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How come we play such great football?


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Perhaps its because we are heading in the right direction?

Pehaps its because its our manager isn't clueless.

Perhaps its because some of our supporters are just clueless.

We aren't brilliant every week.

We are a shadow of many Rangers teams of the past.

We have faults.

But we are fucking better than many of the moaning bastards on here say we are.

NO apologies.

Well said agreed 100%
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I believe that the wages our team command and their ability in retrospect should be achieving these results 90 percent of the time.

Take mcculloch for example. He will alone be paid more than every player in the opposition. Add up the rest of the squad and you will realise this is an SPFL team. I am not saying the best but still one of the Highest paid teams in Scotland.

I love seeing us score and think we will have an entertaining season.

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No melodrama just pointing out the flaw in your post. I could ask you to stop being a prick but obviously that would go against forum rules.

Ally is dealing with a squad that have to play shite every week, they should be turned on to this dross.

Berwick Rangers etc were shocking results, not as bad as the one this year though.

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Total agreement with OP.

Anyone who cannot see massive signs of improvement or reasons to be cheerful must be blinded by bitterness.

Finally we are seeing some entertaining and more importantly winning football. It is great to see and I too am unashamedly savouring the moment. Long may it continue.

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This season we have witnessed something that we did not see in the whole of last season. Something which we were all looking for and that was for our pkay to improve as the season progressed. Last season was a cluster f... where we limped from one shocking performance to another with no sign of improvement. nNor was good football anywhere on the horizon.

This season we started kind of shaky but the difference from last is that we are witnessing a massive improvement in the quality of football on offer.

We have a keeper who looks solid. Our defense, still not sure about Foster looks solid. Midfield of McLeod, Law, Black could compete with any inthe SPL.

Up front I am not sure who will ultinately be the best partner for Daly. Will it be Clark or Little? Time will tell but we appear headed in the right direction.

The big question still remains over the manager. Personally my biggest let down ladt season was the total lack of progression and the shoddy football on display. This season the football is better and the progression is obvious

.I still feel that we need a decent run in the cup as we have a team capable of at least a semi-final place. Will that happen? I guess like the accounts we will have to wait and see.

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Ally knows what is expected of a Rangers Manager, probably better than most of us, he knows that also comes with a very high level of expectation and scrutiny. However I sometimes feel that some people completely underestimate how close we came to death as a footballing entity. Yes, we have a high wage bill for the level we are at and yes we are still the famous Glasgow Rangers and therefore should be winning every week, but rebuilding a team takes time, rebuilding a squad takes longer, rebuilding a club is harder still.

Last season Ally managed to scramble together a team of players within a few days and managed to get us through the season, this season he has managed to get a large squad together and got them to gel, not once, but twice after the illegal transfer ban expired.

Yes, he plays people out of position, and that frustrates many, and yes he mixes up the formation between 4-3-3, 4-4-2 and 4-5-1 which sometimes makes him look lost and confused. However maybe he is just experimenting with his large squad, maybe he is just trying to see what works in competitive games and what doesn't. He may even be trying to get his players used to playing a number of different formations so that he can better understand how to change games when we come up against different styles of opposition.

Even the best managers in the world, after researching their forthcoming opposition, get the starting line up and set up wrong, if his opposite number mixes it up a bit. If this is quickly identified and then say, for example, a 4-3-3 is not working then he can quickly change it to a 4-5-1 and the players will be fluid enough to change it.

Many hoped that this relegation to the lowest tier of Scottish football would be a chance to rebuild from the ground up and bring in a new footballing philosophy, well it may still be the "win at all costs philosophy" (and lets face it most of us will always demand that) but maybe Ally is also taking the opportunity to learn his trade so that he is best placed for the challenge when we are back in the top league?

Ally has never failed at anything in his career, he is smart and committed and loves the game and the club, with that combination and a fair wind, I believe he has what it takes to be a great manager.

Our expectations will always be a millstone around his neck, as it would with anyone coming in, but he has the shoulders to carry it. I don't believe we will win the SPFL at the first time of asking, that would just be too romantic a notion and some might need to prepare for disappointment on that one, but if we continue to give the guy our support and get right behind him then I believe he can lift that SPFL trophy before too long and that may be the sweetest title we will ever win.

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Are we going to get threads like this every time we pump a team at Ibrox? The people who think Ally is not right for Rangers are not 2 faced they still don't think he's the right man for us and a 8-0 pumping against stenhousemuir isn't going to change their minds

Yes. Every time we win there will be a new thread - but, often enough, you'll find them started by greetin' faced eejits unhappy because we, well, have won a game. My favourite so far this season came when we only put five past Arbroath.

And the people who want Ally out wont understand complex ideas such as being two-faced. You'll need to dumb that down to get the point over for your intended audience.

