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Vanguard Bears Statement On Bigotry Within Snp!


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Believe, they are in the minority amongst us, just a very vocal minority as ever.

It would be for them to set up a new team/stadium, not us.

Ours is s protestant unionist heritage, no matter the revisionism of the appeasers and apologists.

They are bettered ignored, so don't waste oxygen on them.

They may be in the minority, but from my experience it's a significant minority. You can tell that even from on here and the discussion on the OT and the Debating Chamber.

And that's not to mention those people that aren't even Protestants. That's an even bigger minority, if it even is a minority any more.

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this is clearly because you don't have the metal capacity to realise that what football team you support doesn't have any effect on the way most people cast their vote - I notice that no one has picked up the point on Mhairi Black...

(also I'm not an SNP voter but seriously, calling out fans for voting a way that disagrees with some people in a football club support is so fucking stupid it's unbelievable - if anyone should "feck off and support another club" it's the guys that clearly don't support the club for football reasons)

Some rare sense in a crazy thread!

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This is hard to watch for us Brits who utterly despise the IRA and their friends. However, you may enjoy seeing your fellow Natz cheering on the IRA bands in George Sq at the weekend. Watch from 2.45 seconds and see what awaits us Unionists when your Natz friends gain control.

Boab I would go as far as to say you are an enemy of our club and the countless Scots murdered by your new found chums.

I can't take you seriously at all. Sorry.

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Words fucking fail me, they really do!!!

Ie you can't think of an actual response to relevant points so you'll just say you can't find words, how about calling me a taig or something, even better how about finding something to counter the points raised...

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Ie you can't think of an actual response to relevant points so you'll just say you can't find words, how about calling me a taig or something, even better how about finding something to counter the points raised...

No point as you obviously don't get it. Hence my post.

I have said plenty enough on my position with respect to the politics of the yellow peril, so pray challenge ithem and I might get your point.

As for your taig part, plenty do, I don't, so I will treat that with the contempt it deserves as you may treat my views. That's your right and I won't get offended over it.

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No point as you obviously don't get it. Hence my post.

I have said plenty enough on my position with respect to the politics of the yellow peril, so pray challenge ithem and I might get your point.

As for your taig part, plenty do, I don't, so I will treat that with the contempt it deserves as you may treat my views. That's your right and I won't get offended over it.

What exactly don't I get? What is your point? Do you think telling people how to vote or that a vote for a certain party means you can't support a certain team is acceptable? - its total bollocks!

I'm not an SNP voter but at the same time I don't see its relevant to supporting rangers which way I do vote, if you can't separate politics from football I really despair, the world is much bigger than football, religion or politics and to relate each is to belittle them

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The blatant religious bias of Labour in places like Glasgow and Monklands plus the anti British SNP makes it a total puzzle to me that Protestants in Scotland don't rush out to vote for the Tories.

Sure, the Tories DID shut a lot of heavy industry in the 80s but it was the Catholic orientated trade unions that ran them into the ground in the first place.

The Tories are about the only major party that still adheres to the old British ideals and they're pro British, tend to have Protestant leanings (without bias in this regard) and yeah, they're business orientated but they're the party for people with ambition. The Labour party are obsessed with spending money that they don't have and are littered with bigoted Catholics. Look at the Glasgow council situation where a city that is two thirds Protestant has had a Catholic Provost since the early 70s without a single Protestant being in that position.

If there had been one or two, then fair enough but surely 66% is a majority and it wouldn't have been ridiculous for EVERY Provost in that period to have belonged to the majority, after all that IS what democracy is about.

As a Protestant, I would never vote Labour and while I have voted SNP in local elections just in spite to Labour, I'd never give them any support in the future. They're anti-Tory, anti-British and they're just traitors to their own country. This is Britain and it always will be. Scotland hasn't been a real country since 1707. Labour is too busy giving scroungers the money of decent working people (those that they claim to help!) and give it to all manner of third rate filth. Let the people do things for themselves and lower taxes and stop people needing to be reliant on the state.

