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The REAL Greatest Fans In The World. (Tested and Proven)


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One positive in all our recent troubles. If ever a group of football fans had to go through the the greatest test, then surely it is us ?

Unfair victimisation by the government authorities.

Unfair victimisation by our own football association.

Unfair victimisation by our fellow league clubs.

Criminal and incompetent owners.

Unattractive football and struggles against (allegedly) lesser teams.

Obvious dislike and hatred from the media and those (GCC, Scottish Labour Party and the cellic/oirland minded) with an axe to grind.

We went through times when the total destruction of our club was a possibility. (Never underestimate how much effort our enemies put in to that)

And all going on year after year and now in to the fourth year with potentially more struggles ahead in the board room and on the pitch.

But here we are, still loyal, still averaging huge attendances, and even amidst all that inTIMidation and hatred, we have behaved impeccably

And we are still supporting the greatest ever club as we fight our way back from the brink all the way to the top again.

Never forget we have now proven, in the worst of adversity, we are THE greatest fans in the world, and be it glory or hardship, our support will never waver.

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We're not the greatest fans in the world.

Also, attendances will not be so loyally large in the next wee while.

Shame, because we could do with some positive threads and posts atm.

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I was pissed off at all the negatives on this forum, so choose a fact that as a club we have in the past four years had some 0f the worst nightmares that a club could face, (do you still remember how you felt when there was a serious chance of Admin or destruction back then ?)

Yet even amongst that we still pulled through and are loyal (Big Positive).

To a degree some of the present complaints only endorse how we want our club to be the best, and endorses our passion.

Why can't other supporters shout out these positives, even in continued times of trouble, instead of "always looking on the dark side of life (te dum, te dum de dum de dum)."

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We've certainly been put through the wringer.

If there's one good thing about all of this it's that it's woke up our support to the threats our club and our fans face.

Of course winning the top title will be sweeter than normal too I imagine.

Including the threats from within?

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If you include individuals on the board, those who wish to takeover the club and those involved in certain fans groups, I am inclined to agree.

If you are referring to me in a veiled way - that's your opinion and you are entitled to it. I've explained my position.

No - I was referring to the 'fan groups'

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I think in terms of away support, especially euro away games we are up there with the 'greatest' supports in the world.

At Ibrox though our numbers are great the atmosphere is crap and with half the stadium leaving on 80-85 mins we certainly are nowhere near the greatest home fans in the world which annoys me. We could be soo much better at Ibrox.

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Good attempt tannerall but I am afraid we are a fractured lot, after surviving that shitstorm of abuse we thought we had come through the worst but it hasn, t worked out that way. We all got dragged along on a tidal wave of togetherness and survival, as the journey has played out the more weary and sceptical we have become. Our enemies have siezed on this and continue adding pressure, it is very sad indeed, whether it be the boardroom battles, the management, everything seems to end in hostilities, and yes I am aware I add to that. I hope something good happens pretty soon, hopefully draws us all back under the one umbrella :thumbup:

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