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How do we hit back on re-entering the SPL?

The Educator

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So for everyone planning on not spending Blue Pounds on any other teams,

That means you'll have more Blue Pounds to spend on Rangers then.

The RM Sponsors' Fund exists to make sure we get the maximum impact when spending our Blue Pounds on Rangers.

So far, we've raised over £14,000, spent over £10,000 and achieved far more collectively than we could have individually - Not only supporting Rangers FC across all their commercial operations, but also supporting the wider Rangers Family and our favourite charities (particularly Erskine).

So if you want to see your Blue Pounds go a long, long way in supporting Rangers, then join the RM Sponsors' Fund today.

Annual Membership Fee - £10 - every penny of it guaranteed to be spent on Rangers FC.


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It's pretty sad that there are those amongst us who can't participate in this thread without dragging in their agendas regarding the board and manager. As for those who would not participate in a non-attendance at these grounds the people who run them and attend them are rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of the income from you guys while laughing themselves silly at your foolishness. If we want justice we must unite in bringing these people to book by the one way that will work and that is to deny them income.

For anybody who thinks this is a problem to do with the old co may I point out it wasn't the old co who had an illegal transfer embargo placed on it ad it wasn't the old co who had millions stolen from it through withheld prize money, player fees and TV revenue. My advice to the protester groups is to shut up for a while and deal with the real fight we have ahead of us, while you guys are chasing each others tails the deck is being further stacked against us by the appointments to the various sections of the administrative bodies in Scottish football.

There has been an amazing amount of work carried out by sections of our support to show how Scottish football has been corrupted to help a certain team gain land, money and trophies, work that may well bring justice for our club. Meanwhile we have people undermining this work by organising season ticket boycotts and on-line petitions against our manager, both groups should hang your heads in shame, you are as bad as each other. Rather than going down these routes to attack those within our club you should be using your energies to use these routes to attack those who have been cheating our club for years and those who sought to use our predicament for their own short term gain.

These people have been hanging in there and await our return to the top table to stave off financial disaster, I say stave them of our cash, bring them to their knees and get justice for our club. Do this and they will never take the risk of going to war with us again.

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If we get promoted we need to concentrate on getting a good result in the first year without getting carried away with ourselves. The club won't refuse ticket allocations but the fans don't need to buy. Based on the evidence the team don't do well without some support so I don't think a boycott would be best for Rangers so fans should travel to away matches but pass on programmes and official food outlets.

Sorry for being reasonable. I know it would be great to do something major to get back at those clubs but the team should be able to exact revenge on the park. We need to avoid crowd trouble as well.

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I think the best way to get them back is take over their stadium and out sing them off the park, while beating them on it.

I understand the guys who've made the personal decision not to go, you look on it as giving other clubs money whilst others look on it as paying to see Rangers.

I don't want our side running out into a pit of hate with no away support but each to their own.

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Success is the only way to hit back.

Their revenues have went down without us, most have suffered the consequences of their actions through that. Now it needs to be payback by crushing them all on our way to the title.

Crushing them on the pitch means precisely fuck all to them, when 10/15,000 bears are paying £20? a ticket to fill THEIR coffers. These petty arseholes have survived for so many years by budgeting for the Blue Pound keeping their heads above water. I believe, like the Educator, if our support do not fill these fuckers coffers, we, the support, are positively demonstrating OUR disgust at the shameful behaviour visited upon our club by THEIR club/s and untill RFC have full redress for this shameful treatment, not one Blue Pound is spent on keeping them afloat. Of course I am well aware that such action will not sit at all well with sections of our support, but if they are happy in the knowledge that they are implicit in keeping these haters financially viable by paying ££ for a ticket that keeps them breathing, so be it.

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On listening to a discussion on this topic during the archive of last evenings Rangers Chat it occurs to me that maybe our board should do the following. I believe the club should decline any away allocation of tickets from clubs who were instrumental in our being voted out of the SPL. If the rules say we have to accept an away allocation we should take the minimum allowed under the rules. One would hope that the fans would the themselves refuse to buy them and they would then be returned to the said clubs along with a demand for an administration fee for having been forced to offer them for sale.

This policy should continue until the SPL delivers to the club all of the cash that was procured from us under the 5-way agreement. There should be no repayment plan for this cash it should be paid to the club in one lump sum including the appropriate amount of interest that the money would have earned in a bank account.