It totally baffles me that a Protestant city like Glasgow can be pro Labour OR SNP. Working class areas in England often support the Tories and this is because they look at things differently. The Conservatives stand up for British rights, they're trying to cut immigration in a fair way, they're gradually heading for the EU exit and they're getting the economic realities right, unlike Labour. Some people squeal about the Conservatives being all about big business and lowering taxes. Wouldn't you like to be paying less tax? Plus supporting businesses keep people in work, so they don't need to scrounge from the state and the Tories also are big on supporting new business and this is something ordinary people can get involved in. I've run my own business in the past and am going back into business for myself and people get more chances to do this under the Tories than under Labour where the state is bloated and individualism is curtailed.

If it was up to Labour, everyone would live in a stinky little council house, work in some shitty job from the day they left school to when they died of a horrid industrial disease at 50 while never deviating from the script of living a working class life.

The Tories let people buy council houses, encouraged people to start up businesses and those that got better jobs got to keep their money instead of giving it to worthless socialists that wanted to squander it on drunks, drug addicts, immigrants and people wanting to rip off the benefits system with fake illnesses.

As a working class person, I want to keep my own money and not share it with others, I want a government which encourages business and stops wasting it on the dregs of society, while giving working class people a chance to do well for themselves and give them a chance to leave behind social housing and move on with their lives.

That is why I'm a Tory. I was born working class. I was born in Greenock, living in a flat in a poorer part of town but we moved up in life. We stay in Erskine and have a far better life than we would have if we had stuck to the 'path' that socialists would have kept us on. I certainly don't believe in class loyalty though. Let people be what they want to be. I want to get my lunch in Marks & Spencer, I want to buy Lacoste sweaters and drive my Mercedes Benz. I watch BBC Four but I also love Scotch Pies, pro wrestling, football (DUH!) and I don't have airs and graces, unless required.

Labour want to bolt everyone into their working class lives, while the Tories AREN'T just the party for the ruling classes, they're also the party for those that want to be free and go beyond what they were given.

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No leadership no voice. As we have said elsewhere. Religion in general is no longer the force it was in Scottish society. Hence why the Protestant community is now virtually ostracised and demonised in Scotland.

Unionism however is still very much alive but has no focus. Yes the Labour, Liberal and Tory parties all want to remain in the Union but the Unionist vote gets split as a result.

In the short term only tactical voting will keep the SNP out. And talking of which i don't care how much criticism this gets. You vote SNP you are no Rangers fan in my eyes.

Voting for them means you are worthless and happy to be treated like shit by Republicans. Happy to be called a h**. Happy seeing Republican Flute bands walk past the Cenotaph with crowds cheering them on. Happy to see Republicans and Nationalists destroy everything associated with Protestants, Rangers and the Union.

Agreed. I have just completed my postal vote and have done just that. I've voted Labour for the first time in my life; not because I agree with their policies or socialism in general but they are the only party who can keep the SNP from winning in my constituency.

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Cut out the personal abuse, the pair of you. If you can only win an argument through insults and name calling, then you can't win an article.

I didn't know I was competing for an article ?

Is that first prize?

I assume you mean debate?

I wasn't in a debate, I merely responded to some blatant trolling and antagonising posts from Boab.

If you have chosen to ignore that and pick up on my response then you can fuck off.

is that clear enough for you?

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Another SNP CLown at it!!

SNP leader Inverclyde council, this is the brains running our country!!

@ChrisMcElenySNP: Morton are now the 2nd most successful team in scottish league football with only celtic having won more league titles than us.

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Remember the old saying never talk religion or politics?

This hijacked thread is exactly the reason why.

I couldn't care less how an individual votes, however I despise those that try to shove their own bitter, biased and prejudiced viewpoint down other folks throats.

I personally have no affiliation to any party and have voted for several during my lifetime.

I will vote for who I want to vote for and happily accept the repercussions of my decision.

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Another SNP CLown at it!!

SNP leader Inverclyde council, this is the brains running our country!!

@ChrisMcElenySNP: Morton are now the 2nd most successful team in scottish league football with only celtic having won more league titles than us.

Inverclyde is boglands. I should know, I was born and raised there. Don't get me wrong, there are some diehard Rangers fans and loyalists down there but unfortunately it is overrun by bigoted idiots of the other kind. I actually left Inverclyde because of religious bigotry and I HATE the place.

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It is not about shortbread, Oor Wullie and Ally's tartan army anymore..

The SNP got infiltrated in the early '80's by Irish supporting Republicans even Mad-Phil canvassed for them before his departure to Upper Gortahork, Co. Donegal.

