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SDM getting away with it (again)

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HMRC "sold our club down the river"!! Wake the fuck up and focus on these cunts. Murray took us as far as he could, including the Uefa cup final. HMRC liquidated the holding company for a fantasy debt so why push the Murray card?? He would have easily sold rangers if it wasn't for these idiots. They are a poor organisation and the focus should wholeheartedly be on them and their agenda on us.

Your talking pish get a grip ffs..... :lol:

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he sold us down the river, he's miles worse than whyte

dont let 9iar cloud your judgement, he spent everyone elses money first until no one else would give him any

Agree with this (second sentence only) but give Murray his due he was brilliant at bringing in money over the first 10-12years of his tenure. Ultimately, people got wise to paying him money whilst he got more and more control. He started having to dig into his own pocket to fund us around early 2000s and IMO this seemed to coincide with him losing interest in us. After that, there appeared to be only random periods when he splashed the cash, I think because he liked to be the big cheese and didn't like it when fans started giving him any grief. He seemed to have great relationships and friendships with all our various managers. Although on the surface this appears beneficial, I think this was unhealthy, were these friendships maintained to the detriment of the club's finances.

I think Murray was a great deal maker, his forte was taking a chance on any random opportunities that came along. His downside was he was not a planner, he never appeared to lay down any medium/long term strategy, he swayed with the wind. Remember him after Prodan debacle declaring he would not sign any more players from old eastern block, 12months later he was splashing out 5m for Kanchelskis. How many training complex ideas did he think up and give up on before Advocaat forced his hand.

Ultimately, all of his successes with us were trashed by him capitulating to Lloyds and selling us to Whyte. I think he was probably in a very difficult position but he knowingly made decision to sacrifice us to save his other businesses. That will be his legacy, the custodian who ran away from his responsibilities and sold us out.

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he sold us down the river, he's miles worse than whyte

dont let 9iar cloud your judgement, he spent everyone elses money first until no one else would give him any

I was in Germany serving for 5 of those titles so I never bought in to his big European dream.

My Dream Team was the homemade Barca 72 Squad just like your mum's Homemade Soup. It's the best type.

DM is a gambler and he gambled with our Club.

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Murray had a choice . Sell to Whyte or lose his whole business and embarrass his family .

I used to hate SDM until I bumped into John Marr .

He has every right to hate him as his wife left him for SDM .

All he did was defend him regards the sale as he knew at that time he had no choice really.

In business terms he told me story of the Scorpio and how Whyte made promises but never kept them .

It was a gamble SDM lost as Whyte shafted us .

Don't get me wrong .I hated SDMs final years like the next bear but I'm mellowing a little towards the man himself

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although murray is far from blameless putting the club at risk with untested tax avoidance schemes (not evasion theres a difference) and did sell out to shyte when he couldnt handle the heat with hmrc refusing a deal, we must remember that hmrc were in hindsight always going to go after us rather than an english club who they were happy to do deals with, i said in a previous post the english government always look down on us scots and gave us the dubious pleasure of 'trying out' the poll tax.

the fact is even without shyte in the frame the tax man was not going to drop this and more than likely we would still have this big tax case hanging over us even after 2 defeats in the courts cause they would and probably still will appeal again. we would still in effect be unsellable and be in limbo for another few years. Any money the club made would be stockpiled in case an appeal was successful which in turn would probably mean selling our best players and leaving us with dross (ye i know). the taxman would also keep adding dodgy penalties on top so if he won the final figure could be astronomical. the difference is we are now free of any possible successful appeals.

don't get me wrong i'm still fuckn pissed off at the whole sorry mess and all the sniping and dodgy agreements etc etc fuckn etc but in a years time we should be back were we belong with who knows, even an opportunity for a rich russian/arab/malysian/dave king (maybe not) to invest which was never going to happen before

whats my point - ye murray fucked us, shyte fucked us, loyds fucked us, the sfa/spl/lieswell etc fucked us, the media fucked us, the majority of rival fans (about 100,000 experts in tax law/accountancy going by all their 'know all') fucked us (have i missed anybody) but hector was and is the main instigator and all these cunts just jumped on the banwagon for their own twisted end / jelousy etc.

p.s. no grammar police please it's 1am on a friday night/saturday morn for fuck sake lol

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With the recent UTT decision going in the oldco's favour, and subsequent statements from both MIH and HMRC, we, the fans, have been rightly vocal in out outbursts towards the parties that almost destroyed us

HMRC and Whyte have taken torrents of abuse in the past couple of days, rightly so, but once again one man seems to have side stepped something that he in the end was the root cause of our situation

Murray ran us to near administration once many moons ago, yeah he will deny it etc etc, but being over 70million (80million in some reports) in debt for a Scottish football club is a disgrace, yes we know what he tried to fund, but being the near complete owner of the club he had freedom to do whatever he wanted no matter how we felt.

