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Strangest place you've ever seen a Rangers top?

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You see a lot in Africa where Bears have donated old tops to charity and it usually brings a smile to my face when I see them. With everything there is an exception and that is the dude in the Novo top who hangs around near the Azure hotel in Pointe Noir. It's been near two years now we've commuted by there on a monthly basis and every time he is there.The lad is bit aromatic even by local standards

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Southern goa india, travellin from airport there was wee kids playing cricket and one had an old top on, someone had told me to take football tops for kids so a did and few days later went to a park and gave out a few and a scotland top or two, chuffed as duck these boys were

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You see a lot in Africa where Bears have donated old tops to charity and it usually brings a smile to my face when I see them. With everything there is an exception and that is the dude in the Novo top who hangs around near the Azure hotel in Pointe Noir. It's been near two years now we've commuted by there on a monthly basis and every time he is there.The lad is bit aromatic even by local standards

My mate works in Angola and has all the locals running about in Rangers & UVF polo shirts.

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I was in Antigua in 1999 on a stop off on a cruise. I spotted two locals and one had a top on from the 80's. I went over to them to have a chat expecting a bond cause I had my top on. The guy who wasn't wearing the top said to me "hey man, give me your top and I'll give you a bag of grass the size of your head" Unfortunately you got searched going back on to the ship so the grass was no good to me. I just gave him the top and returned to the boat feeling quite proud of myself.

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I'm an HGV driver & used to do 'the continent' in the late '90's early 00's. I was delivering a load to a factory in a wee town near Bordeaux in Southern France. I was parked in their yard waiting to get unloaded & the roller shutter door opened & the fork lift driver came driving out wearing a Rangers top. I thought ... What the fuck!! He didn't speak a word of English so I didn't find out why he was wearing it. I obviously told him I was a Rangers fan & in pigeon English he said 'no pope of rome'!!


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Seen a guy in Disneyland with one on, assumed he was from here but he was an american. I spoke to him as i had tge same top on, Think he said it was because of his grandad was from 'scatlan' so he liked rangers. Made my day.

Unfortunately literally about 5 mins later I saw a father and son with the green and grey and without even hearing them talk I could tell they were from here!

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Seen some in some pretty interesting places abroad.

Actually seen one a few years ago in Kuala Lumpur in a place whereby most people were local. When i questioned the person, he got it from a business trip to Glasgow and that was him converted, which got me thinking earlier, wheres the strangest place you've seen one and never expected it?.

Sometimes the reach of our club is amazing :)

Good thread mate

My dads old house at King Billy's hometown breielle just outside Rotterdam deserves a mention

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Donegal....on my wee cousin :lol: grandad grew up there and moved here when was 8 but all his family still reside there, good bears but get some funny looks wearing gers tops there, remember I was playing with a ball in the garden about 10/11 ish in the 5-1 hearts final and grandad kept shouting score to me and my cousin then someone he hated drove down the street and he was like boys take your ball in the middle of the road....in our wee new tops...my favourite home strip ever, ( the white with red stripes at the side) was good times :lol:

That's not that odd at all really.

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Remember a big blue nose i knew who suffered terribly with ill health.He was losing his sight,and wanted to visit the Maldives.

His wife and him ventured over a good few times and his wish was to give the young locals Rangers tops.He took dozens over and handed them out,before his condition got worse.

A legacy from big Jim,who sadly passed away shortly later........

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Northeast province of Kenya border with Ethiopia and Somalia. I was in the town of Mandera and a Kenyan invited me to the post office to watch the only tv in town. When I got there I found about 40 guys all in a selection of Football tops. They were watching band aid on the TV All tops had come from UK charity

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In Nijmegen railway station, amongst a bunch of NEC fans, a Dutch guy dressed in Rangers jersey, hat, scarf etc.

I think he wants to go to heaven when he dies.

Holland is full of Rangers supporting loyalists

I know holland like the back of my hand and almost every wee town there if you get talking to the locals are rangers

It might sound like an exaggeration online but it's actually not

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Strangest place I saw ever a Rangers top was out on this rugged and rocky NZ beach in the middle of nowhere being chased around by a bunch of angry seals

and I was wearing it :lol:

I have also been set upon by a seal. It's a traumatic experience.

I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life.

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I have also been set upon by a seal. It's a traumatic experience.

I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life.

haha yeah they can move pretty fast when they want to!

I got bailed up by a whole bunch of them as they had pups they were protecting. I had to climb up on to the top of some rocks above them until I had the chance to leap down make a run for it :lol:

thing with seals is that they are real stinky buggers: you can smell them before you see them just like cellic fans :21:

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haha yeah they can move pretty fast when they want to!

I got bailed up by a whole bunch of them as they had pups they were protecting. I had to climb up on to the top of some rocks above them until I had the chance to leap down make a run for it :lol:

thing with seals is that they are real stinky buggers: you can smell them before you see them just like cellic fans :21:

Probably similar to me, must have been pups about or something, though I didn't see any. When I was younger I was walking along the rocks back home minding my own business, when this seal appeared from nowhere and made that noise that seals make. I'm going to call it horking. I'd have only been about 11 at the time, and I nearly jumped out of my skin when it horked at me. Immediately turned tail and ran away as fast as my 11 year old legs could carry me. :lol:

Still get flashbacks every time I go back to that bit of the rocks.

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