bullshit, no-one else put money their money where their mouth was.

For the record, I don't trust Green, but at least he done what he said he would. Maybe McColl will get my backing if actually does something worthwhile.

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I would honestly laugh my arse off if green gets forced out and pm, jmc, and the other clowns make a right cunt of it.

This once great club is never going to be back like it was once before

Ah well back to ot I go

Laughing at a Rangers crisis?

Piss off and don't come back

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Ultimately we will see at the EGM whether or not there is enough backing for the changes.

Tiresome political posturing aside I'm worried what this says about the club, nothing more nothing less.

I couldn't give a fuck who runs Rangers so long as they do it properly. There are seemingly enough shareholders who don't believe the current incumbent are doing a good enough job. The financials will either dispel or back up that myth.

It's the club I'm worried about and I don't understand why so many others can be so dismissive.

DOn't think most are being dismissive, but the way mini, McCall et al have went about their business, would do a Jesuit proud and remember it's a minority of shareholders. Now guess who would have lobbied them for support. Have yo ever seen a "consultant" calling the shots?! Says a lot! This is all ill timed and doing irreparable damage to our club. Smacks of the old guard pals act who didn't get their way and spat out the dummy. McColl is a man of means and if he had our club at heart, he should have never subscribed to this cheapskate backstabbing method, but dug deep and paid the going rate and protected the name and reputation of our club.
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Green and his cohorts are asset-strippers - of that there is no doubt. McColl is a successful capitalist who does not want - or need - a vanity project in his business portfolio. He is well aware of SDM's catastrophic mismanagement of our club (which he got away with for so many years because of a pliant fan base (because the trophies rolled in) and cowed board of directors) and does not want to get personally involved. By his actions he hopes to be a catalyst for change - but is linking up with the old-guard a positive or retrograde step? Time will tell.

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It is unbelievable that so many people cannot see the point here, have we learnt nothing from the White era? This isn't about putting money in, the money is there (at the moment) this is about getting people on the board that will have the clubs best interests at heart and not for personal gain.

When so many of the original investors, the manager, the chairman etc all voice their concerns over how the club is being run you have to listen. Why pay off CG a ridiculous sum of money to walk away when a) there is no need and b) once the right people are on the board that money can be used to take the club forward.

The battle has begun, look forward to more spin, conjecture, twisting of facts from both sides for another season, but people need to see through all that and face the facts.

Absolutely spot on.mcoll will need promise of more investment from the investors who are on his side though if and when this goes through ,because you can be guaranteed that the wheels are in motion to drain the last reserves we have by the green/Zeus camp.they will not leave with just their shares in their pocket believe me.

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So I've read it again. You are happy to let Green try to fix it, fair enough.

I'm interested in Rangers first and foremost, so of course I'm interested in a different point of view.

I'm also happy for Blin to come onboard, if there is some clue as to his remit. I would hope we are all interested in Rangers, whatever point of view we have, I think we are all a bit fragile after this latest round of omnishambles and there are those trying to push agendas. I'm concerned but think that the biggest issues have occurred since CG departed so having him back may bring some restarint.

Maybe CG returning and Blin coming on the board could be the best compromise rather than have two warring factions causing more grief (inadvertently or otherwise).

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First we had Walter running to the BBC, telling them he was "on the brink" of standing down, then we have McColl running to the Daily Rhag with an interview. These are the 2 biggest haters of our Club and would do anything to harm us, so, you have to ask, why would these 2 "gentlemen" go running to them.

So let's have a look at what McColl had to say to one of our enemies.

On why he won't be buy CG's shares - "My professional commitments prevent me". Professional commitments?, what about your Personal wealth.

He says "this is not a takeover", but he wants his men on the board.

He reckons we have 36 days left to avoid disaster... that takes us to September 11th. Does the date 9/11 ring any bells with you as it did me.

"It would take 10 to 20 years to repair the damage they are doing". Total scaremongering in my opinion as investors and CG in particular would have sold up by now. This would also have been leaked by now.

" We have called for an EGM, it doesn't have to go to an EGM - they can agree to do it and save the Club a lot of money and time - that would be honourable thing to do". So could you McColl, by accepting CG's offer (that would be an honourable thing to do), but then, you would still need an EGM to get your men on the Board, which "will cost the Club time and money" and would affect the "10 to 20 years to repair".

He then "fears that, without changes, the investors will run to the the hills, selling their shares". This is bullshit, as, by "selling their shares" the money does NOT go to Rangers, but to the seller.

"I understand he (CG) is trying to raise money right now, perhaps in the Middle East". This is what CG is good at, as has been seen in the past year, but according to McColl, "he is up to something".

McColl then rants on about CG MAY want to get back on the Board as Chairman and would lobby the SFA to block it. The SFA would look very foolish in blocking CG IF he wanted to get back to being Chairman as they have already passed his "fit and proper" requirement.

No, Mr. McColl, this is, as the man on the street would say, complete bollocks. Too much scaremongering without a shread of evidence and your short arms cannot reach the bottom of your pockets.

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On one side is Walter Smith, Alistair McCoist, Jim McColl, Paul Murray, Alistair Johnston - all lifelong Rangers fans.

On the other side is Charles Green and his dubious associates, both known and unknown.

Which side has the best interests of Rangers Football Club closest to their hearts?

It's that simple.

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On one side is Walter Smith, Alistair McCoist, Jim McColl, Paul Murray, Alistair Johnston - all lifelong Rangers fans.

On the other side is Charles Green and his dubious associates, both known and unknown.

Which side has the best interests of Rangers Football Club closest to their hearts?

It's that simple.

My arse. (tu)

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On one side is Walter Smith, Alistair McCoist, Jim McColl, Paul Murray, Alistair Johnston - all lifelong Rangers fans.

On the other side is Charles Green and his dubious associates, both known and unknown.

Which side has the best interests of Rangers Football Club closest to their hearts?

It's that simple.

Two of these Rangers men you mention have been at the club for the last 7 years. How has their presence helped prevent the current disasters? If it was as easy as "Rangers men only", we would have been making millions in profit every year while Bain was CEO. Instead, we went into liquidation with Rangers men in positions of authority throughout the club.

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