He bailed us out (of his own created mess) when he bought up all of the share issue, when PLG arrived our reported debt was around less than 5million

By the time PLG left and Walter came back in 2006 it couldnt have been much more, and then Murray began to do what Murray does best, we started to spend again

By the time october 2009 came around we were told by Walter that the banks were running the club, the accounts that season showed us in the red by over 30million quid, how the fuck did we manage to spend arguably 25million over and above the sales of cuellar and Hutton for a combined 16mill in 3 years

The man was a fucking train wreck as rangers owner, all the good of 9iar, dominance of scottish football, it was all done on smoke and mirrors, we all talk about how Whyte never had a penny in rangers, but did Murray? it can be argued that Whytes £1 spent on Rangers is £1 more than Murray ever did

With recent statement from HMRC stating that they were looking into our boards actions for 3 years prior to the administration in 2012, that is the board assembled by Murray including AJ, Bain, Paul Murray and the rest.

With the club now separated from the oldco, we are free from any misdemeanours that Murray might well have done, we got away with the EBT's, but looking at Murrays record with us, it wouldnt surprise me if he had more skeletons in the oldco's closet

Lap up your win against the taxman Murray, but the fans will never forget how you ran us into the ground once, swore to never let it happen again, but between 2004 and 2009 you ran us into the ground financially again to the point where we were being controlled by Lloyds who were led by a rabid tarrier if reports are to be believed.

You basically put us in the hands of our enemies, your systematic reduction of everything at the club led us to be the whipping boys off the park in scottish football, the fans didnt have a voice, the club didnt have a defender.

I hope to never see you at our great club again, the fans who you refused to defend in your time here will rebuild this great club that you almost destroyed.

The blame lies at your door and your door only

Absolutely 100% the worst poster on here. Sometimes I can't be arsed with the forum and most of the time it's because of negative posters like you. Almost 30K posts; let me know when you've written a pro-Rangers post so I can read it without feeling that my insides have been ripped from me for the umpteenth time.

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Don't have a high opinion myself of SDM........ But away and chase yourself!

Either he is having a laugh with you or he is thick. Considering he is a bear, I would stick with the laugh and think he meant that word instead of riddled. It might be you feeling ridiculed now ;-)

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There is much I disagree with in that post but the main points that Murray is both to blame and getting off lightly I 100% agree with. Sold us down the river to protect himself and to someone he knew was a charlatan!

You may be a BEAR but I hope he sues you for that comment!

How the fuck can you come out with that pish after everything he did for our club? He may have fucked up in the end, but I doubt he knew CW was corrupt.

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You may be a BEAR but I hope he sues you for that comment!

How the fuck can you come out with that pish after everything he did for our club? He may have fucked up in the end, but I doubt he knew CW was corrupt.

SDM was my hero - he went to zero

AJ and the rest of the board at that time investigated CW and tried to disease SDM from selling - are you trying to tell me a business man like SDM, if (??) he had our future interests at heart did no due diligence on CW? Or his money or background? He either knew or didn't care.

It is only with hindsight one sees the perilous position SDM put us in and yet it was manageable, until he sold!

Oh and I would be happy to face him in court as them the truth would come out!

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Agree with this (second sentence only) but give Murray his due he was brilliant at bringing in money over the first 10-12years of his tenure. Ultimately, people got wise to paying him money whilst he got more and more control. He started having to dig into his own pocket to fund us around early 2000s and IMO this seemed to coincide with him losing interest in us. After that, there appeared to be only random periods when he splashed the cash, I think because he liked to be the big cheese and didn't like it when fans started giving him any grief. He seemed to have great relationships and friendships with all our various managers. Although on the surface this appears beneficial, I think this was unhealthy, were these friendships maintained to the detriment of the club's finances.

I think Murray was a great deal maker, his forte was taking a chance on any random opportunities that came along. His downside was he was not a planner, he never appeared to lay down any medium/long term strategy, he swayed with the wind. Remember him after Prodan debacle declaring he would not sign any more players from old eastern block, 12months later he was splashing out 5m for Kanchelskis. How many training complex ideas did he think up and give up on before Advocaat forced his hand.

Ultimately, all of his successes with us were trashed by him capitulating to Lloyds and selling us to Whyte. I think he was probably in a very difficult position but he knowingly made decision to sacrifice us to save his other businesses. That will be his legacy, the custodian who ran away from his responsibilities and sold us out.

Absolutely spot on mate

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