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Membership Group Idea


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I'd be all for it.

The one sticking point is the yearly re-elections. While I think it's a good idea in principle, it also opens the door to those with an agenda pushing through change within the club.

It's a hypothetical situation, but all it would take is a percentage of the members to convince a further percentage to follow their lead and we could have mass change and a lack of stability within the club. That could go on every year.

I'd be more favourable of a term-elected chairman or 'president' who sets ye overall vision for the club and then we, as members, elect the people to support him, with the chairman given a proxy of 20-30% to allow for the ability to make change.

The chairman would obviously have to go through a sort of election campaign where he would make clear his goals for his term and give indications as to how that would be achieved.

It's slightly similar to the Barcelona model, but with a few tweaks to make it slightly more workable (IMO of course).

Edit: I meant to add, the rest of the board could still have their jobs evaluated annually, in order to ensure maximum efficiency, but the chairman would be able to serve his term (obviously within reason and outwith exceptional circumstances) without too much need to worry about job security. It would give them the freedom to make widespread changes where necessary without fear of a backlash.

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I like the idea of separation from season tickets.

You might have a season ticket, but can't afford any more.

You might have a season ticket, but would happily pay more directly into the club.

You might live far away, not have a season ticket, but want to help the club and join up

etc, etc.

So this being stand alone and direct to the club has merit.

I'm more in favour with the above. Our overseas bears may wish to contribute. Does anyone know how these things operate with the continental clubs ? Might get some ideas from there.

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I like the idea of separation from season tickets.

You might have a season ticket, but can't afford any more.

You might have a season ticket, but would happily pay more directly into the club.

You might live far away, not have a season ticket, but want to help the club and join up

etc, etc.

So this being stand alone and direct to the club has merit.

If it's a money raising club I agree - but if it's straight forward fans representation season ticket holders is easier to administer

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The concept is decent, unfortunately i am not sure our fanbase isn't actually better having two or three groups, which gives representation to more of the opinions we have.

Also, linking it to the club could lead to accusations of it or a board rep being 'owned', so maybe better to keep it independent.

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I'd be all for it.

The one sticking point is the yearly re-elections. While I think it's a good idea in principle, it also opens the door to those with an agenda pushing through change within the club.

It's a hypothetical situation, but all it would take is a percentage of the members to convince a further percentage to follow their lead and we could have mass change and a lack of stability within the club. That could go on every year.

I'd be more favourable of a term-elected chairman or 'president' who sets ye overall vision for the club and then we, as members, elect the people to support him, with the chairman given a proxy of 20-30% to allow for the ability to make change.

The chairman would obviously have to go through a sort of election campaign where he would make clear his goals for his term and give indications as to how that would be achieved.

It's slightly similar to the Barcelona model, but with a few tweaks to make it slightly more workable (IMO of course).

The Barcelona model works because, as I understand it, the club is owned by its members and every member effectively has one share in the club. It couldn't work for us because the guy who has two million shares is always going to want to have more say than the guy who has 20 shares.

Keeping the term of office to one year removes the possibility of a divisive figure gaining too much power.

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The fee`s would always be the sticking point.I`d like to see anyone with a season ticket to be given access to the forums free. add silver and gold for extra bonuses. It would encourage people to become season ticket holders.

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The Barcelona model works because, as I understand it, the club is owned by its members and every member effectively has one share in the club. It couldn't work for us because the guy who has two million shares is always going to want to have more say than the guy who has 20 shares.

Keeping the term of office to one year removes the possibility of a divisive figure gaining too much power.

I get that, that does make sense.

Having it stuck to a one year term could theoretically mean we have a different board every single year though, and that's no good going forward IMO.

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The fee`s would always be the sticking point.I`d like to see anyone with a season ticket to be given access to the forums free. add silver and gold for extra bonuses. It would encourage people to become season ticket holders.

I did not have a season ticket during the 50s and 60s can I get my Gold star retrospectively
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You could never speak for the full support, you would be speaking for your group.

Also, this 'money will go straight into the club unlike other groups' remark. These other groups sink a lot of cash into displays etc which go into supporting the club, so a tad unfair with that considering people already give the club thousands over the year.

