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Will Ally Do The Right Thing

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You're wrong, often the manager's budget is worked out with the manager's input as the board usually aren't as knowledgeable as a manager regarding how much it will take to attain his goals. Yes the board have to give him the green light, but I would suspect due to our weak boardroom McCoist is partly to blame for the ridiculous waste of money spent on our so called team.

McCoist also used the media to try and force the boards hand regarding spending on the team. I remember him a few times coming out in the press saying he needs more players and we didn't have enough quality. Most of us agreed at the time we did have enough quality, so I can't imagine McCoist is blameless regarding this at all. But no, he shouldn't shoulder most or all of the blame, that has to be left with the board.

Shouldn't the boardroom have said to McCoist that spending all that money on players wasn't sustainable? Surely they should know the financial situation of the club.

I'm pretty sure if the board told McCoist, spending that amount on wages is going to put a strain on the club financially then he would have accepted it.

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I don't think I've ever heard anyone say McCoist was the cause of all our problems and is single handedly responsible for setting us back years.

We all know the circumstances weren't and aren't great, the problem comes when a 10 year old could may well have done a better job than McCoist.

I've lost count the amount of times I've read it on here then.

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If I was in his position I would definitely have walked away, even PLG with his limited ties to our club did this.

If I was a millionaire I wouldn't even think about taking money out of the club when it was in such a perilous situation. But then again, I am a rangers man. :)

Apparently McCoist's net worth is around 10'000'000 dollars, so dont give me shite about putting bread on the table and paying bills. He could quite easily land a media job that would pay him very well indeed.

You strike me of someone that does not fully understand the situation.

The bottom line is that Ally is a professional who signed a contract entitling him to one years notice. That he is holding the club to the terms of that contract is entirely reasonable.

He's owed it, and as such the club is obliged to give it to him. Ranger's man or otherwise does not come into it. It's business, pure & simple.

Had the club been similarly hard nosed in the past with regard to employing Ranger's men of limited ability, and in doing thing the Ranger's way rather than the most cost effective & commercially advantageous way, perhaps we would not be in the middle of such a humongous clusterf*ck.

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Shouldn't the boardroom have said to McCoist that spending all that money on players wasn't sustainable? Surely they should know the financial situation of the club.

I'm pretty sure if the board told McCoist, spending that amount on wages is going to put a strain on the club financially then he would have accepted it.

But he's putting financial strain on the club by sitting on his arse in his house, he doesn't care. Honestly, that's all it comes down to.

He was my hero when I was a boy, I honestly couldn't see past him. I was over the moon when he became our manager and defended him even although it was starting to become clear he wasn't up to the job.

I can't defend the board, similarly I can't defend McCoist. We don't know what really went on behind closed doors, but from what I have been told he stopped caring about the club long ago. It's all about money.

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I've lost count the amount of times I've read it on here then.

Well it's definitely wrong, I can maybe understand frustration when we play poorly and the knifes are out. But I doubt anyone actually believes McCoist is the source of all our problems. He has been blamed wrongly for things, but similarly he's been defended wrongly for things.

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has been quoted sayin ally will terminate his contract should win the egm

This confirmed my suspicion that mcoist putting in his notice was another tactic to force the board out quicker.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing ,the majority of fans in 2012 felt ally deserved the chance to take us back to the top and I feel that most knew he wasnt the best option.

A task he would have easily done if it wasnt wasnt for a hearts team who where ahead of the game by cheating the whole admin process playin on in 2013 while insolvent,entering admin as soon as season finished,allowing a season in admin to rebuild

And they call us cheats

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Don't buy the whole "he's set us back years" argument.

Wasn't his fault we got relegated to the bottom tier and he still got us promoted twice in his full seasons here.

Setting a club back years would mean deteriorating significantly on the pitch. But we haven't done that since we were placed in the bottom tier. We have improved (admittedly not very much), but to say "he's set us back years" is a bit of an exaggeration.

Of course a different manager would have done a better job, but that's not the point.

It's this idea that McCoist is the cause of all of our problems and is single handedly responsible for "setting us back years" that I find extremely narrow minded. Especially when people don't take into consideration the circumstances.

You are arguing 2 different points.

I have been talking about setting us back years in a footballing sense as per the top quote.

How you've evolved that to the second quote I haven't got a clue.

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You are arguing 2 different points.

I have been talking about setting us back years in a footballing sense as per the top quote.

How you've evolved that to the second quote I haven't got a clue.

It's simple.

Another manager could've done better but he still hasn't set us back years. He still achieved the minimum.

With a new manager and board, it's a fixable situation. Especially when we can still get promoted via the playoffs and have alot of players out of contract at the end of the season.

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But he's putting financial strain on the club by sitting on his arse in his house, he doesn't care. Honestly, that's all it comes down to.

He was my hero when I was a boy, I honestly couldn't see past him. I was over the moon when he became our manager and defended him even although it was starting to become clear he wasn't up to the job.

I can't defend the board, similarly I can't defend McCoist. We don't know what really went on behind closed doors, but from what I have been told he stopped caring about the club long ago. It's all about money.

Well that gets us back onto the topic of the thread quite nicely.

Like I've said, I don't blame him for taking the money under the regime that was in charge and like I said earlier, I fully expect him to stop doing so when King and co get appointed. But time will tell.