They had a pet name for their wee mob back in the early days it was... Provo-SNP...... Phil is still very proud of this.

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Yes that would probably be the sensible way to go.

But the political party you are pledging youre vote to, decided otherwise, and spent millions of tax payers money pushing through legislation which was widely criticised, or to use Sheriff Richard Davidson's most potent of legal terms..."mince"


Rumour reaches me that Mullholland has sent an instruction to PF's & the Police that he will not be entertaining charges for use of the word "h**" - despite the fact that many have already been successfully convicted in Scottish courts for using that term, and the fact the sectarian charities maintain the terms usage is sectarian.

Now Andy pause for a moment and ask yourself what will the result of this be ?

When it comes to statistical analysis in the future with regard to sectarian offending it will present a very imbalanced and unrealistic overview of crime trends which suggests Catholics are far more likely to suffer sectarian abuse than Protestants.

Job done.

Excellant post and frightening thought if true .God help this Country
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It is not about shortbread, Oor Wullie and Ally's tartan army anymore..

The SNP got infiltrated in the early '80's by Irish supporting Republicans even Mad-Phil canvassed for them before his departure to Upper Gortahork, Co. Donegal.

They had a pet name for their wee mob back in the early days it was... Provo-SNP...... Phil is still very proud of this.


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Just round the fuckin lot of them up and lock them up for crimes against the state, because that is what they are really all about!

Where the fuck is MI5 when you need them?

Mr Cameron, if you care just one bit about Scotland and want to redeem your party here, get them onto it, get the evidence, it shouldn't be too hard with these thicko bastards.

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I knew a piece of crap that stayed in Port Glasgow that wore a Septic strip with 'up the RA' on the back of it and it had the cheek to join the British Army but it lasted three weeks before being chucked out on it's arse.

I'd have given it a uniform for the so-called army it supported. Then give me a British uniform, a Heckler & Koch MP5, a Glock L131A1 and let me show him how tough it's 'army' is against someone who is a REAL patriot. I also pointed out to it that I was more Irish than it was in background but I loved the country I was born and brought up in.

I'm not a bitter person religiously. I've had loads of Catholic friends in college and some in work and most of them I have little problem with but you get scum traitors that are like leeches to Britain when they want benefits or a job but they want to stab us in the back, then I'd happily send them on their way out of the country but they don't have the guts to fight Britain straight out. They'd last five minutes anyway and that is with our guys taking a tea break in the middle.

There was a c**t in Greenock once that raised IRA money at a shipyard and my Dad reported him and he was banned from doing so and the company were trying to catch him again to get rid of him but didn't find him doing it on site again. He got a doing from loyalists though and was in hospital for months. Another one wore a T-shirt in favour of Jobby Sands, the only prisoner that was able to pass through the bars at the Maze. My Dad saw him and somehow, that idiot 'tripped and fell by accident' afterwards.

The nationalists in Scotland are getting every bit as bad as as the plastic paddies and dream of an idiotic notion of Scotland with William Wallace, shortbread, Oor Wullie, haggis and a radio station with only Runrig on it. The fact the country has done better in the past 308 years means nothing to these people. Sure Scotland sometimes gets a bit of a raw deal sometimes but then virtually everywhere outside London does seem to at times and that is why the people in the country should be more together rather than trying to split the UK into states or independent countries.

The Scottish Parliament was about the worst thing ever created. I wasn't against some sort of regional body to deal with funding and projects but this monstrosity is a waste of money and takes authority from the national Parliament in London.

I'll be honest and say that after the independence referendum went against independence I thought the SNP would go into near collapse yet people seem to be flooding to support them despite them losing convincingly to the pro-union camp and I thought they were commiting political suicide as many people voted for them as an anti Labour vote in the past (even I did despite being a die hard Tory as they weren't actually that bad at local level in terms of doing more for the local community than Labour ever did) but they're going out their way to be undemocratic by trying to make out that politics are basically pro-Tory or anti-Tory but on the same note, surely that means if more people vote Tory, Labour or Lib Dem, then they're anti-Nat then, aren't they and they should just bog off in that case!

I would have thought the SNP would have been happy just to get votes over Labour rather than rant and rave against the Tories. When the Scottish election come round again, maybe even some Tories will be so sick of them, they'll consider voting Labour... I won't but others might see them as the lesser of two evils. I don't. I hate both...

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