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Gascoigne Movie


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Just watched the Paul Gascoigne movie & he tells of the death threats he got after the "infamous" playing of the flute. He got a letter from an leading republican terrorist, with his name, address, & 2 mobile numbers saying he was going to kill him. He showed it to Walter Smith who brought the police in. The police flew over to Ulster to speak to the guy, then they go back to tell Gazza, in the polices own words, "yes, you're right, he is going to kill you". They tell Gazza, there's nothing they can do unless he flies over here & they hand Gazza a mirror to check under his car for bombs, then they fuck off.

Wee bit of a difference with what they did when a certain Mr lego teeth goes to them. To be honest, I don't even remember anything as specific as this getting reported in any papers at the time. Mind you, they did bugger all for Novo when he got the threats either.

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I just watched this! It is a seriously good watch. watching his best friend die at the age of 13, as he raced him running home- and for his best friend to get run over- is hard to take. Don't expect much from his time with us because it lasts approx. 1-2 mins. More English orientated, but I had expected that.

It has been the best thing I have seen in a long time, just disappointed more time wasn't spent on his time with us.

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It was.

Thought it was a good watch, would have been better if there was more about his time with us though.

Thought that

To be honest I was not expecting us to get a lot of airtime , we never really do with gazza , not through any fault of his own , it is just the three main topics the media/iinterviewers or documentary makers like to focus on with gazza are Italia 90 , his breakthrough and getting some stories about his off field stories and battles, so that tends to be the main topics the majority of his interviews are centred around , No doubt if you asked him about rangers he would happily discuss us for Hours on end , they also went over his newcastle career a lot quicker than I though they would considering it was his breakthrough at that club.

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Just watched it nothing really new but still a joy to watch. The guy was unbelievable and he was ours. Just as a sidenote for people complaining we don't feature much we feature pretty heavily in his list of honours at the end.

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We (Rangers) never get much of a mention these days when it comes to Gazza; The media all focus on England moments.

Pleasantly surprised at the Airtime we actually got in this, and the way he speaks about us, he loved it here. Also surprised to learn of his run in with the IRA! Did not actually know that!

That list of honours at the end too ;)

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Decent film, could have been better imo, wish there was more footage in it.

You can tell Gazza is haunted by some of the things in his past, but hes looking better in the film than he has looked in a while so hope hes doing good.

The way he speaks about Rangers you can tell he absolutely loved playing with us, I wish we played a bigger part in the film because the played basically the same amount of games for us as he did for Newcastle and Spurs (i think it was 103 for us, 112 Spurs and 105 NUFC?)

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