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For all players and the management team at the club:

In return for our EXCEPTIONAL SUPPORT, we expect from you:

An exceptional work ethic.

Exceptional conduct on and off the pitch that befits our great institution.

To look and act like Rangers.

Keep your antics off of social media.

Do not associate yourselves with those that seek to destroy us until those attacks stop.

To try harder and train longer and better than any of our opponents.

Not to get beaten by poor opposition or struggle against them on an ongoing basis.

Not to treat us fans like fools by giving us some condescending and obligatory praise in public just to keep us happy. we aren't buying it any more.

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Oh the press stirring it - not that they need much help - that should sell a few more papers then.

To paraphrase a good Christian saying let he who has not get pissed after a bad day cast the first stone - it seems our support is either full of paragons of virtue or hypocrites

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Oh the press stirring it - not that they need much help - that should sell a few more papers then.

To paraphrase a good Christian saying let he who has not get pissed after a bad day cast the first stone - it seems our support is either full of paragons of virtue or hypocrites

That's such a ridiculous line to take. If most workers have a bad day at the office the only people they let down are shareholders and owners.

Most workers don't have people who earn in a year what they earn in a week forking out at times 40% of their weekly wage to go and be entertained and expecting to see something worthwhile paying for.

Footballers and entertainers choose their profession and they know that responsibility comes with it.

That party should have been cancelled. In fact it should always have been contingent on winning. I really don't think or believe any top manager would have allowed that to happen and that's irrespective of the fact our manager knows exactly how our fans would have taken Sunday.

Whilst the normal punter was going into work to do their 8 hour shift to pay to watch these guys, whilst taking a ranking off fellow workers, they were all lying in their bed with a hangover having a smile at the gaffer singing fukkin meatloaf and Bruce fukkin Springsteen.

He is a disgrace and he shouldn't even be allowed near the dugout on Saturday, as bad as that would be or seem. (tu)

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Oh the press stirring it - not that they need much help - that should sell a few more papers then.

To paraphrase a good Christian saying let he who has not get pissed after a bad day cast the first stone - it seems our support is either full of paragons of virtue or hypocrites

but my inflated wages arent being paid by 50000 other bears

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Oh the press stirring it - not that they need much help - that should sell a few more papers then.

To paraphrase a good Christian saying let he who has not get pissed after a bad day cast the first stone - it seems our support is either full of paragons of virtue or hypocrites

I don't get paid thousands of pounds (of my own money no less) to play for Rangers though.

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Oh the press stirring it - not that they need much help - that should sell a few more papers then.

To paraphrase a good Christian saying let he who has not get pissed after a bad day cast the first stone - it seems our support is either full of paragons of virtue or hypocrites

If I had the biggest day in my working year just a few days away I wouldn't be going out and getting pissed, but then you know that don't you your not a total idiot. But it does help to play the clueless fool when it steers the debate away from Ally and his indefensible record as manager.

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The feeling of being totally let down on and off the pitch is what its all about. We want the players and coaching staff to share our pain and to show they care, this does the opposite it makes light of a disastrous game and shows how the players and management are in a bubble from us. Alot like when politicians spout crap about being all in it together then we find them milking the system for every last penny except we know what politicans are like, we don't expect it from our heroes.

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I hope Ally and the players enjoyed their wee night out after the match, I spent a good penny or two on Sunday probably more than I can afford and I was served up with a heartless performance, I couldnt bring myself to going for a few more beers after the game because the whole day was fucked as I was totally gutted after the match. I hope Ally and the players realise how much it means to us fans to win a cup but looking at the above I am not so sure.

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I'm gona get hung for this but, I don't think it's that big of a deal.

Loads of clubs do this do this after finals and I'm sure this won't be the first time our clubs done it.

It's just one of the first times we've really heard from it.

I understand WHY folk are pissed off at this but, honestly, it happens all the time, we just never hear.

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I'm gona get hung for this but, I don't think it's that big of a deal.

Loads of clubs do this do this after finals and I'm sure this won't be the first time our clubs done it.

It's just one of the first times we've really heard from it.

I understand WHY folk are pissed off at this but, honestly, it happens all the time, we just never hear.

It seems it all started because Temps girlfriend put it on Instagram...then when ppl started giving her abuse she took it off.

But the damage was done by then but says enough about her no class and a social climber and not one of us.

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It seems it all started because Temps girlfriend put it on Instagram...then when ppl started giving her abuse she took it off.

But the damage was done by then but says enough about her no class and a social climber and not one of us.

Pretty much sums up every WAG around they only care about money and social status. Most are no better than the tarts on "reality" soaps.

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On the train back from the game packed with bears , no a single sound was made , you could feel the pain of the fans , did we have a party and sing song , no we simply went home and despaired at another and I say expected result , I for one seen it coming because we are rank , have no guts and lack professionalism . Three stands full of bears it was like a home game ffs .

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It seems it all started because Temps girlfriend put it on Instagram...then when ppl started giving her abuse she took it off.

But the damage was done by then but says enough about her no class and a social climber and not one of us.

You are fucking joking?

She has helped, albeit inadvertently, to show our club for what it has become.

The damage was done by the man in the picture, not by her.

Not one of us? I'd listen to her over you any day of the week.

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You are fucking joking?

She has helped, albeit inadvertently, to show our club for what it has become.

The damage was done by the man in the picture, not by her.

Not one of us? I'd listen to her over you any day of the week.

Not going to argue with you as you may be family.

But it shud never have been posted!!!!!!!

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She was only taking a photo. Who doesn't take photos. And with the amount of fucking social media apps around these days as soon as you take a photo it could end up straight on facebook, twitter or instagram where people can see it. Shit happens. I don't blame the girl for all this. If anything I'd thank her for showing us Ally's true side.

Get him out.

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She was only taking a photo. Who doesn't take photos. And with the amount of fucking social media apps around these days as soon as you take a photo it could end up straight on facebook, twitter or instagram where people can see it. Shit happens. I don't blame the girl for all this. If anything I'd thank her for showing us Ally's true side.

Get him out.

I totally agree we need Ally removed and he was doing that perfectly well with his tactics.

Our bus coming back from Edinburgh all agreed his time was up as we were going backwards.

I just think social media is not helping our club and worse while were all hurting.

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