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Bilel Mohsni - 7 Match Ban

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Mohsni has got to go after this incident, heard about a year and a half ago he verbally abused a female in a Bearsden (no pun intended) petrol station, it must be a Muslim thing.

Ignorant tit

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Are you kidding?

That's neither dignified nor acceptable conduct.

Please bear in mind that we're not talking about a legend here, we're talking about a shite player who has been stealing his wages for the last year.

This is just embarrassing to have to deal with.

Im deadly serious, sir!

Only regret I have is that Mohsni didnt hit the cunt harder

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Erwin trying to act the hard man as Mohsni walks away from him.

He wouldn't have expected a face full of knuckles in response we can be sure of that much.

I wonder what assumptions he made about a potentially easy target. Either way he learned the hard way, the big man has caught him a peach.

Looked the big guy could have taken him, his team and most of the main stand.

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If you give me grief at work, when I am representing my employer, youll get a response which is very different to one outside work, when Im representing myself. Its professionalism and most know we have to abide by those standards. Even though on a human level on a day like today we can all make allowances to a certain extent.

Its sport ffs .Same thing has happened for hundreds of years
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See watching that back it makes you realise that we don't have a team.

Just a bunch of self serving wanks.

If we were a team with a team ethic/spirit they'd all have flew in there to help.

No wonder we've failed to gain promotion. Bunch of shitebags.

Like Manchester I will never watch that match back again.

Seeing it live was bad enough.

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Reading the Metro today and Erwin saying he's a Rangers fan the wee dick

Mohsni shouldn't have punched him but Erwin deserved it. What did he expect after pushing him from behind.

I'm glad Mohsni is out of contract thouh

Fracas aside, I'd take Erwin at Rangers, looks a decent player

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Like Manchester I will never watch that match back again.

Seeing it live was bad enough.

At least with Manchester although gutted , you were still full of pride about the team and what they went through that season and they just ultimately fell short in the end. And that was a strong source of comfort. Yesterday was just the emberassing end to an emberassing season all round , every week we told ourselves it can not get any worse yet it was as if these players went out their way to prove us all wrong . I am just glad to see the back of this season now

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1. The motherwell player shouldn't have pushed him. If he didn't want to shake your hand get over it.

2. Mohsni is an idiot. If he didn't want to shake hands then that's up to him but absolutely no need to start kicking/punching someone cause they pushed you.

Thank fuck we'll never see Mohsni in a Rangers jersey again. Never liked him. Just too hot headed and prone to making mistakes. Best of luck to him where ever he goes but just never a Rangers player.

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Moshni's technique was absolutely pish.

He was so off balance from throwing the left that the it was impossible to complete the Left-right combination.

Thought that myself but on watching it again it's actually a cunning ploy to get the rest of the Motherwell team into range so he could take them all out.

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The only reason that this is even an issue is because he caught the boy a cracker!

If he'd had a swing and missed it would have been brushed aside as handbags.

He should have just shaken the guys hand, but once he didn't the boy was stupid to push him, what was he expecting?!

I know he's (supposedly) a pro footballer but it's more an instant reaction rather than anything, seems they are trying to blame him for the pitch invasion and all sorts of shit!

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Mohsni can get to fuck. Fuck Erwin; Mohsni is 100% at fault here.

Not only is he, technically, the worst footballer ever to wear a Rangers jersey, but mentally, he isn't fit to cope with the expectation, demand and pressure of playing for this club.

What the fuck did we expect, though, with a free transfer from fucking Southend?

I'm not even entertaining Erwin's shove because up-and-down the country, players are antagonised, whether it's physically or verbally, from off-the-ball nips to references to cancer. Professional footballers are expected to bite their lip and rise above it.

Who does he think he is, kicking and punching someone when he's representing our club? He's a fucking anti-social ned and it isn't the first time that he's embarrassed this fine football club. Bill Struth will be turning in his grave.

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