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In my opinion i think McCoist will be back until the end of the season, if given the choice. If we were totally out of the running for promotion then i would think he would call it a day BUT because we still have the chance of at least a playoff place he will be back. Ally, again in my opinion, would rather be remembered as the manager who took the club back to the top division through the most unsettled time in the clubs history and not the most unsuccessful manager the clubs ever had.

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I think he will come to some sort of settlement but will keep quiet. Reason being he knows he made a James Hunt of the job and there will be many who will fire back at him if he does blame others for his incompetence.

If he doesn't come to a settlement then it says a lot more about him as a person than i ever could.

Nail on the fucking head.

PLG walked away when he wasn't cutting it.

The job that is, not the grass.

Maybe we should just stop paying him on the QT, given he's the sort of guy who doesn't even look at whats going into his account :pipe:

And didn't take a pay off or sit taking a salary till he found a new job, he showed integrity.

Ally McCoist isn't heading to the poor house if he doesn't take his salary but by the same token it's a 12 month rolling contract that works both ways, so just to play devils advocate here and give the man the benefit of the doubt, here's a scenario he could be playing out.

He goes to the board says "I want out because its clear its not working and I'll leave with no further payment", board says "great, sign this confidentiality clause and you're gone". Ally says "I can't do that, I think it's important the supporters know whats going on", they say "fair enough, you want to get out of your contract you pay us the £750,000 to buy yourself out". He can afford to leave with nothing but he doesn't want to feed the board £750,000 out his own pocket so he says "fuck you, I'll stay". Their reply "ok, gardening leave then, off you fuck" thinking that gives them a year to do what they can to lessen any pain of what they think he'll say. Ally's position then is to say nothing and hold out for King to gain power and at that point he approaches them and asks if they'll let him go for nothing with no clause, even offers to pay back wages since he went on leave. King says ok as he has nothing to lose, might even help him if it highlights how bad his predecessors were.

King wins, Ally shows everything he did he did for Rangers and maybe wins back a lot of respect from the support and the actions of the prior board get highlighted to the supporters.

Personally I don't believe that's what's playing out right now and that's why I'm having difficulty seperating Ally the playing legend and Ally the man right now and holding on to all the love/respect built up over the years. But at the end of the day it's possible. The next week or two will show us all the measure of the man.

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Who gave McCoist the green light to sign all these dross players on ridiculously high wages that we clearly couldn't afford?

People forget that a managers budget is given to him by the boardroom. It's just one of many examples of how Green's mismanagement raped us.

I'm not denying McCoist's incompetence as a manager but at the end of the day, the running of the football club in the past three years is what's "set us back years".

Aye.. but McCoist was the one that wanted and signed them. The board simply acted as it should have.. they supported him. McCoist was the "Football man".

Can't be the board's fault for McCoist signing shite players.

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Aye.. but McCoist was the one that wanted and signed them. The board simply acted as it should have.. they supported him. McCoist was the "Football man".

Can't be the board's fault for McCoist signing shite players.

No, but it's the boards fault that we wasted millions and have a ridiculously high wage bill.

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Give me £10m and I can start a new team in the 2nd division, and I would guarantee they would get promoted consecutive seasons.

That £10m includes all costs

I'd like to see that. Where are you playing about and are you selling season books. Who's the manager? is he a "name". Do your new fans want big name stars (for Scottish football). Who's selling the Jerseys? Can I get a decent pie on match days.

I'm in..... :thumbup:

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I think PLG even handed his suit and tie back, he definitely showed he had integrity.

I may be wrong.. be he didn't hand back his suit. We took it back (tu)

Anyway.. he did leave for nothing while being entitled to a pay off.

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No, but it's the boards fault that we wasted millions and have a ridiculously high wage bill.

McCoist would have, especially when Mather was CEO, had a massive input regarding the level of contracts offered to players (wages, bonuses etc) he identified and wanted signed.

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The bottom line is that Ally is a professional who signed a contract entitling him to one years notice. That he is holding the club to the terms of that contract is entirely reasonable.

He's owed it, and as such the club is obliged to give it to him. Ranger's man or otherwise does not come into it. It's business, pure & simple.

Had the club been similarly hard nosed in the past with regard to employing Ranger's men of limited ability, and in doing thing the Ranger's way rather than the most cost effective & commercially advantageous way, perhaps we would not be in the middle of such a humongous clusterf*ck.

The effect of this too can also become a humongous clusterf*ck if the circumstances are not managed correctly at the time. :rolleyes:


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I think PLG even handed his suit and tie back, he definitely showed he had integrity.

And how much money did he have to spend on transfers and wages? do you hold him in the same contempt? I think its well documented that out of all his signings Papac was the only one to gain a respectable level of success at Rangers ( and only after WS played him in a better position) . For all he walked away with nothing he certainly squandered plenty while in the job

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And how much money did he have to spend on transfers and wages? do you hold him in the same contempt? I think its well documented that out of all his signings Papac was the only one to gain a respectable level of success at Rangers ( and only after WS played him in a better position) . For all he walked away with nothing he certainly squandered plenty while in the job

I'm not going to debate with you the wasted money PLG vs McCoist. The fact is he walked away with nothing for whatever reason, allowing the club to move on, without removing any more money afterwards. I respect him for that, I find it disgusting the way McCoist is still removing money from our club as he sits about doing nothing.

Never a legend.

That's the point.

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PLG at least tried to implement a new footballing philosophy. The Dud just made the same errors every game for 3 years. hoofball, players out of position, lose promising youngster to competitors due to ally's pals always playing. Never a legend.

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