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BBC ruling on Spence complaints


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I have just received an e-mail regarding my complaint about Spence from the Sportsound broadcast of 4th Sept and as expected the BBC Trust finds no grounds for complaint. Ten pages of blurb all of which ignore the fact Spence said it deliberately due to his unfettered hatred of RFC. All they concede was "he could have phrased it better". What about "he didn't have to say it at all"?

I hate the BBC, it has become a seriously disgusting organisation.

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I have just received an e-mail regarding my complaint about Spence from the Sportsound broadcast of 4th Sept and as expected the BBC Trust finds no grounds for complaint. Ten pages of blurb all of which ignore the fact Spence said it deliberately due to his unfettered hatred of RFC. All they concede was "he could have phrased it better". What about "he didn't have to say it at all"?

I hate the BBC, it has become a seriously disgusting organisation.

Sorry to hear they just dismissed it as "he could have phrased it better". Is their anyone one higher that you can take the complaint to?

Keep up the good work (tu)

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Most organisations in this country don't pay the slightest heed to being complained about, mainly because the complaints system is fixed against your average Joe.

Organisations like Focus and the over use of ABO's, even the law in Scotland's football grounds however are thriving.

We appear to be a nation of thugs, NED's and crooks, but the majority of the crooks are the ones running the organisations, and making the law.

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The BBC ought to be accountable for breaches of its (ostensibly) objective brief, but I can imagine the 'higher-ups' find it difficult to manage the talentless gaggle of small-minded hacks who represent them here. It's a bit like a parent with an arsehole child. Ultimately, the kid is their responsibility, but you still feel a bit of sympathy for them when the little brat starts acting up in public.

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this from page 10 - its a joke

Fifthly, the Adviser considered the complaints about complaint handling and noted that some complainants felt they had been dealt with in a way that was dismissive and patronising. She noted the Stage 1 response included comments from the Editor of Sport, who stated:

Thank you for your correspondence. I have reviewed the contents of the Sportsound programme of Wednesday 4 September and the particular phrase to which you draw attention.

The actual words used by Jim Spence were: “John McClelland who was the chairman of the old club, some people will tell you the club, well, the club that died, possibly coming back in terms of the new chairman.”

The phrase was used in the context of a live discussion about the proposed additions to the Rangers’ board and about former chairman John McClelland and former director Paul Murray joining the board. Jim Spence did not state that the club had died but, in the context of a discussion about former board members joining the club, commented that there are some people who hold this particular view.

I do agree that the attributed comment could have been better phrased within the live piece and I am sorry if you were offended by this.

Thank you for your comments.

The Adviser considered Trustees would be likely to conclude this was a reasonable and reasoned attempt to provide a consolidated response to the concerns raised. She noted that at stage 1b, complainants were not sent a further substantive response, but were referred directly to the Editorial Complaints Unit. She considered Trustees would be likely to conclude this was in line with the procedure set out in the complaints framework and meant the complaints were progressed in a timely way. She considered that at both Stage 1 and Stage 2, Trustees would be likely to conclude that complainants were sent reasonable responses that addressed their concerns and there was no evidence that the responses were intended to be patronising or dismissive as some complainants had stated. Therefore on this fifth point, the Adviser considered the appeal did not have a reasonable prospect of success and should not be put before Trustees.

The final point of appeal related to requests for remedial action. Some complainants felt an on-air apology was appropriate while others considered the BBC should not continue to employ the programme’s presenter. However, the Adviser considered Trustees would conclude the output had not breached the Editorial Guidelines. It followed from that, that the subject of further action was not one she thought Trustees should consider and she did not propose to put it before them on appeal.

Therefore, for all the reasons set out above, the Adviser considered the Appeal as a whole did not have a reasonable prospect of success and should not proceed to be considered by Trustees.

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A good old number 2 with the clippers would soon sort that man out. In a non violent and make believe kinda way....BBC are a waste of money and time.

I always get the urge to go to a home Utd game and see the view from the main stand in a quieter day .And it wouldn't be to watch the football.

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It doesn't matter how often they try to fob us off - keep on the case. The whole complaints process is designed to get them off the hook - they work on the assumption that members of the public will give up or run out of steam! They fail to address the heart of the issue - BBC Scotland is ant-Rangers in an ongoing way. They pick off single matters and they trivialise them! I've just sent the following reply:

"Thank you for passing on XYZ’s detailed response.

I am however not satisfied that she has dealt with the core problem here.

BBC Scotland has for some considerable time been guilty of ongoing anti-Rangers bias. They are serial offenders and as in this case they make occasional throwaway (and frankly inconsequential) apologies or acknowledgements that things could have been better handled. This is just not good enough – it is a longstanding and widespread disease affecting many at BBC Scotland including people in senior positions. They even gang together on air and in other media to ridicule the complaints that follow. Jim Spence was the centre of this incident but Spiers, Cosgrove..... The list is large! The behaviour is wholly unprofessional and not worthy of a publicly funded operation!

The follow on from this particular incident has also been ignored but while the many complaints were still under investigation – BBC staff were actively decrying the people who complained in an orgy of mock indignation!

I must formally ask that you properly consider these issues – it is they who are the real heart of this matter and I’m quite certain that if the Trust look at the whole picture then they will clearly see a strong line of ongoing bias by BBC Scotland and many of it’s people.

I look forward to hearing from you."

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