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Genuinely the best into I've ever seen in a game.

I've just finished the main game. Quality.

How many hours did you put into it mate? I'm just past the 40 hour mark myself but I've hardly touched the main missions just been doing most of the side ops trying to get the buddies ranked up.

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How many hours did you put into it mate? I'm just past the 40 hour mark myself but I've hardly touched the main missions just been doing most of the side ops trying to get the buddies ranked up.

65 so far. Still loads to do after the ending though.

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65 so far. Still loads to do after the ending though.

I checked the records list the other day and was shocked to see the amount of time I've put into it so far,you really do get lost in it all.Think I'm only on mission 17 or something,I still can't get over that opening hour of the game plus when you see the new Metal Gear for the first time it's fucking insane :lol:

MGO is available in October as well so that's gonna add another few dozen hours I'd imagine.

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I checked the records list the other day and was shocked to see the amount of time I've put into it so far,you really do get lost in it all.Think I'm only on mission 17 or something,I still can't get over that opening hour of the game plus when you see the new Metal Gear for the first time it's fucking insane :lol:

MGO is available in October as well so that's gonna add another few dozen hours I'd imagine.

It's really a brilliant game. I was skeptical after seeing everyone giving it 10/10 but it's really lived up to the hype so far.

I used to love playing MGO for MGS4, if it's anything like that then this will be brilliant.

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Completed it at 5AM this morning.

Ending was... well, shite.

I get that Kojima felt the need to go out with a bang, but I think everyone just wanted closure on the saga, not for there to be another massive twist. I'd have been perfectly happy with an ending that shows Big Boss turning Diamond Dogs into his Outer Heaven, but for everything to be... what it ends up being (I'll leave out plot lines in case someone accidentally clicks on it) is just shite.

Not to mention the fact they cut out episode 51, so as far as the canon gameplay goes, Eli is still out there with Sahelanthropus and Mantis. I've seen the video where they show us what happens to Eli but it's just shite to cut it out of the main game. Expect that to be part of Konami's DLC.

I honestly can't see past them creating another Metal Gear to finally close the loop. Let us see what Big Boss was actually doing, not what this Venom cunt is up to: noone gives a fuck about him.

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If anyone's looking at getting a PS4 head onto shopto. Got the console, drive club, the last of us, pre ordered fifa, 3 months PS+ and some daft wee thumb grip things for £334.

Can create yer own bundle from the selection and you can pay it up if you're struggling money wise (tu)

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Can't believe Kojima pulled another MGS2 on us :lol: Though the whole bait and switch with Venom/Big Boss has been staring us in the face ever since the first trailers for GZ/PP. You just had to look at the different cigars,at the end of the GZ trailer BB is smoking a real one,and then in the first E3 trailer for PP,Venom is smoking an E-Cigar.

I don't think the story had a big impact like MGS2 e.g but gameplay>everything else,I've also read online that there is cut content from the game regarding what happens with Eli/Liquid and Sahelanthropus,don't be surprised to see Konami jew everybody out with this.

After 100 hours I completed Phantom Pain last night,honestly what a fucking game :clap:
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Sake that's at least 10 hours a day haha!

edit: 8 hours a day since you got it early!

Although to be fair I told my brother to play it if he wants but just do the non-important side missions when I've not been in so I've no idea how much he put into it.

Is Mad Max any good? I saw that watty has it but no idea if it's decent or not it was getting mixed reviews etc.

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Although to be fair I told my brother to play it if he wants but just do the non-important side missions when I've not been in so I've no idea how much he put into it.

Is Mad Max any good? I saw that watty has it but no idea if it's decent or not it was getting mixed reviews etc.

Looks pretty decent.. if you like games like Batman and SoM you'd probably enjoy it!

Personally i'm going to hang off..as I reckon it'll be one of those games that will lose its value fairly quickly. It was released at the worst time ever! Releasing the same day as MGS5 for a start.. but by the time most people are finished with MGS5 and are looking for something new to play.. Fallout 4, Battlefront and Assassin's Creed will nearly be out.

The only reason Shadow of Mordor done so well was because it released at the right time!

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Personally i'm going to hang off..as I reckon it'll be one of those games that will lose its value fairly quickly. It was released at the worst time ever! Releasing the same day as MGS5 for a start.. but by the time most people are finished with MGS5 and are looking for something new to play.. Fallout 4, Battlefront and Assassin's Creed will nearly be out.

The only reason Shadow of Mordor done so well was because it released at the right time!

Will probably just wait for F4 now,agree with you on SoM that was the standout game last year for me anyway.

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mad max is quality,enjoying it more than mgsv,can't put it down.be aware tho that you have to do a lot of side quests to upgrade your car and max,so if you hate doing the same stuff over and over,you'll get bored with it.saying that tho i hate filler in games like this e.g assassin's creed,but i'm compelled to do it in mm as it all counts towards better equipment which really pays off.

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The ruse cruise continues,maybe.





Ingsoc.org was first created on March 1st, 2015 and before its current tab description “Black Hound – don’t let Armageddon stop you”, it had a much more interesting tab. The original tab description was “A ***** ****** Game”, does that look familiar? If you were to fill in the blanks, A Hideo Kojima Game” would fit perfectly.

Now these two coincidences alone are interesting enough, but now Kojima threw some more fuel to add to the fire to make this crazy theory seem more grounded. Kojima tweeted out a pic of his phone that displayed a David Bowie, Diamond Dogs album with the song 1984 and to be more precise its track 9 out of 11. Now this could be pure coincidence, if it wasn’t Kojima, the master of all riddles and the only developer that doesn’t like to announce anything straight forward.


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