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McCoist: Don't bank on title next year

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I think the squad we have, if organised, drilled hard in training, ruled with an iron fist and used to full effect, we should win the 1st Division (Championship) without too many problems. There is no doubt that should be the case or we are over-paying our management and players to the tune of about £6,600,000 per year. It would appear going by OP that Ally is confirming that we are overpaying massively for no guarantee's.

Considering our current spending and our financial position I would not be expecting to bring anyone in for this Division unless someone leaves to allow them to come in. Even then I would expect that for this Division coming, that any player that came in to replace someone we have currently, should come in only if they are significantly cheaper than the departing playing staff. It's the only way you can address a hideous wage bill bar not replacing departing staff.

Fully expect Ally and the team to up the ante in the preseason, don't think this will include the sands. If Ally brings anybody in and that's still an if they need to be of a quality to play in the Premier, cost over quality is a total waste of time.
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so mccoist has built a team in your opinion that is good enough to finish 2nd from all free transfers. But in the same breath you are saying he shouldn't be allowed to bring anyone else in because is signings are mind boggling.

He has the 2nd largest wage bill in the country. Doesnt take Einstein to work out that they ahould skate the championship. Not a very bright statement you made there.

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If Ally McCoist can not get this squad, as it is, out of the Scottish Championship at the first attempt, and winning the league at a canter then he should not be a football manager, let alone the manager of Rangers.

OK, we will drop points along the way, but we should still be aiming to win the league by a landslide without needing investment.

Absolutely bizarre of the manager to say otherwise.

Well said

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He has the 2nd largest wage bill in the country. Doesnt take Einstein to work out that they ahould skate the championship. Not a very bright statement you made there.

so it's only to do with the wage bill.

I thought you said when you looked at the line up yesterday that the team should comfortably finish 2 in the spl. Did these players have their salary instead of their names on the team sheet.

It is irrelevant how much they get paid when it comes to football tbh only thing that matters if you think they are good enough. I presume then you are happy to go into the spl with the players we have on the fact that they get paid well alone.

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I think your delusional attitude to the current squad is damaging to the future of our club!

This team will not cope well over a season in the top leauge. It needs strengthend.

But hey, let's all put our heads up Dave kings arse and with-hold money the club needs, then look forward to the non-existent future.

Admin x2. Hope you all sleep well at night, knowing you were culpable at killing this football club.

All I said was I think the current squad would finish in the top 6. There's probably 3 teams that have a better squad than us at the moment

I did not say we would impress or do well. To put up a half decent challenge on Septic we need to strengthen obviously.

But with the squad we have we should finish in the top 6 under good management.

With Ally in charge, I would say we would finish 9th or something.

Don't know how this lead onto starving the club of money...?

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so it's only to do with the wage bill.

I thought you said when you looked at the line up yesterday that the team should comfortably finish 2 in the spl. Did these players have their salary instead of their names on the team sheet.

It is irrelevant how much they get paid when it comes to football tbh only thing that matters if you think they are good enough. I presume then you are happy to go into the spl with the players we have on the fact that they get paid well alone.

I said that I believe they would finish comfortably in 2nd in top flight 'with a manager with tactical nous'.

Ally plays them in the wrong position, plays too conservatively and cant change a game

What I find mind boggling is why we signed guys like Clark, Shiels and Templeton when he has no intention of playing football on the deck. Why he signed Daly who has no sell on value and will be done by the time we get to SPL or whatever its called these days. Why he signed Foster, Peralta, Smith at all.

Im sure you are not too silly to think that a players wage value are not somewhat correlated to their supposed ability? Or are you saying that Ally is so terrible that he has amassed a squad with a wagebill of 7m for a team to get out of SPFL Div 1 to make up for his deficits.

What would he need to win the topflight? 100m?

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Of course you slate him for everything he says or does, even when he is talking sense, it's a good balance.