It saddens me when I hear fans denouncing the idea of a boycott of thee clubs, as a support we should be doing everything possible to help our own finances while doing the same to starve these clubs of any financial gain from our return to the top division. As a starting point we should start this now by targeting Hearts, Hibs, and any other Championship opposition who were involved in the vote to remove us from the SPL. If the greater body of the fans cannot see how much we can damage these clubs by denying them access to the Blue Pound the board must come forward and lead from the front on this matter.

it would just make the club/fans look like 2 faced hypocrites when it came time to play them at the Piggery and everyone wanted a ticket - bulkying wee clubs but nit going after the big club, thats how it'd be spun

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I don't see any point boycotting next season. It'll be three seasons without us and they've survived - another one without our fans will make no difference to them. And, of course, it would deprive our team of our support.

My objectives are nothing to do with hurting spfl teams though thats a bonus , it's about highlighting a major injustice suffered by Scotlands biggest club .A club which was bought fraudulently and ran into the ground by a crook while the whole of scottish football either sat back and watched or as in some cases actually joined in the attempt at making our great club extinct.There can be no disguising the bitterness and hate shown to our club despite us being vindicated in every court case since administration.Every law of the land which found in our favour has been ignored as part of the Whichunt to demonise a club that has practically carried Scottish football on it's back for thirty years while flying the flag in europe .The message must be sent out loud and clear that scottish football has blood on it's hands and i'm sure any Rangers player worthy of the jersey would not only forgive the empty seats but sympathise with the fans who are the innocents in all this and have been treaty shamefully despite their blue pound keeping scottish football going for years .

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Strongly believe away games should be boycotted for one season to highlight every other week how much Rangers were treated like criminals without a trial and how even with the benefit of hindsight no one has shown remorse and in fact one chairman still maintains we are a two year old club.How any Rangers fan can step foot in scumdee's ground to me is very sad to put it mildly.

I'll be boycotting but I don't want to influence anyone else into not going. The team needs our support and I'm sure they'll get it.

However, to everyone going to away games next year, do you have to buy programmes, pies, drinks etc from them? Don't think so!

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As much as I understand and respect peoples reasons for never wanting to go to these clubs ever again, I couldn't not go and support Rangers. I didn't go to tannadice and supported the club backed boycott but in general going to football is what I do other than work, and I don't think it would be possible for me to say never again.

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I think the best way to get them back is take over their stadium and out sing them off the park, while beating them on it.

I understand the guys who've made the personal decision not to go, you look on it as giving other clubs money whilst others look on it as paying to see Rangers.

I don't want our side running out into a pit of hate with no away support but each to their own.

I understand your point bad boy but out singing the opposition is just all in the mind .Any support will say they out sing each other .Its just token really .
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Sorry, I seem to have left my Invisibility Cloak switched on for my last post.

Now turned off...

So for everyone planning on not spending Blue Pounds on any other teams,

That means you'll have more Blue Pounds to spend on Rangers then. (tu)

The RM Sponsors' Fund exists to make sure we get the maximum impact when spending our Blue Pounds on Rangers.

So far, we've raised over £14,000, spent over £10,000 and achieved far more collectively than we could have individually - Not only supporting Rangers FC across all their commercial operations, but also supporting the wider Rangers Family and our favourite charities (particularly Erskine).

So if you want to see your Blue Pounds go a long, long way, then join the RM Sponsors' Fund today!

Annual Membership Fee - £10 - every penny of it guaranteed to be spent on Rangers FC.


(It seems pretty stupid to me - boycotting everyone else, but not ploughing more into Rangers!)

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The only club that would not feel the effect of losing the Blue Pound (when we are in the premier) are the main culprits of our situation.

All the others would be financially buggered, and it would certainly impact on them the worst. Beating them on the park? We will do that anyway (or should do).

Deprive them? Oh Yeah!!

The main architect of our predicament, is the one who would feel the pain of defeat the worst, at the hands of Rangers. This will be the best way to humiliate them for all the grief they have caused our club.

How to undermine them financially, seems a pretty daunting task, and personally, I do not think we as supporters can achieve this easily, if at all.

Best to hope that PZJ and his team are the ones who administer that blow.

However, we must endeavour to do our bit and not spend our Blue Pound at away grounds, but it must be up to each supporter to decide how he/she does this, or not,and to be aware that every Blue Pound not spent away gives them the pleasure of sweet eff all, and hits them, not us, in the pocket whether it be large or small, "every little helps "as they say.


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