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It's all our fault again.


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So let's assume that the 25% who didn't vote in Glasgow would, if they all managed to get out of bed and vote, all vote Yes - presumably because it's the first option on the form and they're too lazy to read the 2nd option.

That's 91,031 votes for the Yes campaign, giving them a new total of 1,709,020.

Now let's eliminate some of those pesky no-voters...

No votes - 2,001,926

Let's start by ripping up the Edinburgh No Majority - that's 70,071 off the No total.

Let's do the same with Aberdeen - another 24,704

and let's be generous - have Aberdeenshire too - 37,269.

Sod it - Have Glasgow as well. - 25,432

Where does that leave us?...

1,844,450 - No

1,709,020 - Yes

So there you go, I've rigged the results probably a little bit more than the Electoral Complaints Commission would approve of, but at least now you only need to rustle up 135,430 more votes.

Have you tried Freuchie?


Bang on the money.

One of the lowest turnouts was in Glasgow, and the higher Yes percentage was in Glasgow.

We're the Glasgow No voters turned off?


Probably the realisation that the percentage of unemployed, Yes supporting, wet lefty, unrepentant fenian bastards would eradicate the vote to such an extent it couldn't win.

NOW however they probably see their vote as vital in the future, and will join the 'silent majority' in the future.

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These folk with a hardon to blame everything on Rangers and the OO.

So by that logic we have 45% of Scotland as Celtic fans and knights if colmbas?

For anyone that isn't aware of the knights of columba, they are without doubt the most bigoted organisation active in Scotland. Try googling their oath if you have the stomach.

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So let's assume that the 25% who didn't vote in Glasgow would, if they all managed to get out of bed and vote, all vote Yes - presumably because it's the first option on the form and they're too lazy to read the 2nd option.

That's 91,031 votes for the Yes campaign, giving them a new total of 1,709,020.

Now let's eliminate some of those pesky no-voters...

No votes - 2,001,926

Let's start by ripping up the Edinburgh No Majority - that's 70,071 off the No total.

Let's do the same with Aberdeen - another 24,704

and let's be generous - have Aberdeenshire too - 37,269.

Sod it - Have Glasgow as well. - 25,432

Where does that leave us?...

1,844,450 - No

1,709,020 - Yes

So there you go, I've rigged the results probably a little bit more than the Electoral Complaints Commission would approve of, but at least now you only need to rustle up 135,430 more votes.

Have you tried Freuchie?


my point was buggerlugs dont blame big bad rangers for a no vote blame a campaign based on hope and rebels.
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What's pissing me off is the union rally in the square is being pegged as bigoted

In what country would flying your own fucking flag be bigoted? Is it because too many lefties pander to minorities?

Look Australia. They deal with minorities in their own way and don't give a fuck

And since when did unionism and nazi salutes become synonymous.

This nation put the nazis in their place.

This whole country wants a fucking proper shake.

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I would be SO proud if I thought it was our clubs support. We stood up for what we believed and done it in an honest, un-provocative manner.

WE the electorate said NO. WE Rangers fans refused to be intimidated then and now. WE are the PEOPLE.

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(tu) Spot on. Happy for us to take credit for this.

Headlines of 'Rangers Fans Save Union'.

How could anyone not be proud of that ?

I'm delighted the way it's worked out , democracy in action even though plenty seem to think you have to keep voting until you get what 'they' want North Korean Style .

Well done to everyone whose proud to be part of the Union and contributed .

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What a fucking odd statement.

The majority of us Scots, I.e. the people who voted no, are 'blaming' our Club, for the country voting No?

I don't even know where to start with that. You are either pished or need to articulate 'more better'.


Several comments on Facebook stating that comment.

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