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The time to gloat is if Ally wins us the SPL title, until then beating teams 8-0 etc doesn't make Ally a great manager. They are impressive results and the football is good, but the real challenge for Ally has yet to come.

Ally does good things, is a great guy, but he also makes mistakes and does things people just can't understand. That's why some believe he might not be the right man for the long run, it's hardly a crime to have justified doubts...

Hopefully these type of performances will occur every week, because that's 3/4 now that have been very impressive, but others not so much.

"Beating teams 8.0 doesn't make you a good manager" :lol: what does? 9? 10? 11?

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Beating any team 8-0 is a great result. We've all seen better rangers teams draw with berwick. East Stirlingshire etc. However this is the 3rd full season hes been manager and off the top of my head I count 7 top performances with just as many embarrassing ones. The jury is out on ally until we're consistently playing well

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The worst one was the win against QOS, because we "only" scored from set-pieces. This was from some of the same fans who lamented our efforts at set-pieces in previous years. Ally must take comfort that he has a host of experts only too willing to pass on their advice when we only get between three and five goals a game.

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The worst one was the win against QOS, because we "only" scored from set-pieces. This was from some of the same fans who lamented our efforts at set-pieces in previous years. Ally must take comfort that he has a host of experts only too willing to pass on their advice when we only get between three and five goals a game.

It was to do with the ugly football that was served up against QOS. i actually enjoyed our refreshing style of play on saturday more than the goals and the 8 nil scoreline. It was a joy to watch at times and long may it continue. Thats the way Rangers can play and should be playing. The ball hardly came of the deck.

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It was to do with the ugly football that was served up against QOS. i actually enjoyed our refreshing style of play on saturday more than the goals and the 8 nil scoreline. It was a joy to watch at times and long may it continue. Thats the way Rangers can play and should be playing. The ball hardly came of the deck.

I forgot, only Rangers play ugly now and again. And before you say that it was only an opinion on a match, don't bother, because much of the criticism of the team is personal to Ally and his skills as a manager. If you can win when you play badly, and Andy Murray, by the way, played tennis a bit off par on his way to the Wimbledon final compared to previous years, then you prove something.
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I forgot, only Rangers play ugly now and again. And before you say that it was only an opinion on a match, don't bother, because much of the criticism of the team is personal to Ally and his skills as a manager. If you can win when you play badly, and Andy Murray, by the way, played tennis a bit off par on his way to the Wimbledon final compared to previous years, then you prove something.

You know it has not been just been now and again that we've played brutal football. Its been most of the games under him, Saturday was the best ive seen us play under him. Hopefully we kick on from this.

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You know it has not been just been now and again that we've played brutal football. Its been most of the games under him, Saturday was the best ive seen us play under him. Hopefully we kick on from this.

I don't agree. Anyway, I have no complaints against Rangers fans complaining, when we lose, because that is what makes the club special in that the fans demand success. But this is entirely different. Walter put up with this despite great success. Fans are not the best judges of managers, that much is evident throughout football.
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I think McCoist is definately on the right track. The players looked strong, fit, and technically sharp in the last match.

I also believe Craig Mather has delivered for McCoist in terms of aquiring players of the right level at the right price. (This, in my estimation, should always be one of his highest priorities.)

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Saturday was the best football we`ve played under Ally. I hope it actually means we can expect a decent run of games where we can actually play good football. But some will still think a one nil victory is good enough even if the football is dross. With the second biggest player budget in scottish football we should be expecting to see a decent level of football every week. One 8 nil victory doesn`t change anything as a broken watch is right twice a day.

Ally was one of my hero`s through the years and I still hope he can turn it around .but there will come a time if he cannot get a consistent team on the park playing good football that real questions will be asked of him. As for the guy comparing some results to being beaten by falkirk/hamilton while we were in the top division ? are you for real ? they were both in the top league at the time.We are a top league team playing in the lower divisions.

Ally will win this league by a mile as any manager in this league or any other league could do with the money Ally has to spend. The test from now on is how he does in the cups. Any more exits to dross teams should be the end of him , although I think if he actually won a cup it could be the making of him.

Its a fine line just now and only time will tell. I`m hoping for a Cup win and for us the move forward leaps and bounds.

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I think McCoist is definately on the right track.

I also believe Craig Mather has delivered for McCoist in terms of aquiring players of the right level at the right price. (This, in my estimation, should always be one of his highest priorities.)

I have to agree, I don't think this team is the Finished article yet but there are improvements every week.

I can't believe that there are still people complaining about the players Ally has brought in, we had the biggest support in Scotland on Saturday, one of the biggest in the UK and Europe, does that level of support not demand the best players available.

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