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To what end is this group? Fan representation to the club? Voice of the fans? Extra cash for the club? I think your idea needs a goal!

I also thing £15 pm is quite a commitment and for that needs real benefit.

If the club wants some sort of fan representation I always thought the idea of a season ticket holders club was a decent idea and the concept on I ticket I vote - and to that end I think you have it right - vote from a short list - season ticket holders vote

Just input and for debate!

I agree ST holders only

That would exclude the riff raff


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The principle of trying to unite the various supporters' organisations is a sound one, but why not just have an official supporters' association with membership automatically granted to all adult season ticket holders. The association would be entitled to have one member on the Board who would be elected by postal ballot every summer. The term of office would be one year and you would not be allowed serve more than one term.

Fuck me - I actually agree with you

There must be some merit in the idea

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I wouldn't want a tiered membership. We want every Rangers fan to have the same vote. In fact we want every Rangers fan on the scheme if possible. £15 per month would not work. That is £180 per annum and if you have family who also want to be members the costs would be ridiculous. I like the idea that ST holders get automatic membership. Others would have to make a payment. Such a membership scheme should be the only organisation which has meetings with the Club and board because it would be more representative and not have small-minded agendas.

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I wouldn't want a tiered membership. We want every Rangers fan to have the same vote. In fact we want every Rangers fan on the scheme if possible. £15 per month would not work. That is £180 per annum and if you have family who also want to be members the costs would be ridiculous. I like the idea that ST holders get automatic membership. Others would have to make a payment. Such a membership scheme should be the only organisation which has meetings with the Club and board because it would be more representative and not have small-minded agendas.

I do agree about your family comment.

I wasn't able to get my ST this season as I was unemployed due to redundancy for a while.

Instead I got shares and would sign up for this type of membership.

I agree existing ST holders should get instant membership.

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Admirable thoughts,but we would just end up with another group and further fragmentation of our supports. Consensus is some how got to be found within the current groups and brought together, there is no point in reinventing the wheel.

Current shoogly wheels are not fit for purpose, new wheels are needed. Perhaps we could combine with the Masonic model and have square vwheels.

Ever since I was a wee boy there were Rangers Supporters Clubs throughout the country and beyond with members all registered at Ibrox. If this model is still in place why not use that fanbase and structure as the cornerstone of ALL fan communication?

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And the RST leadership !! ( allegedly!) :lol:

BP9, we may not see eye to eye but you came up with some fairly good ideas regarding this topic.

If you want any ideas if yours included in this proposal either reply or contact me at .. Jamie_morrison1@aol.com and we can discuss further (tu)

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I am a nobody amongst fans, just your regular Rangers diehard who is sick to the back teeth of supporters groups peddling their agendas and using scaremongering tactics to win over fans.

What I've wrote is unfinished, in the early stages in terms of ideas and needs other fan input.

I may get shot down in flames regarding this, but it's worth a shot.

Let me know your thoughts people.

Ultimately, the club will decide when they create a membership scheme, and if it's the current board, it will raise funds for working capital and cost far more than £15 - we still don't know how they plan to raise money to get the club through 2014/15 without losing the infrastructure they've maintained so far.

I wouldn't base any of your plans around what the club agree to, as if there's something to sell, they will sell it themselves.

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BP9, we may not see eye to eye but you came up with some fairly good ideas regarding this topic.

If you want any ideas if yours included in this proposal either reply or contact me at .. Jamie_morrison1@aol.com and we can discuss further (tu)

You'll laugh but I am typing up a 'longish' discussion thing that I will post after breakfast - ill just post it openly on here and those that want to can read !

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Ultimately, the club will decide when they create a membership scheme, and if it's the current board, it will raise funds for working capital and cost far more than £15 - we still don't know how they plan to raise money to get the club through 2014/15 without losing the infrastructure they've maintained so far.

I wouldn't base any of your plans around what the club agree to, as if there's something to sell, they will sell it themselves.

Surely if someone was to take a proposal to the club such as this, they would listen(I hope).

I would take the proposal to the club no problem at all, needs a lot of work and a lot more fan input than it's currently got.

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