That's just not true

There was something the other day I agreed with him on and I made a point of mentioning it

Guys like yourself he could fuck your wife's and kill your dogs and he'd still be SUPER ALLY which is just as pathetic as his managerial ability

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That's just not true

There was something the other day I agreed with him on and I made a point of mentioning it

Guys like yourself he could fuck your wife's and kill your dogs and he'd still be SUPER ALLY which is just as pathetic as his managerial ability

It'd be an honour.
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That's just not true

There was something the other day I agreed with him on and I made a point of mentioning it

Guys like yourself he could fuck your wife's and kill your dogs and he'd still be SUPER ALLY which is just as pathetic as his managerial ability

It'd be an honour.

you'd probably stop him, hand him a condom just in case he caught anything off your missus then give him the all clear to recommence the banging...
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If McCoist was given £1 million to spend, it should be invested in a world class scouting system. What we don't need is average players coming out in the paper saying "I'd play for Rangers" and McCoist saying "lets go watch him and see if we can sign him". We seem to only sign players who show a degree of interest in signing for us in the past.

There is a world of talent just waiting to be found and we can see past our 4 pishy divisions in Scotland.

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He'll have to ask whoever is the head of the trust fund,set-up by the union of fans if he can get some money before he signs anyone.

The epitome of a cheque book manager.

If that is his attitude then he has let the club down by not making sure that he has signed players good enough to win not only the first division but the championship. He has let the club down by signing thge players he has on 2 or 3 year contracts if he thinks they are not good enough for the step up.
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If that is his attitude then he has let the club down by not making sure that he has signed players good enough to win not only the first division but the championship. He has let the club down by signing thge players he has on 2 or 3 year contracts if he thinks they are not good enough for the step up.

Agreed, only players good enough for where we should be in any number of years should be given contracts for the same number of years.

How big is the current biggest budget in the championship?

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Problem is if there is no money and I see no reason to suggest there is then we are basically dismantling our squad at completely the wrong time.

For me here are a list of players who will struggle next season, never mind back in the prem..






For going into the prem the season after you could add Daly to that list. I also think Aird is vastly overrated but he's young and can improve.

The way I see it is we may have better players in reserve but we don't know. A couple of players spring to mind and thats McCAusland and Luca. Now we are hardly playing the Bayern Munch's of this world in these divisions so why is Ally still persevering with the likes of Smith, Foster and Jig?

Yes Jig is a stalwart but long term what is he bringing to the plate other than preventing the progress of someone who potentially could do a much better job, much cheaper in the long term.

Allys short shortsightedness has been appalling. There were plenty on here questioning him last season, how he cant see the folly in his ways I'll never know. His recent comments confirm what I've always suspected he is a manager who needs to spend. The WORST kind we needed then and we need now. Everything from his comments, salary, tactics, choice of player to cosying up with whoever was paying his wages has made see the man in a different light.

I think even his biggest supporters will be calling for his head next season, I really do.

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Defence wise is somewhat of a concern to me. We ship lots of goals, too many for my liking. Jig is done, cribari- no good enough,so there's 2centre halfs I'd say are a priority.

We've lost 14 goals this season so far.

Don't think I agree with "lots", but the back line needs seriously looked at. IMO that is where Ally fails as a manager. If he strengthened our defence, I would be more than happy with what we have up front.

Only for a year though, then...............

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That's just not true

There was something the other day I agreed with him on and I made a point of mentioning it

Guys like yourself he could fuck your wife's and kill your dogs and he'd still be SUPER ALLY which is just as pathetic as his managerial ability

I'm not married.

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its a valid argument against the people claiming ally has had it hard as rangers manager in the last 2 seasons

Ally likes to play the 'concentrate on the football' card when it suits him. He is 100% spot on, his only job is to manage the football team. Therefore he has had the easiest job of any Rangers manager ever, in the last 2 years, and anyone claiming he's had it tough should start putting the club before Ally. No man bigger than the club and all that

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We will struggle and for once i agree with him. Trouble is though most of the blame for it can be laid at his door.

He has signed a lot of inadequate players and wasted an awful lot of money in the process.

He has failed to utilise his squad properly this season preferring instead to rely on the same 13 or 14 players every week. He now has youth players sitting on the bench he clearly doesn't trust and will therefore be of no use next season.

He has players who are also getting older and less potent that need replaced.

And if our financial problems continue then i can see a lot of them leaving at the end of the season if wage cuts are forced on them.

If things continue as they are and no change is forthcoming i hate to say it but we will be in serious trouble for years to come.

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