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Bad Robot

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When I first learnt that Ally had tendered his resignation, I felt happy, I possibly even punched the air in delight. However, seconds later a sadness enveloped my whole body, and a sense of guilt was clouding my thoughts. It was, as if, I'd grassed a mate for skiving at work, and got him the sack. (Something I'd never do BTW) I stopped reading all the column inches, & comments regarding Ally, as the guilt was weighing me down.

Later on I learned that Ally had indeed tendered his resignation, BUT, was going to work his 'notice, which in his case appears to be 12 months. The feelings of guilt & sadness evaporated away very quickly, & were replaced with anger, angry that Ally was holding the club to ransom, angry that Ally, a legend in his playing days, was NOT doing the right thing.

I have to stop now, as I don't want to say something that I may regret later, due to my anger at McCoist. All I will say is 'C'mon Ally, do the decent thing, walk away with NO pay off, with both your dignity & legendary status intact'

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Furfuxache . doesny matter how much he's been paid (in wages) in the past , even though results are shit , if he's due anything , he's due it . Would anyone on here leave their work voluntarily if they were due a redundancy pay off ? doubt it

Some amount of pish on here today .

If i or most on here that support the club had McCoists bank account knowing we don't ever have to worry about paying another bill this lifetime , i would walk without taking anymore millions from us .

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Some amount of pish on here today .

If i or most on here that support the club had McCoists bank account knowing we don't ever have to worry about paying another bill this lifetime , i would walk without taking anymore millions from us .

So on that logic because he's been paid handsomely throughout his career , he should just have been working for free since he became the manager . If anything has been in his contract , he's due it , whether results are shit or not . How about the players fuckin apologise for their performances recently and pay the Club back a month of their pay . Most of them probably have no future money worries also

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So on that logic because he's been paid handsomely throughout his career , he should just have been working for free since he became the manager . If anything has been in his contract , he's due it , whether results are shit or not . How about the players fuckin apologise for their performances recently and pay the Club back a month of their pay . Most of them probably have no future money worries also

The clown has made millions from the club , and those players you go on about , he fuckin brought the lot of them here .

The guy has security for him and his family for the rest of his life , if he wants to go , go now with no more of our cash .

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After last night and that display any person who loved Rangers would have said do you know what I have tried my best thats me done. But no the ARROGANCE of the man to say he is staying on is unbelievable. Fuck off Ally your a clown of a man,I once loved that guy but I have nothing but anger for the man now. Get to fuck away from our club you are destroying our football and the good name of our club !

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When I first learnt that Ally had tendered his resignation, I felt happy, I possibly even punched the air in delight. However, seconds later a sadness enveloped my whole body, and a sense of guilt was clouding my thoughts. It was, as if, I'd grassed a mate for skiving at work, and got him the sack. (Something I'd never do BTW) I stopped reading all the column inches, & comments regarding Ally, as the guilt was weighing me down.

Later on I learned that Ally had indeed tendered his resignation, BUT, was going to work his 'notice, which in his case appears to be 12 months. The feelings of guilt & sadness evaporated away very quickly, & were replaced with anger, angry that Ally was holding the club to ransom, angry that Ally, a legend in his playing days, was NOT doing the right thing.

I have to stop now, as I don't want to say something that I may regret later, due to my anger at McCoist. All I will say is 'C'mon Ally, do the decent thing, walk away with NO pay off, with both your dignity & legendary status intact'

(tu) felt exactly the same mate, nail on head. Never posted on here last night incase I wrote something I regretted. If he makes this a messy divorce then his legend status will disappear for me
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Last night's display was a fucking DISGRACE.

QOTS were outstanding and totally outplayed us but that display stank of all that is wrong with the club.

The players are almost to a man IMPOSTERS and are cheating the club. They don't give a shit about us or the shirt. They are inept and unprofessional.

The manager is clueless and almost completely lacking in integrity. "We will keep on fighting as always to the end" he laughably said. There was no fight, never has been, so stop lying.

I don't know whether McUseless has resigned or not but I fucking hope with all my heart last night was his last game.

If McUseless carries on much longer I'm frightened as to how much damage he will do to us long term.

This is a club run and managed by horrible, self serving people. The players are largely inept as the laughable efforts by lard arse Daly, the invisible man Shiels, cry baby Black, mad cap Moshni and the incompetent McCulloch demonstrated.


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The clown has made millions from the club , and those players you go on about , he fuckin brought the lot of them here .

The guy has security for him and his family for the rest of his life , if he wants to go , go now with no more of our cash .

The board must have agreed with Ally ,to bring them in mate . Regarding the security you mention , I'm no gonna start arguing with you mate because I can't see how that becomes relative ,to whether he goes with what his contract says or not . Yes I agree he's took the team as far as he can ,although not leaving without his dues .

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I've never been on the Kerryfail website, but I imagine it is mostly like some of the comments on this type of thread.

Ignorant, unconstructive, badly spelled abuse throwing, whilst ignoring the fact the obvious and obsessive point the poster is trying to make has probably been made many times before..

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I've never been on the Kerryfail website, but I imagine it is mostly like some of the comments on this type of thread.

Ignorant, unconstructive, badly spelled abuse throwing, whilst ignoring the fact the obvious and obsessive point the poster is trying to make has probably been made many times before..



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Watching Soccer AM there and the guy Max said Rangers have rejected Ally's resignation tender. Is this the latest as I just thought nobody knew what was going on?

Feel sorry for ye mate ,if ye feel like that , cause it'll get worse , a lot worse before lunch time

Soccer AM that is :pipe:

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We're rejecting his offer to leave now because we can't afford the payoff, apparently.

Right ok got ya, with it being his work notice as such, if we reject it then his rolling contract keeps rolling.. I'm sure things will come out this week..

I hope.

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How many on here would walk away from their job without their redundancy? Not one ! Ally has a contract which the club should honour regardless of how much he has made in the past. No one can deny that during his years as a player with Rangers, he punched well above his weight and delivered untold success with his goals for the club while turning down more lucrative offers to play for other clubs at the time. Yes he was handsomely paid as a player but he done his job to the best of his ability.

That was then, this is now. A contract between 2 parties means that their is mutual agreement between both. It's the honourable thing for the club to do and honour the agreement of severance to the manager they don't want. The club would have to pay twice as much if they sacked Ally. The very fact that Ally has offered to resign saves the club almost £400k. That's the compromise on Ally's part. The club should pay the man what he is entittled to. They will claw the money back when all the stay away anti McCoist fans return. The very same fans who accuse Ally of holding the club to ransom are doing the same with the 30000 empty seats. Those who say they would walk away with nothing is merely lip service. When the shit hits the fan and they were in the same postion as Ally and having received the abuse he has, would do exactly the same.

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